562 research outputs found
Analisis Pendapatan Hot Cocoa (Studi Kasus (P4S) Cahaya Duta Palili di Desa Bunga – Bunga Kecamatan Matakali Kabupaten Polewali Mandar
Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di P4s Cahaya Duta Palili Desa Bunga-bunga Kecamatan Matakali Kabupaten Polewali Mandar dari bulan Agustus sampai dengan Oktober 2016. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui besar biaya produksi USAha Hot Cocoa kemudian berapa pendapatan yang diterima, dan menentukan nilai R/C Ratio yang dicapai, tujuannya untuk mengetahui tingkat efisiensi USAhanya. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini meliputi metode observasi langsung, wawancara melalui kuesioner terhadap responden sekaligus mengambil dokumentasi penelitian dan dilanjutkan dengan metode analisis kuantitatif untuk menentukan berapa besar biaya yang dikeluarkan dan besarnya pendapatan serta kelayakan USAha. Hasil penelitian diperoleh Pendapatan yang diperoleh dari P4S Cahaya Duta Palili dari USAha pembuatan Hot Cocoa yakni sebesar Rp.37.459.650,- selama tiga bulan dari total penerimaan sebesar Rp. 74.400.000,- Dan total biaya sebesar Rp.36.940.350,-. Berdasarkan nilai R/C Ratio yang diperoleh pada USAha Hot Cocoa di P4S Cahaya Duta Palili sebesar 2,38 berarti USAha tersebut dinyatakan layak, karena setiap penambahan biaya Rp 1,- maka akan memperoleh penerimaan sebesar 2,38. Dengan demikian USAha pembuatan Hot Cocoa yang telah diproduksi oleh P4S Cahaya Duta Palili dinilai layak untuk diteruska
Character based education values of teacher and students from the perspective of the history of Moses and the prophet of Khidir in the Al-Qur’an Al- Kahfi verse 60-82 can be concluded that it is better for someone who wants to study to deliver their intention politely, with a strong determination and patience. The students should always respect the teachers and say sorry in advance if they do something wrong. Teachers should try as good as possible to explain the material so that the students understand the purpose and the intention of the subject. The message of this history is that studying has nothing to do with age, whether they are old or young. A student needs to come to the core of knowledge although it takes time and a distance. When the teaching and learning process, a student is not allowed to cut the teacher’s speech, even they have to keep their attitude to get the teacher’s willingness
EQUALITAS GENDER (Konsep dan Aktualisasinya dalam Islâm serta Implikasinya atas Rumusan Hukum Islâm)
Tulisan ini secara deskriptif argumentatif berusaha mengkaji konsep Islâm tentang kesetaraan gender. Di dalamnya dideskripsikan juga aktualisasi kesetaraan gender dalam perspektif dinamika sosial baik pada level akademis maupun aksi sosial. Tulisan ini akhirnya sampai pada suatu kesimpulan, bahwa konsep feminisme liberal tentang kesetaraan gender lebih equivalen dengan perspektif Islâm, sehingga sampai batas tertentu, ia dapat diterima oleh masyarakat Muslim, melalui pintu masuk kritis-transformatif-adaptif. Lebih dari itu, konsep tersebut berimplikasi teoritis atas beberapa rumusan hukum Islâm, seperti kemungkinan kesetaraan dalam otoritas persaksian dan pola kewarisan antara laki-laki dan perempuan
D-Lexis: Alphabet Mobile Learning Application for dyslexia for dyslexia Based on Slingerland Methods of Learning
This dessertation reports on the development of D-Lexis, a mobile application with android platform to help dyslexic students in alphabetical learning based on Slingerland methods of learning. Dyslexia is a medical condition that hinders reading, language and spelling skills of a student which affects their learning performance and makes dyslexic students hate conventional classroom methods. Therefore, learning modules for dyslexia learning must be in sequence, structured and applies multisensory approach with focus in alphabet learning as fundamental of literacy to overcome problems of phonological processing that leads to offences in reading, writing, memory retention and spelling. This project focus at overcoming 3 offenses such as reversal and inversion of letters while writing, short memory retention and 'dancing letters' conditions as well as confusion of letters while reading through 5 modules-recognizing capital and lowercase letters, tracing capital and lowercase letters and exercise. The development of the system is based on rapid prototype methodology which is flexible for author to ensure the application meeting user's requirements. An interview with the dyslexia practitioners, 3 observations through videos, 5 qualitative surveys and 3 revisions on design of the systems are conducted to ensure the application is meeting requirements and needs of a dyslexic. The application is developed in 2 phase with 3 amendments on designs and 2 amendments on the development process which results in 5 interactive modules aims on enhancing writing and recognition of letters according to dyslexic needs and requirements. The proposed system is not only suitable for dyslexic but also can be used as a pre-literacy learning application for pre-schools students or primary students
