1,157 research outputs found
Local Geometric Consensus: A General Purpose Point Pattern-Based Tracking Algorithm
Proceedings of ACM ISMAR 2015, Fukuoka, JapanInternational audienceWe present a method which can quickly and robustly match 2D and 3D point patterns based on their sole spatial distribution , but it can also handle other cues if available. This method can be easily adapted to many transformations such as similarity transformations in 2D/3D, and affine and perspective transformations in 2D. It is based on local geometric consensus among several local matchings and a refinement scheme. We provide two implementations of this general scheme, one for the 2D homography case (which can be used for marker or image tracking) and one for the 3D similarity case. We demonstrate the robustness and speed performance of our proposal on both synthetic and real images and show that our method can be used to augment any (textured/textureless) planar objects but also 3D objects
Practical and precise projector-camera calibration
International audienceProjectors are important display devices for large scale augmented reality applications. However, precisely calibrating projectors with large focus distances implies a trade-off between practicality and accuracy. People either need a huge calibration board or a precise 3D model [12]. In this paper, we present a practical projector-camera calibration method to solve this problem. The user only needs a small calibration board to calibrate the system regardless of the focus distance of the projector. Results show that the root-mean-squared re-projection error (RMSE) for a 450cm projection distance is only about 4mm, even though it is calibrated using a small B4 (250 Ă— 353mm) calibration board
Voir l'invisible : de la vision par ordinateur aux réalités augmentée et Virtuelle
International audienceThis article is dedicated to the soar of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR), with a focus on present and possible medical applications. After some de nitions of the eld, the article reviews current applications by classifying them between those that tend to allow perception of invisible objects or phenomena and those that tend to allow a different perception of what is already visible. Then, from the present limitations of AR/VR technologies, the article discusses possible applications in the histotechnology field.Cet article est consacré à l'essor de la réalité virtuelle (RV) et de la réalité augmentée (RA), notamment en ce qui concerne leurs applications médicales actuelles et potentielles. Après des définitions du domaine, il fournit un panorama des applications existantes selon une classification en deux catégories : celles qui cherchent à permettre la visualisation d'objets ou de phénomènes invisibles et celles qui cherchent a contrario à percevoir différemment ce qui est d'ores et déjà visibles. a partir des limites actuelles des technologies de rV/ra, l'article discute ensuite les applications potentielles en histotechnologie
The sense of embodiment in Virtual Reality and its assessment methods
The sense of embodiment refers to the sensations of being inside, having, and controlling a body. In virtual reality, it is possible to substitute a person’s body with a virtual body, referred to as an avatar. Modulations of the sense of embodiment through modifications of this avatar have perceptual and behavioural consequences on users that can influence the way users interact with the virtual environment. Therefore, it is essential to define metrics that enable a reliable assessment of the sense of embodiment in virtual reality to better understand its dimensions, the way they interact, and their influence on the quality of interaction in the virtual environment. In this review, we first introduce the current knowledge on the sense of embodiment, its dimensions (senses of agency, body ownership, and self-location), and how they relate the ones with the others. Then, we dive into the different methods currently used to assess the sense of embodiment, ranging from questionnaires to neurophysiological measures. We provide a critical analysis of the existing metrics, discussing their advantages and drawbacks in the context of virtual reality. Notably, we argue that real-time measures of embodiment, which are also specific and do not require double tasking, are the most relevant in the context of virtual reality. Electroencephalography seems a good candidate for the future if its drawbacks (such as its sensitivity to movement and practicality) are improved. While the perfect metric has yet to be identified if it exists, this work provides clues on which metric to choose depending on the context, which should hopefully contribute to better assessing and understanding the sense of embodiment in virtual reality
Influence of Being Embodied in an Obese Virtual Body on Shopping Behavior and Products Perception in VR
Research in Virtual Reality (VR) showed that embodiment can influence participants' perceptions and behavior when embodied in a different yet plausible virtual body. In this paper, we study the changes an obese virtual body has on products perception (e.g., taste, etc.) and purchase behavior (e.g., number purchased) in an immersive virtual retail store. Participants (of a normal BMI on average) were embodied in a normal (N) or an obese (OB) virtual body and were asked to buy and evaluate food products in the immersive virtual store. Based on stereotypes that are classically associated with obese people, we expected that the group embodied in obese avatars would show a more unhealthy diet, (i.e., buy more food products and also buy more products with high energy intake, or saturated fat) and would rate unhealthy food as being tastier and healthier than participants embodied in “normal weight” avatars. Our participants also rated the perception of their virtual body: the OB group perceived their virtual body as significantly heavier and older. They also rated their sense of embodiment and presence within the immersive virtual store. These measures did not show any significant difference between groups. Finally, we asked them to rate different food products in terms of tastiness, healthiness, sustainability and price. The only difference we noticed is that participants embodied in an obese avatar (OB group) rated the coke as being significantly tastier and the apple as being significantly healthier. Nevertheless, while we hypothesized that participants embodied in a virtual body with obesity would show differences in their shopping patterns (e.g., more “unhealthy” products bought) there were no significant differences between the groups. Stereotype activation failed for our participants embodied in obese avatars, who did not exhibit a shopping behavior following the (negative) stereotypes