439 research outputs found

    The effects of collective bargaining on firm performance : new evidence based on stochastic production frontiers and multiply imputed German establishment data

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    "This paper makes three contributions to the literature on the effects of collective bargaining on the performance of German establishments. We include the analysis of firms' efficiency and we model productivity and efficiency simultaneously. Confronted with 25 % observations with missing values, we check the missing data mechanisms and find effects of firm size and collective bargaining on it, among others. After proper multiple imputation of the missing values - thus avoiding obvious nonresponse bias -, the results on the collective bargaining effects on productivity and efficiency change significantly. Finally, we suggest to multiply impute implausible zero values in the capital proxy as well." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))Tarifverhandlungen, Lohnpolitik, ProduktivitÀtseffekte, Unternehmenserfolg, IAB-Betriebspanel, SchÀtzung, Fehler, Datenaufbereitung, angewandte Statistik

    Stochastic production frontiers with multiply imputed German establishment data

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    "In this paper, stochastic production frontier models are estimated with IAB establishment data from waves 2002 and 2003 to analyze productivity and inefficiency. The data suffer from nonresponse in the most important variables (output, capital and labor) leading to the loss of 25 % of the observations and possibly imprecise estimates and invalid test statistics. Therefore the missing values are multiply imputed. The analysis of the estimation results shows that, particularly in the inefficiency submodel, working with multiply imputed data reveals some interesting and plausible results which are not available when missing observations are ignored." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))IAB-Betriebspanel, SchÀtzung, Fehler, Datenaufbereitung, angewandte Statistik

    Where have all the data gone? Stochastic production frontiers with multiply imputed German establishment data

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    "In this paper, stochastic production frontier models are estimated with IAB establishment data from waves 2002 and 2003 to find important determinants of productivity and ineffciency. The data suffer from nonresponse in the most important variables (output, capital and labor) leading to the loss of 25 % of the observations and possibly imprecise estimates and invalid test statistics. Therefore, the missing values are multiply imputed. Analyzes of the estimation results show that, particularly in the ineffciency submodel, working with multiply imputed data reveals some interesting and plausible results which are not available when ignoring missing observations." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))IAB-Betriebspanel, SchÀtzung, Fehler, Datenaufbereitung, angewandte Statistik, Imputationsverfahren

    Measuring overeducation with earnings frontiers and multiply imputed censored income data

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    "In this paper, we remove one serious drawback of the IAB employment sample impeding its applicability to the estimation of earnings frontiers: the censoring of the income data, by multiple imputation. Then, we estimate individual potential income with stochastic earnings frontiers, and we measure overeducation as the ratio between actual income and potential income. It is shown that the measurement of overeducation by this income ratio is a valuable addition to the overeducation literature because the well-established objective or subjective overeducation measures focus on some ordinal matching aspects and ignore the metric income and efficiency aspects of overeducation." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))Überqualifikation - Messung, Einkommen, Einkommenshöhe, IAB-BeschĂ€ftigtenstichprobe, Stichprobenfehler, Datenaufbereitung, Datenanalyse, SchĂ€tzung, Imputationsverfahren

    Steps Toward a Natural System of the Dicotyledons

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    Nucleic acids and proteins provide useful characters for the elucidation of evolutionary relationships. Those protein molecules, e.g., legumins, which are subject to less influence of selection processes, have proven to be most valuable as diagnostic characters in phylogenetic studies. Three systematic investigations conducted using comparative serological legumin analyses are discussed as contributions aiding botanists\u27 understanding of a natural system of classification

    The effects of collective bargaining on firm performance: new evidence based on stochastic production frontiers and multiply imputed German establishment data

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    "This paper makes three contributions to the literature on the effects of collective bargaining on the performance of German establishments. We include the analysis of firms' efficiency and we model productivity and efficiency simultaneously. Confronted with 25% observations with missing values, we check the missing data mechanisms and find effects of firm size and collective bargaining on it, among others. After proper multiple imputation of the missing values - thus avoiding obvious nonresponse bias -, the results on the collective bargaining effects on productivity and efficiency change significantly. Finally, we suggest to multiply impute implausible zero values in the capital proxy as well." (author's abstract)Die Studie leistet einen Beitrag zur Diskussion um die Auswirkungen von TarifvertrĂ€gen auf die LeistungsfĂ€higkeit deutscher Unternehmen. Bei der Untersuchung wird eine Analyse der Betriebseffizienz mit einem simultanen Modell von ProduktivitĂ€t und Effizienz kombiniert. Da bei einem Viertel der Beobachtungen mit fehlenden Werten gerechnet werden muss, wird der Mechanismus der fehlenden Werte ĂŒberprĂŒft und es zeigt sich, dass dieser unter anderem von der UnternehmensgrĂ¶ĂŸe und TarifvertrĂ€gen beeinflusst wird. Nach einer multiplen Imputation der fehlenden Werte, die es ermöglicht, Verzerrungen aufgrund von AntwortausfĂ€llen zu vermeiden, ergibt sich ein komplett anderes Bild der Auswirkungen von TarifvertrĂ€gen auf die ProduktivitĂ€t und Effizienz der Unternehmen. Außerdem wird bei Nullwerten in Hinblick auf Ersatzinvestitionen vorgeschlagen, diese ebenso mittels multipler Imputation zu ergĂ€nzen. (IAB

    Where have all the data gone? Stochastic production frontiers with multiply imputed German establishment data

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    "In this paper, stochastic production frontier models are estimated with IAB establishment data from waves 2002 and 2003 to find important determinants of productivity and inefficiency. The data suffer from nonresponse in the most important variables (output, capital and labor) leading to the loss of 25% of the observations and possibly imprecise estimates and invalid test statistics. Therefore, the missing values are multiply imputed. Analyzes of the estimation results show that, particularly in the inefficiency submodel, working with multiply imputed data reveals some interesting and plausible results which are not available when ignoring missing observations." (author's abstract

    A Monte Carlo Study on Multiple Output Stochastic Frontiers: Comparison of Two Approaches

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    Bridging the Gap Between Academics and Advising: Incorporating Student Development into a Large Upper Division Lecture Course

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    The role of professional advisors across colleges and universities has gained recognition and is seen as “integral to fulfilling the teaching and learning mission of higher education” (NACADA, 2006). Yet, there remains an ambiguity about our profession and our skill sets. Faculty actively seek advisor assistance in dealing with at-risk students or student issues, but many would be hard pressed to describe the advisor role in recruitment, retention, and student development. College and university administrators wrestle with the larger issues of institutional visions and missions, but have yet to fully visualize the advisor skill sets as a partner in achieving the institutional higher purpose (Faust, 2009)