Rasm Utsmani dalam Al-Qur’an Indonesia pada Kelompok Pemuda Amor (Arek Mor Lorong) Kecamatan Lenteng Sumenep
The Ottoman rasm was the method of writing agreed upon by the companions of the Prophet Muhammad in codifying the Qur'an which was feared lost and destroyed if it was not immediately codified. The Qur'an at that time was written without adding vowel and letter dots in the writing. However, the The companions of prophet MUHAMMAD SAW can read it because of the Arabic fluency of the companions and a high level of memorization. Over time the writing of the Koran began to add vowel and letter dots because generations after the companions found it difficult to read the Koran without punctuation such as vowel and dots on the letter. The al-Qur'an published by the Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia has experienced many improvements in its writing, but there are ways of writing the Ottoman Manuscripts that are still contained in the Qur'an published by the Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia. This can cause errors if not explained how to read it. Because of that, community service was carried out about the Ottoman rasm in the Qur'an. The target group for community service activities is the youth group AMOR (Arek Mor Lorong) Lenteng Sumenep. The target group does not yet have the knowledge and skills to read the Ottoman rasm written in the Indonesian Qur'an. Therefore, in this community service activity, material about Ottoman rasm was delivered in the Indonesian Qur'an. As a result, the youth group AMOR (Arek Mor Lorong) Lenteng Sumenep finally gained in-depth knowledge about the Ottoman rasm found in the Indonesian Qur'an
This study was aimed to analyze the relationship of long-term and short-term equilibrium between exchange rates and inflation on exports in ASEAN-8 countries (Brunei Darussalam, Laos, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines, Vietnam and Thailand) by using analysis model with the Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) panel from the period 1990 to 2017. The model selection was based on long-term and short-term capabilities with different stationary levels. The results revealed that in long-term the exchange rate and inflation had a dominant influence on export activities in ASEAN-8 countries, while inflation had a dominant influence on exports in short-term. This result proved that inflation had a large influence on the growth of the trade stability, if the cost of products and services continuously increased in the market mechanism, it will result in the increased public consumption. The excess liquidity in the market triggered the consumption or speculation which resulted in the non-compliance products distribution and the decline in currency value continuously
Investigating the Income Inequality in Indonesia: An Application of Autoregressive Distributed Lag Approach
This study investigates the effect of economic growth, urban population, unemployment, and human capital on income inequality in Indonesia. Annual data collected from World Development Indicator (WDI) is used from 1984 to 2019. The analytical method of this research is Autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) to examine the short and long-term relationships. The results show that economic growth positively and significantly affects income inequality in the short and long term. The urban population variable has a significant negative effect in the short term but not in the long term. The unemployment variable has a significant positive effect in the long run. Finally, human capital negatively affects the short term while not in the long term. Based on these findings, it is recommended that the government stabilize inequality by increasing progressive taxes, creating jobs, providing soft skills training beyond formal education, and socializing the concept of commuter work
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