3 research outputs found

    Domination and resistance in liberal settler colonialism : Palestinians in Israel between the homeland and the transnational

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    This thesis explores native resistance to settler colonialism through its focus on the ’48 Palestinians (also known as the Palestinian citizens of Israel). It innovatively brings together postcolonial theory and settler colonial studies to explore the racialised, ethnicised, gendered and sexualised dimensions of settler colonial violence, how these shape native modalities of resistance and subordination, and the ways in which the transnational is imbricated within these processes. The thesis undertakes two case studies – on the Palestinian Bedouin struggle for land rights and on the Palestinian queer movement – drawing upon archival research, other primary texts and ethnographic exploration. The case studies are interrogated in relation to the liberal-nationalist framework that dominates ’48 Palestinian discourse and resistance. The thesis radically critiques the frameworks of ethnocracy, ethnonationalism and minority studies that have been most prevalent in earlier research on ’48 Palestinians. Instead, this study builds on an understanding of resistance as diagnostic of power (Abu-Lughod 1990). It argues that the resistance of Palestinians in Israel is diagnostic of the structure of Israel as a liberal settler state, and unfolds in relation to the liminal positionality of ’48 Palestinians between (semi)liberal citizenship and colonial subjecthood. It further argues that the subjectivities and modalities of resistance of ’48 Palestinians are shaped through the racialising logics of settler colonialism, and the intersectionalities of these logics with ethnicity, gender and sexuality. Through the focus in the two case studies on indigeneity (and the fetishisation of the indigenous subject as premodern) and LGBT rights (and the folding of queer subjects into modernity), the thesis further suggests that the resistance of ’48 Palestinians is also shaped in complex and ambivalent ways by their ongoing encounters with the liberal frameworks of multiculturalism and human rights. The case studies illuminate that while these frameworks can serve as vehicles for empowerment, they can also reproduce the racialising logics of settler colonialism and further its entrenchment. This means that ’48 Palestinians constantly (re)negotiate their identities, their struggles and their political agendas within multiple circuits of power. The ambivalence of the encounter with the liberal settler state, as inclusionary and exclusionary, and human rights, as empowering and oppressive, produces native resistance to settler colonialism to be shaped and reshaped by competing political projects and hybrid modalities of resistance that include practices of self-essentialising, Bhabian notions of resistance as subversion, and a Fanonian politics of rejection as both pedagogy and a political imperative. The thesis concludes that the mobilisation of a more radical vision of decolonisation requires transcendence of both liberal settler colonialism and the liberal politics of human rights

    Additional file 2: Figure S2. of Radiotherapy enhances natural killer cell cytotoxicity and localization in pre-clinical canine sarcomas and first-in-dog clinical trial

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    Validation of ALDH as a CSC Marker in Dog PDX Tumors. A. A dog sarcoma PDX tumor was allowed to grow to ~ 20 mm in maximal dimension. The tumor was then excised and digested into single cell suspension. B. Tumor cells were sorted by flow cytometry into ALDHbright and ALDHdim populations. 2 × 105 purified cells were implanted subcutaneously into contralateral flanks of NSG mice (N = 4) and allowed to grow. ALDHbright cells established tumors faster and were more rapidly fatal. * P < 0.05 via one-way ANOVA with Tukey’s post-test. C. Representative photograph showing difference in tumor formation between ALDHbright and ALDHdim sarcoma PDX #465049 cells implanted subcutaneously in NSG mice. (TIFF 890 kb

    Additional file 1: Figure S1. of Radiotherapy enhances natural killer cell cytotoxicity and localization in pre-clinical canine sarcomas and first-in-dog clinical trial

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    Canine Lymphokine Activated Killer Cells Respond to Human Cytokines and Can Target Dog Osteosarcoma Cells. Dog PBMCs were obtained from healthy dogs and laboratory beagles. Adherent lymphocytes were isolated by standard techniques and cultured with short term rhIL-12/15/18 for 24 h followed by co-culture with low dose rhIL-2 (100 IU/mL) for 7 days. Cells were assessed for expansion, viability, and cytotoxicity at various time points. A. From 4 donors, the mean number of ALAKs at day 0 was 12 × 106 ALAKs. After 7 days in culture, the mean number of recovered ALAKs was 23 ± 9.8 × 106 cells. B. After 7 days in culture, the mean fold expansion of ALAKs was 1.8 ± 0.3. C. Mean viability decreased from 97.7 ± 1.8% on day 0 to 92.3 ± 4.7% on day 7. D. Using PBMCs from a 4-year old healthy unknown breed, we observed that cytotoxicity against OSA-1 targets at day 7 was significantly greater after co-culture with recombinant human cytokines IL-12 (10 ng/mL), IL-15 (10 ng/mL), and IL-18 (10 ng/mL) compared to rhIL-2 alone (5000 IU/mL). E. Using ALAKS expanded with rhIL-12/15/18 from a healthy 7-year old Rat Terrier, we performed a 12–16 h killing assay at the indicated effector:target ratios with OSCA-32. Dose-dependent cytotoxicity was again observed. **** P < 0.0001 via one-way ANOVA with Tukey’s post-test. (TIFF 104 kb