6 research outputs found
Capacity Building of Society Affected By Floods Through Local Volunteer Community In Dringu Village Probolinggo City
Dringu Village is a village that floods often occur that is every rainy season. In 2021 Dringu Village experienced a servere flash flood disaster that had many impacts on the Dringu Village community. After the flood disaster, the people of Dringu Village formed a “komunitas relawan lokal” to be able to help each other. This local volunteer community was formed by the concerned of the community affected by the flood disaster. Those who join the “komunitas relawan lokal” are people affected by the flash flood disaster and the community of women. Community participation in disaster management can create a development of community capacity in facing flood disasters. This research uses a qualitative method, analyzed uses theory of communicative action by Jurgen Habermas.
Keywords: dringu village; komunitas relawan lokal; flood; capacit
POTRET RESILIENSI SOSIAL MASYARAKAT GUDANG KARANG DALAM MENGHADAPI PANDEMI COVID-19: Portrait of Social Resilience of the Gudang Karang Community Facing the Covid-19 Pandemic
This research is motivated by the phenomenon of social restrictions as an effort to prevent the spread of infectious diseases by maintaining physical distance or reducing direct contact between individuals during the Covid-19 pandemic. This research is motivated by the phenomenon of social restrictions as an effort to prevent the spread of infectious diseases by maintaining physical distance or reducing direct contact between individuals during the Covid-19 pandemic. Studies on the Gudang Karang community are one of the interesting things to research with the aim of knowing how social mechanisms and adaptations occur in the Gudang Karang community as a form of social resilience in dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic. This study uses a qualitative method with a phenomenological approach to gain an in-depth understanding of the portrait of community social resilience that occurs in the Gudang Karang community. Interviews with informants were used in order to gather information to answer research questions. The research findings show that the Gudang Karang community has succeeded in going through a process of social resilience by responding to challenges during the Covid-19 pandemic as evidenced by the transformation from Kampung Tangguh, then becoming a Disaster Response Village, and leading to the Empowered Villages Program (KASNO). The results also show that the concept of social resilience that occurs in the Gudang Karang community complements the structural-functional theory by emphasizing the importance of the ability of individuals or groups to adapt and recover from difficult situations.Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh adanya fenomena pembatasan sosial sebagai upaya untuk mencegah penyebaran penyakit menular dengan menjaga jarak fisik atau mengurangi kontak langsung antar individu selama pandemi Covid-19. Kebijakan terkait pembatasan sosial berdampak pada tatanan kehidupan masyarakat yang mendorong pada gerakan perubahan dalam menghadapi pandemi Covid-19 di seluruh dunia termasuk Indonesia dalam proses adaptasinya menuju kondisi normal baru. Studi pada masyarakat Gudang Karang menjadi salah satu hal yang menarik untuk diteliti dengan tujuan mengetahui bagaimana mekanisme dan adaptasi sosial yang terjadi pada masyarakat Gudang Karang sebagai bentuk resiliensi sosial dalam menghadapi pandemi Covid-19. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi untuk mendapatkan pemahaman mendalam terkait potret resiliensi sosial masyarakat yang terjadi pada masyarakat Gudang Karang. Wawancara kepada para informan digunakan dalam rangka menggali informasi guna menjawab pertanyaan penelitian. Temuan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa masyarakat Gudang Karang telah berhasil melalui proses resiliensi sosial dengan menjawab tantangan selama pandemi Covid-19 dibuktikan dengan adanya transformasi dari Kampung Tangguh, kemudian menjadi Desa Tanggap Bencana, dan bermuara pada program Desa Berdaya (KASNO). Hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan bahwa konsep resiliensi sosial yang terjadi pada masyarakat Gudang Karang melengkapi teori struktural fungsional dengan menekankan pentingnya kemampuan individu atau kelompok untuk beradaptasi dan pulih dari situasi sulit
Membangun Pola Komunikasi Peringatan Dini (Early Warning System) Banjir DAS Kalijompo Kabupaten Jember
