83 research outputs found
Høj kvalitet af grønsagsfrø ved tunnelproduktion
Der har tidligere været produktion af mange forskellige grønsager i Danmark, men for nogle arter, som fx gulerod, er produktionen flyttet til Frankrig og Italien, hvor der opnås en højere frøkvalitet. I Forskningsprogram frøavl II blev det besluttet at undersøge, om økologisk produktion af grønsagsfrø kan gennemføres i tunneller i Danmark. Siden år 2000 er der dyrket gulerod, porre og blomkål i en 5 x 50 m stor tunnel opstillet ved Danmarks JordbrugsForskning, Forskningscenter Flakkebjerg
Experience mapping and multifunctional golf course development:enhanced possibilities of increased and more varied use of golf courses
Pesticide-free management of weed on golf courses: Current situation and future challenges, European Journal of Turfgrass Science 45(2/14)
Reduction in level of Salmonella on swine carcasses after slaughter without splitting the head.
The purpose of this study was to examine the effect on the prevalence of Salmonella bacteria on the carcass when leaving the tongue in the intact head and thereby reducing the risk of transferring Salmonella bacteria from the oral cavity, pharynz etc. to the carcass, compared to removing the tongue together with the pluck set. Samples were collected from healthy pigs with an expected high risk of Salmonella bacteria in the intestines. When leaving the tongue in the intact head we found a reduction in Salmonella positive carcasses at 30 %, even though the reduction was not statistically significant because of high variation in the day to day number of Salmonella positive carcasses
Undersøgelser af stenrevs potentielle 'kvælstofeffekt' samt bidrag til genetablering af stenrev i Natura 2000-området 'Løgstør Bredning, Vejlerne og Bulbjerg'
Characteristics Associated with Serological Covid-19 Vaccine Response and Durability in an Older Population with Significant Comorbidity:The Danish Nationwide ENFORCE Study
OBJECTIVES: To identify individual characteristics associated with serological COVID-19 vaccine responsiveness and durability of vaccine-induced antibodies. METHODS: Adults without history of SARS-CoV-2 infection from the Danish population scheduled for SARS-CoV-2 vaccination were enrolled in this parallel group, phase IV study. SARS-CoV-2 Spike IgG and Spike-ACE2-receptor-blocking antibodies were measured at days 0, 21, 90 and 180. Vaccine responsiveness was categorized according to Spike IgG and Spike-ACE2-receptor-blocking levels at day 90 post-1(st) vaccination. Non-durable vaccine-response was defined as day 90 responders that no longer had significant responses by day 180. RESULTS: Of 6544 participants completing two vaccine doses (median age 64, interquartile range:54–75), 3654 (55.8%) received BTN162b2, 2472 (37.8%) mRNA-1273, and 418 (6.4%) ChAdOx1 followed by a mRNA vaccine. Levels of both types of antibodies increased from baseline to day 90 and then decreased to day 180. The decrease was more pronounced for levels of Spike-ACE2-receptor-blocking antibodies than for Spike IgG. Proportions with vaccine hypo-responsiveness and lack of durable response were 5.0% and 12.1% for Spike IgG; 12.7% and 39.6% for Spike-ACE2-receptor-blocking antibody levels, respectively. Male sex, vaccine type and number of co-morbidities were associated with all four outcomes. Additionally, age >=75y was associated with hypo-responsiveness for Spike-ACE2-receptor-blocking antibodies (adjusted odds-ratio:1.59, 95% confidence interval:1.25–2.01) but not for Spike IgG. CONCLUSIONS: Comorbidity, male sex and vaccine type were risk factors for hypo-responsiveness and non-durable response to COVID-19 vaccination. The functional activity of vaccine-induced antibodies declined with increasing age and had waned to pre-2(nd) vaccination levels for most individuals after 6 months
Municipal return to work management in cancer survivors undergoing cancer treatment: a protocol on a controlled intervention study
Kort nyt fra Skov & Landskab:følgende aktiviteter omkring græs og golf er i gang på Skov & Landskab
Teknik og økonomi ved robotklipning af græs på kirkegårde, parker, golf- og fodboldbaner
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