185 research outputs found
It is a fact that University, even Islamic University under the authority of Religious Ministry Institution, is not free from the incident of sexual violence, yet they don’t have rulings and procedure of preventing and handling the case of sexual violence involving civitas academic, be it happen inside or outside the campus. For this reason, it is crucial to conduct an analysis on the document of Preventing and Handling the Sexual Violence (PPKS) rules in National Islamic Higher Education with relate to the Decree of the General Director of Islamic Education on PPKS in PTKI and National regulations. This study method uses descriptive qualitative analysis with a socio-legal approach. The data sources are field data on sexual violence and harassment research in 2019 and 2020 and library documents. From the findings and socio-legal analysis, it is known that Indonesia's positive law is still partial and does not provide sufficient detail regarding the prevention and management of sexual violence. The Decree of the Director-General of Pendis uses the definition of the form of sexual violence referring to the Bill on the Elimination of Sexual Violence, where on the one hand it takes sides with victims and human rights but on the other hand, has potential problems in the application of the Decree of the Director-General of Pendis in the future. The Draft of a decree or existing decree of the rector at PTKI, including at UIN SU, try to refer to the Decree of the Director-General of Education, especially in the juridical, sociological, philosophical aspects as well as the benefit to victims and the academic community. However, in-depth analysis of the draft of the rector's regulation does not fully comply with the Decree of the Director-General of Education, particularly in the aspects of the referral service system, PPKS management structure, and monitoring and evaluation mechanisms
Telaah Spasio – Temporal Komunitas Ikan Padang Lamun (Seagrass Beds) di Perairan Pantai Kota Bontang Kalimantan Timur
Telaah spasio-temporal komunitas ikan padang lamun di perairan pesisir Bontang Kalimantan Timur.. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis spesies penyusun padang lamun, kondisi padang lamun dan spesies ikan yang penting dalam komunitas pada perairan padang lamun. Ikan tersebut dikumpulkan dengan jaring insang berukuran 1,5 inci, sedangkan vegetasi lamun dikumpulkan dengan metode kuadrat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa untuk keanekaragaman habitat dan spesies penyusun padang lamun yang lebih padat, lebih banyak spesies ikan ditemukan berbeda nyata dalam kelimpahan individu, tidak hanya pada lokasi yang berbeda tetapi juga pada periode pengambilan sampel yang berbeda. Indeks struktur jenis menunjukkan bahwa komunitas ikan di padang lamun Kota Bontang mempunyai indeks keanekaragaman Shannon (H’) secara spasial-temporal dan tergolong tinggi dengan indeks keanekaragaman (E’) berkisar antara tidak stabil hingga stabil dan tidak terjadi dominansi spesies (C’)
Tanggung Jawab Negara Dalam Memberikan Perlindungan Terhadap Hak-hak Korban Pelanggaran Ham Berat Di Indonesia
Under the International human rights law, every state has the primary responsibility in the promotion and protection of human rights, that can not be reduced for political, economic and cultural reasons. Indonesia has enacted Law No 39 of 1999 on Human Rights and Law No. 26 of 2000 on Human Rights Court consistent with the relevant International human rights instruments. Under Article 71of Law No 39 of 1999 The Indonesian Government is obliged and responsible to respect, protect, enforce, and promote human rights as stipulated in this Law, other legislation, and the human rights International laws ratified by the Republic of Indonesia . In recent years, however, the gross violations of human rights have occurred in Indonesia, which have not yet been settled. The human rights are clearly violated by the Indonesia Authorities both civilian and military officials. This article is to study the legal redress for the victims of human rights gross violations under the above national laws and Government Regulation No. 3 of 2002. The article will seek to demonstrate gaps in the current legal framework governing human rights. The continuation of the impunity and injustice treatement for the human rights victims is a direct result of the inadequate legislation
The Perceived Students Opinion on Post-Graduate Job oppurtunities: Finding From UIN Ar-Raniry Islamic Communication and Broadcasting Master Programme
This research is a descriptive study that examines the development of Postgraduate Study Programs as well as to revitalize and to determine perceptions of study program work opportunities. Islamic Communication and Broadcasting Postgraduate at UIN Ar-Raniry, the alumni to become practitioners of political communication in various fields of the world of work, both government and private lines, are the study program of Islamic Communication and Broadcasting (KPI). To make it even simpler, the researcher made only two problem formulations; How to revitalize job opportunities for study program postgraduate students. Postgraduate Islamic Communication and Broadcasting Becomes a Political Communication Practitioner for the 2016/2018 class. And how is the process and influence of perceptions of interest in job opportunities into political communication on interest in choosing postgraduate Islamic communication and broadcasting study programs at UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh. In this study, researchers used a data collection technique using a tracer study because this technique was not only useful for the internal Postgraduate Study Program of Islamic Communication and Broadcasting, Ar-Raniry State Islamic University, but also became a bridge between the Postgraduate and stakeholders. Tracer studies. Tracer Study to be able to measure and track the performance and suggestions of graduates and graduate users so that clear indicators can be obtained about the number, future job profiles, and competencies required by the world of wor
