7 research outputs found
A new method to compute quasi-local spin and other invariants on marginally trapped surfaces
We accurately compute the scalar 2-curvature, the Weyl scalars, associated
quasi-local spin, mass and higher multipole moments on marginally trapped
surfaces in numerical 3+1 simulations. To determine the quasi-local quantities
we introduce a new method which requires a set of invariant surface integrals,
allowing for surface grids of a few hundred points only. The new technique
circumvents solving the Killing equation and is also an alternative to
approximate Killing vector fields. We apply the method to a perturbed
non-axisymmetric black hole ringing down to Kerr and compare the quasi-local
spin with other methods that use Killing vector fields, coordinate vector
fields, quasinormal ringing and properties of the Kerr metric on the surface.
Interesting is the agreement with the spin of approximate Killing vector fields
during the phase of perturbed axisymmetry. Additionally, we introduce a new
coordinate transformation, adapting spherical coordinates to any two points on
the sphere like the two minima of the scalar 2-curvature on axisymmetric
trapped surfaces.Comment: 22 pages, 5 figure
The slicing dependence of non-spherically symmetric quasi-local horizons in Vaidya Spacetimes
It is well known that quasi-local black hole horizons depend on the choice of
a time coordinate in a spacetime. This has implications for notions such as the
surface of the black hole and also on quasi-local physical quantities such as
horizon measures of mass and angular momentum. In this paper, we compare
different horizons on non-spherically symmetric slicings of Vaidya spacetimes.
The spacetimes we investigate include both accreting and evaporating black
holes. For some simple choices of the Vaidya mass function function
corresponding to collapse of a hollow shell, we compare the area for the
numerically found axisymmetric trapping horizons with the area of the
spherically symmetric trapping horizon and event horizon. We find that as
expected, both the location and area are dependent on the choice of foliation.
However, the area variation is not large, of order for a slowly
evolving horizon with . We also calculate analytically the
difference in area between the spherically symmetric quasi-local horizon and
event horizon for a slowly accreting black hole. We find that the difference
can be many orders of magnitude larger than the Planck area for sufficiently
large black holes.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, corrected minor typo
Hyperboloidal slices for the wave equation of Kerr-Schild metrics and numerical applications
We present new results from two open source codes, using finite differencing
and pseudo-spectral methods for the wave equations in (3+1) dimensions. We use
a hyperboloidal transformation which allows direct access to null infinity and
simplifies the control over characteristic speeds on Kerr-Schild backgrounds.
We show that this method is ideal for attaching hyperboloidal slices or for
adapting the numerical resolution in certain spacetime regions. As an example
application, we study late-time Kerr tails of sub-dominant modes and obtain new
insight into the splitting of decay rates. The involved conformal wave equation
is freed of formally singular terms whose numerical evaluation might be
problematically close to future null infinity.Comment: 15 pages, 12 figure
Isometric embeddings of 2-spheres by embedding flow for applications in numerical relativity
We present a numerical method for solving Weyl's embedding problem which
consists of finding a global isometric embedding of a positively curved and
positive-definite spherical 2-metric into the Euclidean three space. The method
is based on a construction introduced by Weingarten and was used in Nirenberg's
proof of Weyl's conjecture. The target embedding results as the endpoint of an
embedding flow in R^3 beginning at the unit sphere's embedding. We employ
spectral methods to handle functions on the surface and to solve various
(non)-linear elliptic PDEs. Possible applications in 3+1 numerical relativity
range from quasi-local mass and momentum measures to coarse-graining in
inhomogeneous cosmological models.Comment: 18 pages, 14 figure