55 research outputs found

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    Mechanisms by which MDP enters into cells to trigger Nod2 signaling.

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    <p>Several routes of MDP entry have been evidenced. Host cells can internalize MDP through either phagocytosis of whole bacteria, endocytosis, uptaking of PGN fragments from OMVs, or transmembrane channels such as hPepT1. A new way of Nod2 activation involving the entry of MDP via the apparatus secretion system of bacteria has recently been described. NOD2 activation requires its location to be in the vicinity of the site of MDP delivery. Two peptide transporters (SLC15A3 and SLC15A4) are able to translocate MDP toward the cytosolic compartment. NOD2 protein exhibits three domains, including caspase activation and recruitment domains (CARDs), nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain (NOD), and leucine-rich repeat (LRR). The NOD module contains a nucleotide-binding domain (NBD), a winged helix (WH), and two helix domains (HD1 and HD2). The interaction between NBD and WH, important to stabilize Nod2 in an inactive form, is maintained by adenosine diphosphate (ADP)-mediated packed conformation. Upon ligand binding, HD2 mediates conformational changes of the NBD, WH, and HD1 to allow ADP-ATP exchange, self-oligomerization, and downstream signaling. The effector CARDs mediate intracellular signaling after interaction between the LRR domain and MDP. NOD2 oligomerization induces a signaling complex named nodosome. NOD2 attracts receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 2 (RIP2) via a CARD–CARD homotypic interaction, followed by transforming growth factor beta-activated kinase 1 (TAK1) and TAK1 binding proteins 2 and 3 (TAB2 and TAB3). This complex induces the activation of both MAPKs and NF-κB pathways. The interaction of NOD2 with other partners, including Caspase-1 and ATG16L1, results in IL-1β secretion and autophagy, respectively.</p

    Minimum spanning network of <i>L. aenigmamus</i> mtDNA (Cyt <i>b</i>) haplotypes.

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    <p>Circle sizes are proportional to the number of similar haplotypes observed in the data set. Branch lengths are proportional to the number of mutations between haplotypes. Capitalized letters refer to the clade and subclades names.</p

    A Remarkable Case of Micro-Endemism in <em>Laonastes aenigmamus</em> (Diatomyidae, Rodentia) Revealed by Nuclear and Mitochondrial DNA Sequence Data

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    <div><p><em>L. aenigmamus</em> is endemic to the limestone formations of the Khammuan Province (Lao PDR), and is strongly specialized ecologically. From the survey of 137 individuals collected from 38 localities, we studied the phylogeography of this species using one mitochondrial (Cyt b) and two nuclear genes (BFIBR and GHR). Cyt b analyses reveal a strong mtDNA phylogeographical structure: 8 major geographical clades differing by 5–14% sequence divergence were identified, most of them corresponding to distinct karst areas. Nuclear markers display congruent results but with a less genetic structuring. Together, the data strongly suggest an inland insular model for <em>Laonastes</em> population structure. With 8 to 16 evolutionary significant units in a small area (about 200×50 km) this represents an exceptional example of micro-endemism. Our results suggest that <em>L. aenigmamus</em> may represent a complex of species and/or sub-species. The common ancestor of all <em>Laonastes</em> may have been widely distributed within the limestone formations of the Khammuan Province at the end of Miocene/beginning of the Pliocene. Parallel events of karst fragmentation and population isolation would have occurred during the Pleistocene or/and the end of the Pliocene. The limited gene flow detected between populations from different karst blocks restrains the likelihood of survival of <em>Laonastes</em>. This work increases the necessity for a strict protection of this rare animal and its habitat and provides exclusive information, essential to the organization of its protection.</p> </div

    Average percentage of pairwise differences (Kimura 2-parameter) within and between subclades A1–A5, B1–B2, D1–D2, E1–E3.

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    <p>Average percentage of pairwise differences (Kimura 2-parameter) within and between subclades A1–A5, B1–B2, D1–D2, E1–E3.</p

    Maximum clade credibility chronogram of the Cyt <i>b</i> dataset.

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    <p>It was derived from an analysis in BEAST using the GTR+I+G model and a relaxed clock. Node bars indicate 95% HPD age ranges.</p
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