3,009 research outputs found
Moduli of PT-semistable objects II
We generalise the techniques of semistable reduction for flat families of
sheaves to the setting of the derived category of coherent sheaves on
a smooth projective three-fold . Then we construct the moduli of
PT-semistable objects in as an Artin stack of finite type that is
universally closed. In the absence of strictly semistable objects, we construct
the moduli as a proper algebraic space of finite type.Comment: 34 pages. Exposition improved based on referee's comments, especially
the proofs of Prop 2.6 and 2.17 (of this version). References added; typos
corrected. Openness and separatedness now in a separate section. Sections 4
and 5 of previous version removed. Accepted for publication by the
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society. This is the sequel to
A relation between higher-rank PT stable objects and quotients of coherent sheaves
On a smooth projective threefold, we construct an essentially surjective
functor from a category of two-term complexes to a category of
quotients of coherent sheaves, and describe the fibers of this functor. Under a
coprime assumption on rank and degree, the domain of coincides
with the category of higher-rank PT stable objects, which appear on one side of
Toda's higher-rank DT/PT correspondence formula. The codomain of
is the category of objects that appear on one side of another correspondence
formula by Gholampour-Kool, between the generating series of topological Euler
characteristics of two types of quot schemes.Comment: 19 page
T-structures on elliptic fibrations
We consider t-structures that naturally arise on elliptic fibrations. By
filtering the category of coherent sheaves on an elliptic fibration using the
torsion pairs corresponding to these t-structures, we prove results describing
equivalences of t-structures under Fourier-Mukai transforms.Comment: 29 pages. To appear in Kyoto J. Mat
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