508 research outputs found
Pea-barley intercrop N dynamics in farmers fields
Knowledge about crop performances in farmers’ fields provides a link between on-farm practice and re-search. Thereby scientists may improve their ability to understand and suggest solutions for the problems facing those who have the responsibility of making sound agricultural decisions.
Nitrogen (N) availability is known to be highly heterogeneous in terrestrial plant communities (Stevenson and van Kessel, 1997), a heterogeneity that in natural systems is often associated with variation in the distri-bution of plant species. In intercropping systems the relative proportion of component crops is influenced by the distribution of growth factors such as N in both time and space (Jensen, 1996). In pea-barley intercrops, an increase in the N supply promotes the growth of barley thereby decreasing the N accumulation of pea and giving rise to changes in the relative proportions of the intercropped components (Jensen, 1996). The pres-sure of weeds may, however, significantly change the dynamics in intercrops (Hauggaard-Nielsen et al., 2001). Data from farmers’ fields may provide direct, spatially explicit information for evaluating the poten-tials of improving the utilisation of field variability by intercrops
Seniorers arbejdsliv på kanten – mellem at blive eller gå?
I snart 30 år har seniorernes tilknytning til arbejdsmarkedet spillet en central rolle i den politiske debat. Den politiske ambition har været at få fl ere seniorer til at trække sig senere tilbage fra arbejdsmarkedet og er blevet omsat i en serie af reformer; bl.a. i form førtidspensionsreformer (2003 og 2013) og efterløns- og pensionsreformer (1999, 2006 og 2011). En effekt af reformerne er, at det er blevet meget vanskeligt at få tilkendt førtidspension; at efterlønnen stort set er udfaset, og at pensionsalderen forventes at stige markant for at nå 72 år i 2050 (Finansministeriet, 2018). De gennemførte reformer bygger på simple – men politisk slagkraftige – ideer om, at mennesker i deres færden styres af økonomiske incitamenter, dvs. forestillingen er, at generøse tilbagetrækningsordninger lokker eller trækker seniorerne ud af arbejdsmarkedet før tid (’pull’). Spørgsmålet er imidlertid, om idégrundlaget for reformerne og den forventede senere tilbagetrækning er virkelighedsnær? Ifølge EU’s 2018-Ageing Report, der har sine tal fra Finansministeriet, forventes den gennemsnitlige tilbagetrækningsalder i 2050 ikke at være 72 år, men kun 67,5 år for mænd og 66,8 år for kvinder (European Commission, 2018). Der er med andre ord meget, der tyder på, at forestillingen om, at vi i 2050 er i stand til at arbejde, indtil vi når 72 år, bærer præg af ønsketænkning
Concurrent host-pathogen gene expression in the lungs of pigs challenged with Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae
BACKGROUND: Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae causes pleuropneumonia in pigs, a disease which is associated with high morbidity and mortality, as well as impaired animal welfare. To obtain in-depth understanding of this infection, the interplay between virulence factors of the pathogen and defense mechanisms of the porcine host needs to be elucidated. However, research has traditionally focused on either bacteriology or immunology; an unbiased picture of the transcriptional responses can be obtained by investigating both organisms in the same biological sample. RESULTS: Host and pathogen responses in pigs experimentally infected with A. pleuropneumoniae were analyzed by high-throughput RT-qPCR. This approach allowed concurrent analysis of selected genes encoding proteins known or hypothesized to be important in the acute phase of this infection. The expression of 17 bacterial and 31 porcine genes was quantified in lung samples obtained within the first 48 hours of infection. This provided novel insight into the early time course of bacterial genes involved in synthesis of pathogen-associated molecular patterns (lipopolysaccharide, peptidoglycan, lipoprotein) and genes involved in pattern recognition (TLR4, CD14, MD2, LBP, MYD88) in response to A. pleuropneumoniae. Significant up-regulation of proinflammatory cytokines such as IL1B, IL6, and IL8 was observed, correlating with protein levels, infection status and histopathological findings. Host genes encoding proteins involved in iron metabolism, as well as bacterial genes encoding exotoxins, proteins involved in adhesion, and iron acquisition were found to be differentially