1,740 research outputs found
Experiment of bukit bunuh handaxes manufacturing technology
The Bukit Bunuh site is one of the Palaeolithic site in Lenggong Valley in the meteorite impact area, which is located 10km from Lenggong town, in the hulu Perak district. This site discovered a handaxe tools which is the important findings that will change the “Movius Line” theory that reflects the different levels of technology between Southeast Asia and the West. The experimental of manufacturing technology is conducted to reconstruct the techniques used by ancient people at Bukit Bunuh site to produce these tools. The experimental result proved that Bukit Bunuh handaxes als
Preliminary Research Findings from Trade Ceramic Archaeological Sites in Sabah
Ceramics is one of the most important merchandise in the past. In Sabah, many trade ceramic wares were found in archaeological sites. The study of trade ceramics in Sabah and its distribution enables the types of ceramic wares were identified and their distribution by region in Sabah. Therefore, in order to achieve this objective, whole sites with the imported ceramic in Sabah has been divided into the following four main areas including east, west, north and interior of Sabah. Results from the analysis showed that most of ceramics that were found came from China, Europe, Netherlands, Vietnam and Thailand. While the age of ceramics is from the Song dynasty (10-13 century AD), Yuan (13-14 century AD), Ming (14 -17 century AD) and Ching (17-20 century AD), Thailand (14-15 century AD), Vietnam (14-15 century AD), Europe and the Netherlands (19-20 century AD). All of this discovery shows that the distribution of the ceramic sites may have been connected with other countries via trading activities especially in the coastal areas in Saba
The relationship between typology and functional of flake tools from Bukit Bunuh 2010 site
Flake tool is one of the stone tools used by Paleolithic society which used stone as their technology. It is produced by flaking the core to get the flake. The flake that been used is known as flake tools. Flake tools found in Southeast Asia is said to be amorphous, which does not have a specific shape that can describe its function. So, this made it difficult for the typology classification of flake tool. However, many Paleolithic open sites have been classified based on flake tool morphology and technology, but the extent to which it represents the function has an issue. Therefore, usewear analysis was made using a flake tool from Bukit Bunuh’s site, which is Bukit Bunuh 2010. Bukit Bunuh was a meteorite impact area then it has been the source rocks suitable to be used as a tool by the Paleolithic society. In advance, the study was conducted by classifying flake tool typology according to morphological and technological. The results of this classification showed that there are four typologies identified as serrated, notched, pointed and retouched. Serrated can be divided into concave, convex and straight. While the notched been divided according to the number of notches. Retouched typology can be divided based on their edge trimming that is, alternate, alternating, direct, bifacial and inverse. Only pointed typology does not have subdivision. After the classification, the observation of the usewear of the flake tools had been done. As a result of these observations, there are several functions of the flake tools such as sawing, slicing, whittling, drilling, scratch and multiple functions. Almost all the flake tools were used for whittle except pointed and retouched type bifacial. Meanwhile, the serrated flake tools with type edge of convex, straight and retouched flake tools with type edge of direct has been widely used for a variety of activities compared with the other types of flake tools. So, this analysis indicated that most of flake tool used for various activities and also for specific functions. This shows that Paleolithic societies produced economic and multifunctional flake tools
Kebudayaan Paleolitik Di Lembah Mansuli Semasa Pleistosen Tengah Hingga Pleistosen Akhir (235,000 -11,000 Tahun Dahulu)
Lembah Mansuli terletak di Lahad Datu, Sabah. Kajian di Lembah Mansuli melibatkan dua tapak Paleolitik iaitu tapak terbuka Mansuli dan Gua Samang Buat. Setiap tapak ini telah mendedahkan empat lapisan budaya yang membuktikan bahawa Lembah Mansuli telah diduduki seawal 235,000 tahun lagi sehingga 11,000 tahun dahulu berdasarkan kepada pentarikhan kaedah pandar kilauan rangsangan optik dan pentarikhan radiokarbon. Di tapak terbuka Mansuli, terdapat 4 lapisan budaya yang masing-masingnya berusia 15,400, 24,600, 52,600 dan 235,000 tahun dahulu. Kesemua pentarikhan tersebut telah dipertarikhkan dengan menggunakan kaedah pandar kilauan rangsangan optik. Sementara di Gua Samang Buat pula, 4 lapisan budaya telah didedahkan bagaimanapun ia masih belum sampai ke lapisan dasar. Lapisan budaya pertama, kedua dan ketiga masing-masing berusia 11,000 BP, 15,000 BP dan 28,000 BP, ketiga-tiganya telah dipertarikhkan dengan kaedah pentarikhan radiokarbon.
Mansuli Valley is located in Lahad Datu, Sabah. This study involved two Palaeolithic sites within the valley; an open-air site of Mansuli and Gua Samang Buat. Each site has revealed four cultural layers and provided evidence that the valley was inhabited as early as 235,000 years until 11,000 years ago, based on optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) and radiocarbon dating methods. At the Mansuli open-air site, there are 4 cultural layers which have been dated using optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) to 15,400, 24,600, 52,600 and 235,000 years ago respectively. Whereas at Gua Samang Buat, 4 cultural layers have been exposed but the basal layer has not been reached yet. The first three cultural layers are dated to 11,000 BP, 15,000 BP and 28,000 BP respectively using radiocarbon method
Kajian arkeologi utara sabah:eksplorasi bukti manusia awal.
Tapak Paleolitik Bukit Sagang telah ditemui hasil daripada survei lapangan yang telah dijalankan di kawasan Kampung Simpangan, Bukit sagang, Kota Marudu. Sabah. Tujuan utama penyelidikan ini adalah untuk melihat kewujudan atau bukti adanya manusia awal di kawasan utara Sabah terutama tapak terbuka Paleolitik dan bila kawasan tersebut diduduki serta melengkapkan lagi data tapak Paeolititik di Sabah. Oleh itu, tapak Bukit Sagang merupakan tapak terbuka Paleolitik yang pertama di utara Sabah. memandangkan kajian Arkeologi sebelum ini adalah lebih menumpu pada bahagian Timur Sabah. Kajian telah mendedahkan bukti kebudayaan Paleolitik dari segi fungsi tapak, teknologi litik, pentarikhan dan paJeoalam di kawasan Utara Sabah
Mapping the impact of consumer online service experience on online impulse buying behaviour
Managers of e-commerce platforms and online retail stores have noticed a connection between the consumer online service experience (COSE) and the inclination to engage in online impulse buying behaviour (OIBB). Previous research has shown that COSE can influence OIBB, but the specific relationships between the emotional and utilitarian dimensions require further investigation. This study aims to fill this gap by examining how attitudinal loyalty serves as a mediator between COSE and OIBB. A survey-based quantitative methodology was employed to gather data on the attitudes and behaviours of 1,504 online shoppers. The collected data were analysed using structural equation modeling, revealing a positive relationship between the examined COSE factors and OIBB, with attitudinal loyalty acting as a mediator. Although the regional biases and cross-sectional nature of the study are limitations, the results are generally applicable. However, future research utilizing a longitudinal approach and a broader geographic sample would provide valuable insights.</p
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