452 research outputs found
State Convergence of Dissipative Nonlinear Systems given Bounded-Energy Input Signal
In this paper, we show the state convergence of a class of dissipative nonlinear systems given bounded-energy input functions u : R(+) -> R(m), where the energy function is related to the dissipation inequality (or the supply rate)
Transverse exponential stability and applications
We investigate how the following properties are related to each other: i)-A
manifold is "transversally" exponentially stable; ii)-The "transverse"
linearization along any solution in the manifold is exponentially stable;
iii)-There exists a field of positive definite quadratic forms whose
restrictions to the directions transversal to the manifold are decreasing along
the flow. We illustrate their relevance with the study of exponential
incremental stability. Finally, we apply these results to two control design
problems, nonlinear observer design and synchronization. In particular, we
provide necessary and sufficient conditions for the design of nonlinear
observer and of nonlinear synchronizer with exponential convergence property
Complex and detailed balancing of chemical reaction networks revisited
The characterization of the notions of complex and detailed balancing for
mass action kinetics chemical reaction networks is revisited from the
perspective of algebraic graph theory, in particular Kirchhoff's Matrix Tree
theorem for directed weighted graphs. This yields an elucidation of previously
obtained results, in particular with respect to the Wegscheider conditions, and
a new necessary and sufficient condition for complex balancing, which can be
verified constructively.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1502.0224
Sparse Identification of Chemical Reaction Networks from Concentration-time Series
Chemical reaction networks play an important role in understanding of biological and chemical processes. Models of chemical reaction networks are useful for analysis, optimization and control of these systems. This work deals with identification of chemical reaction networks from concentration-time series data by combining concepts of sparse identification and reaction coordinates in CRNs. It will be shown that the identification of CRNs is equivalent to identifying algebraic reaction invariant relationships and differential equations of a subset of chemical species in CRNs. The work will then exploit this property of CRNs to overcome challenges associated with applying Sparse Identification of Nonlinear Systems (SINDy) algorithm in the literature. A novel algorithm, SINDy-CRN, will be proposed by combining SINDy algorithm and the properties of CRNs and will be illustrated on a simulation example
Distributed Adaptive Formation Control for Uncertain Point Mass Agents with Mixed Dimensional Space
We propose distance-based distributed adaptive formation control of point mass agents in port-Hamiltonian (pH) framework that can deal with parameter uncertainties and with mixed dimensional space (2D, 3D or mixed 2D/3D). Adaptive control mechanism is subsequently proposed to maintain formation of uncertain pH systems with unknown damping parameters. Numerical simulations are presented for both known and uncertain point mass agents in mixed 2D/3D space
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