438 research outputs found

    The Continuous Classical Boundary Optimal Control of Couple Nonlinear Hyperbolic Boundary Value Problem with Equality and Inequality Constraints

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               يهتم هذا البحث بمسألة وجود ووحدانية الحل المتجه للحالة  "State Vector "   لزوج من المعادلات التفاضلية من النمط الزائدي باستخدام طريقة كاليركن"Galerkin"  عندما يكون متجه السيطرة الحدودية التقليدية  "Classical boundary control vector" ثابتا" . تم برهان مبرهنة الوجود  لسيطرة امثلية حدودية تقليدية من النمط المستمر بوجود قيدي التساوي والتباين لمتجه الحالة . كذلك برهان مبرهنة وجود حل وحيد لزوج من المعادلات المرافقة "Adjoint equation" المصاحبة لمعادلات الحالة. تم ايجاد مشتقة فريشيه " Frcéhet"  لدالة هاملتون الخاصة بهذه المسالة. ايضا تم برهان  مبرهنتا الشروط الضرورية والكافية لوجود متجه سيطرة امثلية مستمرة تقليدية  بوجود قيدي التساوي و والتباين.  The paper is concerned with the state and proof of the existence theorem of a unique solution (state vector) of couple nonlinear hyperbolic equations (CNLHEQS) via the Galerkin method (GM) with the Aubin theorem. When the continuous classical boundary control vector (CCBCV) is known, the theorem of existence a CCBOCV with equality and inequality state vector constraints (EIESVC) is stated and proved, the existence theorem of a unique solution of the adjoint couple equations (ADCEQS) associated with the state equations is studied. The Frcéhet derivative derivation of the "Hamiltonian" is obtained. Finally the necessary theorem (necessary conditions "NCs") and the sufficient theorem (sufficient conditions" SCs") for optimality of the state constrained problem are stated and proved. &nbsp

    The Eduction Thoughts of Sayyid Qutb in the Tafsir of Fi Zilal Al-qur\u27an

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    This research aimed to know the Islamic conceptual framework by Quṭb included of the goal of Islamic Education, mattes of Islamic Education and the methods of Islamic Education, and the relevances between Quṭb concept and recently education. To get the result, writer used two resources of research both are the primary resources and secondary resources. Fī Ẓilāl Al-Qur\u27ān was the primary resources in wich the verses of the goal of Islamic Education, mattes of Islamic Educatin and the methods of Islamic Education analized by mauḍū\u27ī method. Secondary resoruces in this research was the books thas correlated with Quṭb ideas in islamic education and the others were the books of excgesis in Koran.Beside of analyis the results of research were that terms of Islamic education used by Quṭb are at- tarbiyah, at-ta\u27līm, at-taujīh, adab/at-ta\u27dib, and tahzīb. CopeptuallyQuṭb used At-tarbiyah al-Ḥarakiyyah, at-tarbiyah al-Qur\u27āniyyah, at-tarbiyah an-nabawiyyah, at-tarbiyah al-Islāmiyyah, at-tarbiyah al-khuluqiyyah, and At-tarbiyah al-Ijtimā\u27iyyah. The goal of Islamic education as khalifah, abdullah and ululalbab is corellated to be insānjadīd (new humandkind). The matters of Islamic education of Quṭb derived from tauhid (faith), Koran, ibadah (worship), akhlak (moral), salat (praying) and social eduction that tauhid was the basic of Islamic edutaion matters, so on the Islamic eductation method Quth quoted that methodes must be took from tauhid and Quranic verses to get the muttaqin (pius mankind) as contradiction of fool humankind. Quṭb ideas had relevance with the recent education work in tauhid aspect and moral concept as basic of Islamic education

    In Vivo Histological Evaluation of the Effect of Pomegranate and Aloe Vera and a Combination of Both on Wound Healing of Buccal Mucosa.