Artikel dengan berjudul “Membangun Pola Komunikasi Peringatan Dini Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS) Kali Jompo Kabupaten Jember”, dilatar belakangi oleh DAS Kali Jompo yang hampir setiap musim penghujan terjadi peristiwa banjir. Di sisi lain F PRB Kali Jompo sebagai Forum Pengurangan Risiko Bencana (F-PRB) pada DAS Kali Jompo program pengurangan risiko belum terstruktur terutama praktik kesiapsiagaan Peringatan Dini (Early Warning System). Tujuannya adalah memperkuat praktik komunikasi peringatan dini banjir pada DAS Kali Jompo yang lebih terstruktur dan efektif. Teori yang digunakan adalah komunikasi model Harol Laswell “Who says what in which channel to whom with what effect”. Teknik pengambilan data primer melalui observasi partisipan dan teknik Focus Group Discussion (FGD), sedangkan pengambilan data sekunder melalui dokumentasi. Teknik analisis menggunakan deskriptif kualitatif. Hasilnya adalah; pertama, komunikator dan komunikan adalah para petugas pos pantau sebanyak 9 (sembilan) titik yang tersebar mulai hulu sampai hilir DAS Jompo. Kedua, pola komunikasi peringatan dini antar pos pantau berlangsung secara timbal balik/dialog. Ketiga, Informasi dari pos pantau hulu yang diterima oleh pos pantau hilir disebarkan kepada masyarakat sekitar titik pantau dan masyarakat melakukan respon atas informasi yang diterima. Keempat, para petugas pos pantau menggunakan media komunikasi Hand Phone android, oleh karena Hand Phone android dapat mengirim pesan baik dalam rupa suara, tulisan, dan gambar sehingga pesan lebih aktual. Kelima, proses komunikasi pos pantau fluktuatif linier dengan dinamika ancaman
Social Practices of Covid-19 Resilient Village in Mitigating the Covid-19 Pandemic Disaster in Jember, Indonesia
ABSTRACT: Covid-19, a global pandemic disaster since early 2020, has affected the Jember District. Lawgriez Village, as a selected resilient village, was chosen as a pilot village through a competition organized by the Regent of Jember at that time. There are good social practices in mitigating the Covid-19 pandemic in this village. These social practices include habitus, economic capital, social capital, cultural capital, and symbolic capital, and the domain of Lawgriez Village serves as the strength of this village in implementing policies for mitigating the Covid-19 pandemic along with its health protocols. The theory used in this research is the theory of social practice by Pierre Bourdieu. A qualitative research method with a phenomenological approach was chosen by the researcher to determine, examine, and analyze the data and techniques during data collection through observation, in-depth interviews, and focus group discussions. Purposive sampling was selected as the technique for determining informants. The social practices of the Covid-19 resilient village are institutionalized within a structured institution of the resilient village, accompanied by cooperation from various stakeholders. The self-created and responsive social practices in tackling the Covid-19 pandemic are inseparable from the unity and solidarity of Lawgriez residents. The branding of Lawgriez as a village located near the RSTP Jember has become a reinforcing identity and distinctive characteristic known to the people of Jember
Mekanisme Survival Petani Buah Naga di Dusun Rejoagung, Desa Sumberagung, Kabupaten Banyuwangi
Penelitian ini memfokuskan pada mekanisme survival petani buah naga yang beralih komoditas dari tanaman pangan ke hortikultura. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode riset fenomenologi serta menggunakan teori James Scott tentang etika subsistensi sebagai pisau analisisnya. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara serta observasi dengan petani buah naga di Dusun Rejoagung secara purposive sampling sebagai sasaran penelitian ini. Berdasarkan temuan di lapangan, adanya permasalahan dalam hal biaya perawatan hingga proses jual tanaman pangan memberikan dampak bagi petani di Dusun Rejoagung. Harga yang terkesan cukup banyak dikeluarkan dan hasil yang kurang cukup untuk memenuhi kebutuhan petani, mengakibatkan petani beralih pada tanaman hortikultura yaitu buah naga. Tiga mekanisme survival yang dilakukan petani yaitu petani tidak mengencangkan sabuknya hanya saja mengubah komoditas pada ke buah naga karena ketertarikan dari buah naga yang mahal. Kedua, alternatif subsistensi yang dilakukan oleh petani dengan beralih ke komoditas buah naga dan sukses sampai saat ini. Karena buah naga memiliki perawatan yang mudah hanya cukup sekali tanam. Buah naga juga dapat dipanen setiap bulan dengan harga pasar yang stabil dan bisa lebih dari rata-rata. Tidak