14 research outputs found
PLINK formatted TFAM file with coat color genotype for each of 33 wolves. Individuals coded as a 2 are white, individuals coded as a 1 are not white (can be black or gray)
The corresponding TFAM file for the set of 94 unrelated individuals showing >50% assignment in structure. The first column of each line is the ecotype designation for each sample
BayeScan results with prior odds of 10
This is the results (fst) file from running BayeScan with prior odds of 10, with 94 non-admixed individuals and the 42K snp set. Each row represents a different SNP, with the order of the SNPs the same as in the nonAdmix_nacanids_94indiv_unrel_noYNP_42Ksnps_wEcotypes.tped file
Geographic distance matrix for Mantel and spatial autocorrelation tests
This file is a square matrix of geographic distance, in kilometers, between 111 wolves. Genalex was used to calculate these distances, using the options 'Genalex --> distance --> geographic --> decimal lat/long, square matrix'. Individuals are in the same order as in the nacanids_111indiv_unrel_noYNP_42Ksnps.tfam file
The .tfam file, in PLINK format, that corresponds to nacanids_111indiv_unrel_noYNP_42Ksnps.tped. This file has the sample names for 111 unrelated wolves
The set of all 42,587 SNPs for 94 unrelated wolves, with >50% assignment in structure, in PLINK .tped format.(http://pngu.mgh.harvard.edu/~purcell/plink/
The set of all 42,587 SNPs for 111 unrelated wolves, in PLINK .tped format. (http://pngu.mgh.harvard.edu/~purcell/plink/
BayeScan results with prior odds of 10000
This is the results (fst) file from running BayeScan with prior odds of 10000, with 94 non-admixed individuals and the 42K snp set. Each row represents a different SNP, with the order of the SNPs the same as in the nonAdmix_nacanids_94indiv_unrel_noYNP_42Ksnps_wEcotypes.tped file
Environmental Data for 94 wolves in 6 populations
These data represent latitude and longitude coordinates for the 94 wolves used in this study for selection tests. The 12 environmental variables for each coordinate were downloaded within ArcGIS from various WORLDCLIM databases (http://www.worldclim.org/). Please see descriptions on website for information on what each variable measures. From the website: "Please note that the temperature data are in °C * 10. This means that a value of 231 represents 23.1 °C. This does lead to some confusion, but it allows for much reduced file sizes which is important as for many downloading large files remains difficult. The unit used for the precipitation data is mm (millimeter).
PLINK formatted genotypes of 33 individuals used for coat color association test, gentoyped at 42K SNPs. This data set includes 10 Yellowstone wolves which were not included in the main analysis for the paper, but were included for the coat color association