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    Background: Wound healing is a complex and dynamic interplay between various cell types, the extra cellular matrix (ECM), cytokines, and growth factors. Researches indicate that pomegranate and their extract may serve as natural alternatives due to their potency against a wide range of bacterial and viral pathogens. Methanol extract of the fruit especially the peel exhibit the broadest antibacterial activity. Studies on Aloe vera have proved the antiseptic, anti inflammatory, antiviral and antifungal properties and the use of this plant is proved beneficial. This plant is proved to be non allergic and very good in building up the immune system. Aim of the study was to evaluate effect of local application of pomegranate, aloe vera & mixture of both on acceleration of healing of oral mucosa. Materials and methods: Sixty adult male Wistar rats weighting an average of (250-300gm) were used in this study. Incisional buccal mucosal wound was induced in each animal and they were be divided into the following groups control (A) and experimental groups (pomegranate B, aloe vera C, pomegranate and aloe vera D). Results: Mean values of epithelial and stromal cells count at healing site increased with time and highly significant difference was recorded among all studied groups in different durations for epithelium, while for stromal cells highly significant difference was obtained at ten days. Conclusion: The results of present study indicated that healing of buccal mucosa could be accelerated by combined topical application of pomegranate and aloe vera gel Keywords: Aloe Vera extract, Methanolic extract of pomegranate peel, wound healin

    The Continuous Classical Optimal Control of a Coupled of Nonlinear Elliptic Equations

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    This paper is concern with the existence and the uniqueness solution of the state vector of a couple of nonlinear elliptic partial differential equations for a given continuous classical control vector. Also the existence theorem of a continuous classical optimal control vector governing by the considered couple of nonlinear partial differential equation of elliptic type with equality and inequality constraints is developed and proved. The existence and the uniqueness solution of the couple of adjoint equations associated with the considered couple equations of the state is studded. The derivation of the Frcéhet derivative of the Hamiltonian is obtained. The necessary conditions theorem so as the sufficient conditions theorem of optimality of the constrained problem are developed and proved. Keywords: Classical optimal control, system of nonlinear elliptic, necessary and sufficient conditions

    Perkembangan dan Tantangan Perakitan Varietas Tahan dalam Pengendalian Wereng Coklat di Indonesia

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    Varietas tahan merupakan komponen utama dalam pengendalian wereng coklat pada tanaman padi. Namun, varietas tahan yang ditanam secara luas dan terus-menerus dapat patah ketahanannya karena wereng coklat mampu beradaptasi dengan membentuk biotipe baru. Saat ini lebih dari 70 gen ketahanan terhadap wereng, baik gen utama maupun quantitative trait loci (QTLs), telah diidentifikasi dan beberapa gen telah digunakan dalam perakitan varietas unggul padi. Keanekaragaman sumber gen ketahanan pada varietas dapat menjadi alternatif pergiliran tanaman dalam upaya meredam serangan wereng coklat. Tantangan perakitan varietas tahan ke depan ialah produktivitas tinggi dan toleran terhadap cekaman abiotik. Perakitan varietas tahan dengan ketahanan lestari (durable resistance) menggunakan marker-assisted selection (MAS) dengan menggabungkan lebih dari dua gen ketahanan (gen utama maupun QTLs) diharapkan dapat menghambat pembentukan biotipe baru wereng coklat. Gen-gen ketahanan pada beberapa varietas diferensial seperti Rathu Heenati (Bph3 dan Bph17) dan PTB33 (bph2 dan Bph3) masih mempunyai ketahanan yang baik terhadap populasi wereng coklat dari daerah endemis dan dapat dijadikan donor dalam perakitan varietas tahan. Deteksi gen ketahanan pada varietas unggul padi yang akan dilepas sangat penting untuk menentukan rekomendasi daerah/lokasi tanam dan pergiliran varietas. Selain itu, manajemen ketahanan varietas juga penting agar varietas tahan yang dilepas dapat bertahan lama di lapangan

    Keragaan Galur-galur Green Super Rice pada Kondisi Sawah Tadah Hujan Saat Musim Kemarau di Kabupaten Pati

