11 research outputs found
Figure 3
control and mutant acridine orange staining (AO) raw image files. They are in .nd2 format- Fig 3(a-b) AO puncta numbers in control and mutant brains are plotted in graph and statistical analysis performed- Fig 3c control and mutant Dcp-1 0-day old and 2-day-old raw image files. They are in .nd2 format- Fig 3(d-o) Dcp-1 puncta numbers in 0day and 2day old control and mutant brains plotted in graph and stat analysisperformed- Fig 3(p-r) All the imageJ calculations are also attached
Figure 4
Control ELAV+Dcp-1 raw image files. They are in .nd2 format- Fig 4(a-d) Mutant ELAV+Dcp-1 raw image files. They are in .nd2 format- Fig 4(e-h) Colocalization data of Dcp-1 with ELAV in control and mutant brains are plotted in graph and stat analysis performed- Fig 4i All the imageJ calculations are also attached
Figure 5
control CG network+Dcp-1 raw image files. They are in .nd2 format- Fig 5(a-d) mutant CG network+Dcp-1 raw image files. They are in .nd2 format- Fig 5(e-h) pie charts were made in the .doc file by taking the average percentage of DAPI stained cells- Fig 5(i-j) Number of DAPI stained cells in control and mutant brains plotted in graph and stat analysis included in prism file.- Fig 5k Object based analysis of control and mutant brains plotted in graph and stat analysis included in prism file.- Fig 5l All the imageJ calculations are also attached
Figure 2
Control and mutant cortex glial cells (CGs) raw image files are attached. They are in .nd2 format- Fig 2(a-d) CG glial cell volumes of control and mutant brains are plotted in graph and statistical analysis is included in prism file.- Fig 2e Comparison of the number of morphologically different CGs in control and mutant brains is plotted and statistical analysis is performed (prism file)- Fig 2f The imageJ calculations are also attached
Supplementary Figure S4
Control and mutant tract ensheathing glial cells (TEGs) raw image files are attached. They are in .nd2 format- Fig S4(a-b) Area of TEGs of control and mutant brains are plotted in graph and statistical analysis is included in prism file.- Fig S4c The imageJ calculation of volumes are also attached
Supplementary Figure S6
Control REPO+Dcp-1 raw image files. They are in .nd2 format- Fig S6(a-d) Mutant REPO+Dcp-1 raw image files. They are in .nd2 format- Fig S6(e-h) Colocalization data of Dcp-1 with REPO in control and mutant brains are plotted in graph and stat analysis performed- Fig S6i All the imageJ calculations are also attached
Supplementary Figure S5
Control and mutant neuropil ensheathing glial cells (NEGs) raw image files are attached. They are in .nd2 format- Fig S5(a-b) Area of NEGs of control and mutant brains are plotted in graph and statistical analysis is included in prism file.- Fig S5c The imageJ calculation of volumes are also attached
Supplementary Figure S7
Object based analysis of control and mutant brains plotted in graph and stat analysis included in prism file.- Fig S7 All the imageJ calculations are also attached
Supplementary Figure S2
Control and mutant perineurial glial cells (PNGs) raw image files are attached. They are in .nd2 format- Fig S2(a-b) Area of PNGs of control and mutant brains are plotted in graph and statistical analysis is included in prism file.- Fig S2c The imageJ calculation of volumes are also attached
Supplementary Figure S3
Control and mutant subperineurial glial cells (SPGs) raw image files are attached. They are in .nd2 format- Fig S3(a-b) Area of SPGs of control and mutant brains are plotted in graph and statistical analysis is included in prism file.- Fig S3c The imageJ calculation of volumes are also attached