hanya itu inovasi juga dikembangkan oleh petani dengan menggunakan lampu sehingga dapat panen tiap bulan. Ketiga, pemanfaatan jaringan sosial dengan membentuk kelompok tani dan jika membutuhkan pekerja untuk panen bisa memanggil keluarga atau petani dari kelompok tani. Di samping itu, pertumbuhan ekonomi pada masyarakat Dusun Rejoagung meningkat pesat karena adanya pertanian buah naga.This research focuses on the survival mechanisms of dragon fruit farmers who switch commodities from food crops to horticulture. This study uses a qualitative approach with phenomenological research methods and uses James Scott's theory of subsistence ethics as the analytical knife. Data collection was carried out through interviews and observations with dragon fruit farmers in Rejoagung Hamlet, using purposive sampling as the target of this study. Based on findings in the field, there are problems in terms of maintenance costs related to the process of selling food crops that have an impact on farmers in Rejoagung Hamlet. Prices seem to be spent quite a lot, and yields are not sufficient to meet the needs of farmers, causing farmers to switch to horticultural crops, namely dragon fruit. Three survival mechanisms are carried out by farmers, namely, farmers do not fasten their belts but only change commodities to dragon fruit because of the interest in dragon fruit, which is expensive. Second, subsistence alternatives carried out by farmers by switching to dragon fruit commodities have been successful to date. Because dragon fruit has easy maintenance, only one planting is enough. Dragon fruit can also be harvested every month with a stable market price and can be more than the average. Not only that, innovation is also developed by farmers using lights so they can harvest every month. Third, the use of social networks by forming farmer groups; if workers are needed for the harvest, they can call families or farmers from farmer groups. In addition, economic growth among the people of Dusun Rejoagung has increased rapidly due to dragon fruit farmin
Seniman Tradisional di Tengah Popularitas Jember Fashion Carnaval (Studi tentang Konstruksi Kesenian di Kabupaten Jember)
Based of this study is the diversity of arts in Jember both Traditional and
contemporary. Traditional artist is identified by grip in the art plays. This is
different from the Jember Fashion Carnaval (JFC) as a contemporer art.
Construction of discourse knowledge of JFC by mass media is a famous fashion
event in Jember and biggest global and national.
Local art in Jember related with the existence and dimming. One hand,
traditional art condition can be marginalized. One the ather hand, there are
contemporary art fashion parade which is able to make Jember as discourse of
carnival in the world. The role of mass media to promote JFC show and construct
JFC as a Jember identity, but the traditional art isn�t be promoted. Based on these
phenomenon, researcher wants to see how traditional artist s interpret traditional
art, JFC, and the issue of marginalization their art? Then, what strategy are
developed to keep the traditional art of artist? Reseacher will be framing its
analysis to the theory of social construction of Peter L. Berger.
This is a qualititative research approach, using a constructivist perspective,
which emphasizes the social reality as a social construction created by the
individual. Location of this study is in Jember, where the traditional artist create
with the art. Informants are selected by snowball technique. Criteria informants
were traditional artists of Jember that still exist or have dimming.
Data collected by the primary and secondary data, which is done by
observation, interviews, documentation, and literature. Then, an analysis of
qualitative data about the construction of space art and discourse JFC by
traditional artists.
Result of construction of traditional artists to condition of art that art
opportunities still available, but depending on the regeneration and the support of
all parties, especially the attention of goverrnment of Jember regency.
Construction of artists to JFC is acceptance and rejection form. There are not
related on the existence of JFC againts the marginalization of traditional art. The
traditional artists who feel marginalized because of lack of attention of
government of Jember regency were deemed not worth the huge funds budggeted
for the JFC. Artists make art strategy in globalization and modernization
demands. These strategy is an effort of artists that they are not marginalized
because they can also be marginalized itself