expressed according to disease progression. By applying laser capture microdissection, porcine expression of selected genes could be confirmed in the immediate surroundings of the invading pathogen. CONCLUSIONS: Microbial pathogenesis is the product of interactions between host and pathogen. Our results demonstrate the applicability of high-throughput RT-qPCR for the elucidation of dual-organism gene expression analysis during infection. We showed differential expression of 12 bacterial and 24 porcine genes during infection and significant correlation of porcine and bacterial gene expression. This is the first study investigating the concurrent transcriptional response of both bacteria and host at the site of infection during porcine respiratory infection. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12864-015-1557-6) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users
The impact of schizophrenia and intelligence on the relationship between age and brain volume
Age has been shown to have an impact on both grey (GM) and white matter (WM) volume, with a steeper slope of age-related decline in schizophrenia compared to healthy controls. In schizophrenia, the relation between age and brain volume is further complicated by factors such as lower intelligence, antipsychotic medication, and cannabis use, all of which have been shown to have independent effects on brain volume. In a study of first-episode, antipsychotic-naïve schizophrenia patients (N = 54) and healthy controls (N = 56), we examined the effects of age on whole brain measures of GM and WM volume, and whether these relationships were moderated by schizophrenia and intelligence (IQ). Secondarily, we examined lifetime cannabis use as a moderator of the relationship between age and brain volume. Schizophrenia patients had lower GM volumes than healthy controls but did not differ on WM volume. We found an age effect on GM indicating that increasing age was associated with lower GM volumes, which did not differ between groups. IQ did not have a direct effect on GM, but showed a trend-level interaction with age, suggesting a greater impact of age with lower IQ. There were no age effects on WM volume, but a direct effect of IQ, with higher IQ showing an association with larger WM volume. Lifetime cannabis use did not alter these findings significantly. This study points to effects of schizophrenia on GM early in the illness, before antipsychotic treatment is initiated, suggesting that WM changes may occur later in the disease process
Sustainable bioethanol production combining biorefinery principles using combined raw materials from wheat undersown with clover-grass
To obtain the best possible net energy balance of the bioethanol production the biomass raw materials used need to be produced with limited use of non-renewable fossil fuels. Intercropping strategies are known to maximize growth and productivity by including more than one species in the crop stand, very often with legumes as one of the components. In the present study clover-grass is undersown in a traditional wheat crop. Thereby, it is possible to increase input of symbiotic fixation of atmospheric nitrogen into the cropping systems and reduce the need for fertilizer applications. Furthermore, when using such wheat and clover-grass mixtures as raw material, addition of urea and other fermentation nutrients produced from fossil fuels can be reduced in the whole ethanol manufacturing chain. Using second generation ethanol technology mixtures of relative proportions of wheat straw and clover-grass (15:85, 50:50, and 85:15) were pretreated by wet oxidation. The results showed that supplementing wheat straw with clover-grass had a positive effect on the ethanol yield in simultaneous saccharification and fermentation experiments, and the effect was more pronounced in inhibitory substrates. The highest ethanol yield (80% of theoretical) was obtained in the experiment with high fraction (85%) of clover-grass. In order to improve the sugar recovery of clover-grass, it should be separated into a green juice (containing free sugars, fructan, amino acids, vitamins and soluble minerals) for direct fermentation and a fibre pulp for pretreatment together with wheat straw. Based on the obtained results a decentralized biorefinery concept for production of biofuel is suggested emphasizing sustainability, localness, and recycling principle
Disparities in oral anticoagulation initiation in patients with schizophrenia and atrial fibrillation:A nationwide cohort study