related to obese people. conversely, while the opposite hypothesis (participants embodied in obese avatars would buy significantly more healthy products in order to “transform” their virtual bodies) could have been made, it was not the case either. We discuss these results and propose hypotheses as to why the behavior of the manipulated group differed from the one we expected. Indeed, unlike previous research, our participants were embodied in virtual avatars which differed greatly from their real bodies. Obese avatars should not only modify users' visual characteristics such as hair or skin color, etc. We hypothesize that an obese virtual body may require some other non-visual stimulus, e.g., the sensation of the extra weight or the change in body size. This main difference could then explain why we did not notice any important modification on participants' behavior and perceptions of food products. We also hypothesize that the absence of stereotype activation and thus of statistical difference between our N and OB groups might be due to higher-level cognitive processes involved while purchasing food products. Indeed our participants might have rejected their virtual bodies when performing the shopping task, while the embodiment and presence ratings did not show significant differences, and purchased products based on their real (non-obese) bodies. This could mean that stereotype activation is more complex that previously thought
Secured and progressive transmission of compressed images on the Internet: application to telemedicine
International audienceWithin the framework of telemedicine, the amount of images leads first to use efficient lossless compression methods for the aim of storing information. Furthermore, multiresolution scheme including Region of Interest (ROI) processing is an important feature for a remote access to medical images. What is more, the securization of sensitive data (e.g. metadata from DICOM images) constitutes one more expected functionality: indeed the lost of IP packets could have tragic effects on a given diagnosis. For this purpose, we present in this paper an original scalable image compression technique (LAR method) used in association with a channel coding method based on the Mojette Transform, so that a hierarchical priority encoding system is elaborated. This system provides a solution for secured transmission of medical images through low-bandwidth networks such as the Internet
Occlusion-free Camera Control for Multiple Targets
International audienceMaintaining the visibility of target objects is a fundamental problem in automatic camera control for 3D graphics applications. Practical real-time camera control algorithms generally only incorporate mechanisms for the evaluation of the visibility of target objects from a single viewpoint, and idealize the geometric complexity of target objects. Drawing on work in soft shadow generation, we perform low resolution projections, from target objects to rapidly compute their visibility for a sample of locations around the current camera position. This computation is extended to aggregate visibility in a temporal window to improve camera stability in the face of partial and sudden onset occlusion. To capture the full spatial extent of target objects we use a stochastic approximation of their surface area. Our implementation is the first practical occlusion-free real-time camera control framework for multiple target objects. The result is a robust component that can be integrated to any virtual camera control system that requires the precise computation of visibility for multiple target
Occlusion-free Camera Control
Computing and maintaining the visibility of target objects is a fundamental problem in the the design of automatic camera control schemes for {3D} graphics applications. Most real-time camera control algorithms only incorporate mechanisms for the evaluation of the visibility of target objects from a single viewpoint, and typically idealise the geometric complexity of target objects in doing so. We present a novel approach to the real-time evaluation of the visibility of multiple target objects which simultaneously computes their visibility for a large sample of points. The visibility computation step involves performing a low resolution projection from points on pairs of target objects onto a plane parallel to the pair and behind the camera. By combining the depth buffers for these projections the joint visibility of the pair can be rapidly computed for a sample of locations around the current camera position. This pair-wise computation is extended for three or more target objects and visibility results aggregated in a temporal window to mitigate over-reactive camera behaviour. To address the target object geometry idealisation problem we use a stochastic approximation of the physical extent of target objects by selecting projection points randomly from the visible surface of the target object. We demonstrate the efficiency of the approach for a number of problematic and complex scene configurations in real-time for both two and three target objects
Practical and precise projector-camera calibration
International audienceProjectors are important display devices for large scale augmented reality applications. However, precisely calibrating projectors with large focus distances implies a trade-off between practicality and accuracy. People either need a huge calibration board or a precise 3D model [12]. In this paper, we present a practical projector-camera calibration method to solve this problem. The user only needs a small calibration board to calibrate the system regardless of the focus distance of the projector. Results show that the root-mean-squared re-projection error (RMSE) for a 450cm projection distance is only about 4mm, even though it is calibrated using a small B4 (250 Ă— 353mm) calibration board
New light on Palaeolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic projectile weapon elements / Eclairages actuels sur quelques armatures de projectiles paléo-, méso- et néolithiques
Article disponible en versions française et anglaise (traduction de M. O'Farrell)International audienceThis text is the introduction to the proceedings of the colloquium "Recherches sur les armatures de projectiles du Paléolithique supérieur au Néolithique / Research on projectile tips from the Upper Palaeolithic to the Neolithic" held September 7-8, 2006, within the 15th Congress of the IUPPS in Lisboa.Ce texte est l'introduction des actes du colloque "Recherches sur les armatures de projectiles du Paléolithique supérieur au Néolithique / Research on projectile tips from the Upper Palaeolithic to the Neolithic" qui se tint les 7 et 8 septembre 2006 dans le cadre du XVe congrès de l'UISPP à Lisbonne
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