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    Green Super Rice (GSR) adalah tanaman padi yang dirancang untuk memiliki daya hasil tinggi, toleran terhadap cekaman biotik dan abiotik, serta efisien pemupukan dan air. GSR diharapkan memiliki daya adaptasi dan hasil yang baik pada kondisi sawah tadah hujan. Evaluasi galur-galur padi GSR pada lahan tadah hujan telah dilakukan di Kecamatan Jakenan, Kabupaten Pati, Provinsi Jawa Tengah pada MK 2014. Penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok 2 ulangan dengan perlakuan 30 galur padi GSR dan empat varietas pembanding. Galur-galur GSR yang dievaluasi merupakan galur hasil seleksi di Indramayu pada musim sebelumnya. Varietas pembanding yang digunakan adalah Inpari 13, Inpari 10, Inpari 23, dan Situ Bagendit. Bibit umur 21 hari setelah sebar dari setiap galur dan varietas pembanding ditanam 1–3 bibit per lubang pada plot berukuran 2 m x 5 m dengan jarak tanam 20 cm x 20 cm. Pengairan bergantung pada turunnya hujan dan pompa air dari embung penampung air hujan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa galur yang diuji memiliki perbedaan nyata dan sangat berbeda nyata pada karakter agronomi yang diamati. Galur GSR yang beradaptasi relatif baik di sawah tadah hujan Kabupaten Pati pada musim kemarau adalah HHZ2–SKI-2–7–0Kr-JK-IND (4,09 t/ha) yang memiliki hasil nyata lebih tinggi daripada cek terbaik Situ Bagendit (3,04 t/ha), dan HHZ4–SKI-5–4–0Kr-JK-IND (3,91 t/ha) serta Zhonghua1–SKI-1–IND (3,85 t/ha) yang memiliki hasil nyata lebih tinggi daripada cek terbaik kedua, yaitu Inpari 13 (2,88 t/ha). Galur-galur GSR tersebut prospektif untuk diuji lebih lanjut karena memiliki daya hasil yang tinggi dan memiliki karakteristik agronomis sesuai dengan preferensi petani di Indonesia. Faktor keunggulan daya hasil galur-galur GSR yang teridentifikasi dalam percobaan ini diduga didukung oleh karakter jumlah gabah isi/malai, jumlah anakan, dan umur yang relatif genjah. Galur-galur GSR yang diuji memiliki kemiripan relatif tinggi (50%)

    Molecular characterization of multidrug-resistance in Gram-negative bacteria from the Peshawar teaching hospital, Pakistan

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    Extended-spectrum β-lactamases, carbapenemases, 16S rRNA methylases conferring pan-drug aminoglycoside resistance and colistin resistance were investigated among Gram-negative bacteria recovered from clinical samples (infections) from 200 individuals hospitalized at the Khyber Teaching Hospital of Peshawar, north Pakistan, from December 2017 to March 2018. Out of 65 isolates recovered, 19% were carbapenem resistant and 16% carried a bla NDM-1 gene, confirming the widespread distribution of NDM producers in this country. The association of the NDM carbapenem-resistance determinant, together with the extended-spectrum β-lactamase CTX-M-15 and 16S rRNA methylases, was frequent, explaining the multidrug-resistance pattern observed. All isolates remained susceptible to colistin

    Development of Artificial Hand Gripper by using Microcontroller

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    This paper focuses on the development of a measurement hand gripper to help handicap patient due to accident and diseases. Basically, when the patient needed to perform exercises they must get an appointment with a doctor. Normally this will take few weeks or months. This is because the rehabilitation devices at Physiotherapy Department in hospital are very limited. From this problem, we suggest to develop a reasonably cheap home-based rehabilitation measurement devices which can perform the task of assisting paralyze patient at home. The basic movement of the patient was limited from a wrist, elbow and shoulder. The development of this project involves the designing of a sensors equipped Smart Glove and a measurement hand gripper device. The hand gripper device will move based on a human operator’s finger movement using the Smart Glove. The purpose of our project is to design and develop a master-slave system robotic hand which can be a substitution for the paralyzed hand in therapy to aid in recovery process of patients upper limb function. The project involves an Arduino microcontroller for the instrumentation, communication and controlling applications. A series of flex sensors are fitted in a master glove to get readings from the movement of human fingers. Microcontroller will further use this information to control multiple servos that controls the movement of slave robotic hand