AIMS: Schizophrenia is associated with poor anticoagulation control and clinical prognosis in patients with atrial fibrillation (AF). Little is known about initiation of oral anticoagulation therapy (OAC) in this patient population. METHODS: In the nationwide Danish health registries, we identified all patients with incident AF and schizophrenia with indication for OAC treatment. Patients with schizophrenia (n = 673) were matched 1:5 on sex, age, stroke risk score, and calendar‐period to incident AF patients without schizophrenia. We calculated absolute risk and risk difference (RD) of OAC initiation, adjusting for stroke and bleeding risk factors. Analyses were stratified by calendar period (2000–2011 and 2012–2018) to account for changes after the introduction of non‐vitamin K OACs (NOAC). RESULTS: Among patients with schizophrenia (mean age 69.5 years, 50.3% females), 33.7% initiated OAC within the first year after AF diagnosis, compared with 54.4% of patients without schizophrenia, corresponding to an adjusted RD of −20.7 (95% confidence interval [CI]: −24.7 to −16.7). OAC initiation increased over time regardless of schizophrenia status. During 2000–2011, 18.3% of patients with schizophrenia and 42.9% without schizophrenia initiated OAC (adjusted RD −23.6%, 95% CI −28.8 to −18.6). During 2012–2018, this was 48.5% and 65.7%, respectively (adjusted RD −14.4%, 95% CI −20.4 to −8.4). CONCLUSION: Initiation of OAC was substantially lower among patients with AF and schizophrenia compared with matched AF peers. These findings accentuate the importance of close attention to disparities in initiation of OAC treatment, and potential missed opportunities for prevention of disabling strokes in AF patients with schizophrenia
Inflammatory responses to induced infectious endometritis in mares resistant or susceptible to persistent endometritis
BACKGROUND: The objective of the study was to evaluate the gene expression of inflammatory cytokines (interleukin [IL]-1β, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, tumor necrosis factor [TNF]-α, IL-1 receptor antagonist [ra] and serum amyloid A (SAA) in endometrial tissue and circulating leukocytes in response to uterine inoculation of 105 colony forming units (CFU) Escherichia coli in mares. Before inoculation, mares were classified as resistant or susceptible to persistent endometritis based on their uterine inflammatory response to infusion of 109 killed spermatozoa and histological assessment of the endometrial quality. Endometrial biopsies were obtained 3, 12, 24 and 72 hours (h) after bacterial inoculation and blood samples were obtained during the 7 day period post bacterial inoculation. Expression levels of cytokines and SAA were determined by quantitative real-time reverse transcriptase PCR (qRT-PCR).
RESULTS: Compared to levels in a control biopsy (obtained in the subsequent estrous), resistant mares showed an up-regulation of IL-1β, IL-6, IL-8 and TNF-α at 3 h after E. coli inoculation, while susceptible mares showed increased gene expression of IL-6 and IL-1ra. Susceptible mares had a significant lower gene expression of TNF-α,IL-6 and increased expression of IL-1ra 3 h after E. coli inoculation compared to resistant mares. Susceptible mares showed a sustained and prolonged inflammatory response with increased gene expression levels of IL-1β, IL-8, IL-1ra and IL-1β:IL-1ra ratio throughout the entire study period (72 h), whereas levels in resistant mares returned to estrous control levels by 12 hours. Endometrial mRNA transcripts of IL-1β and IL-1ra were significantly higher in mares with heavy uterine bacterial growth compared to mares with no/mild growth.All blood parameters were unaffected by intrauterine E. coli infusion, except for a lower gene expression of IL-10 at 168 h and an increased expression of IL-1ra at 48 h observed in susceptible mares compared to resistant mares.
CONCLUSIONS: The current investigation suggests that endometrial mRNA transcripts of pro-inflammatory cytokines in response to endometritis are finely regulated in resistant mares, with initial high expression levels followed by normalization within a short period of time. Susceptible mares had a prolonged expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines, supporting the hypothesis that an unbalanced endometrial gene expression of inflammatory cytokines might play an important role in the pathogenesis of persistent endometritis
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