Permasalahan sampah kini telah menjadi isu yang penting dalam masalah lingkungan perkotaan. Timbulan sampah pun tidak akan berkurang atau habis, bahkan bisa saja terus bertambah seiring dengan pertumbuhan populasi manusia yang semakin tinggi dan kompleksnya aktivitas manusia.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk Mengetahui Pembangunan Berbasis Masyarakat Melalui Program Bank Sampah di Desa Kuranji Dalang, Kecamatan Labu Api Kabupaten Lombok barat. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data yaitu observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa pembangunan masyarakat melalui program bank sampah sejauh ini sudah berjalan dengan baik, tetap belum menunjukkan perubahan yang signifikan di lingkungan masyarakat. Dilihat dari kemandiriannya, nasabah bank sampah sudah cukup mandiri dalam memilah sampah. Tetapi untuk masyarakat yang bukan nasabah bank sampah masih belum mampu mengelola sampahnya dengan baik, masih ada yang buang sampah di kali, dan membakarnya di lingkungan rumah. Belum ada bantuan sarana prasarana dari pemerintah untuk menunjang kegiatan bank sampah. Dilihat dari segi ekonominya, masyarakat sudah cukup terbantu tetapi belum memberikan perubahan yang signifikan hal ini dikarenakan kurangnya partisipasi masyarakat untuk mengelola sampah di bank sampah dan melihat keuntungan dari segi ekonomi di bank sampah sangat sedikit sehingga membuat mereka acuh tak acuh terhadap sampah
Sinergitas Kinerja Kecamatan dan Kelurahan dalam Penyelenggaraan Pelayanan Publik
The synergy of the performance of government officials in the city of Mataram is still not found to be synergized, resulting in weak coordination and consolidation in the delivery of public services. In the future, Mataram City will maximize the implementation of public services through continuous assessment of the performance synergy of sub-districts and villages at the Mataram City level to motivate sub-district heads and sub-district and village officials and encourage creativity, innovation of government officials in the region and good performance synergy. This study uses 6 parameters as an assessment analysis, namely public services, coordination of government administration, budget management, innovations and efforts made, human resource competencies and the existence of other supporting data. The research method used is descriptive quantitative with data collection techniques, namely questionnaires distributed to a total of 50 villages and 6 sub-districts in Mataram City. The results showed that the highest sub-district performance synergy was in Sandubaya Sub-district with the highest score of 84.28%, the lowest was Mataram Sub-district 59.55%, while West Cakra Village had the highest score of 89.90% and East Monjok Village had the lowest score of 37.66%. Of the 6 weighting indicators, there are 2 parameters achieving the highest score of 100%, namely Sub-district Budget management and Sub-district Innovation, while the lowest indicator lies in the aspect of Public Services at the Sub-district Level. Performance synergy assessment is one of the efforts of the district / city government in the form of efforts to improve public service deliveryThe synergy of the performance of government apparatus in Mataram City should ideally be coordinated and collaborative government (sub-districts and villages) in organizing public services. So far, the synergy of public services has not been optimal, reflected in the interpretation of 6 parameters that still vary in providing public services. On the other hand, the community's need for public services at the kelurahan and kecamatan levels is at the forefront of obtaining the same service. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to measure these parameters including public services, coordination of governance, budget management, innovations and efforts made, human resource competencies and the existence of other supporting data. The research method used a descriptive quantitative approach with a triangulation analysis model, data collection techniques used interviews, observations and questionnaires for a total of 50 villages and 6 sub-districts in Mataram City. The results showed that the synergy of Sub-district Performance was highest in Sandubaya Sub-district with the highest score of 84.28%, the lowest in Mataram Sub-district 59.55%, while West Cakra Village had the highest score of 89.90% and East Monjok Village had the lowest score of 37.66%. Of the 6 indicators weighted by value, there are 2 parameters achieving the highest value of 100%, namely sub-district budget management and sub-district innovation, while the lowest indicator lies in the aspect of public services at the sub-district level. Performance synergy assessment is one of the efforts of the district / city government in the form of efforts to improve public service delivery
Differences in Increasing an Economic Learning Outcomes by Applying the Cooperative Model of NHT ( Numbered Head Together ) and IOC ( Inside Outside Circle ) Models in Participants in Muhammadiyah 1 High School Palangkaraya
This study aims to determine and analyze learning outcomes by combining NHT (numbered head together) and IOC (inside the outside circle) cooperative learning models on the economic learning outcomes of Palangkaraya Muhammadiyah 1 High School students. The data analysis technique used in this study was a data analysis technique using the Wilcoxon signed rank test. The conclusions that can be drawn based on the results of this study are: the NHT (numbered head together) cooperative model has proven to be effective in improving the economic learning outcomes of students of Muhammadiyah 1 Palangkaraya High School, the cooperative model of the IOC type (inside outside circle) has been proven to effectively improve the economic learning outcomes of Muhammadiyah 1 High School students Palangkaraya, the merging of the NHT (numbered head together) and IOC (inside outside circle) cooperative model is effective on the economic learning outcomes of Palangkaraya 1 Muhammadiyah high school students. Keywords: Economic Learning Outcomes, cooperative, NHT (Numbered Head Together) type, IOC type (Inside Outside Circle). DOI: 10.7176/JEP/11-2-13 Publication date: January 31st 202
Apakah Islam Agama Eksklusif?
Salah satu isi hadist yang menjadi referensi dugaan menunjukkan Islam itu ekslusif adalah: “maka seorang Muslim mengangkat tangannya dan menampar si Yahudi”. Tulisan ini ingin menelusuri validitas hadis tersebut, dan pemaknaannya melalui kitab-kitab syarah hadits yang mu’tabar, dan bagaimana kaitannya dengan beragama secara eksklusif. Dari penelusuran ditemukan bahwa hadis tersebut tergolong Shahih karena diriwayatkan oleh Bukhari dalam Shahihnya. Hadis ini tergolong ke dalam beragama secara eksklusif, namun demikian eksklusifisme dalam hadis tersebut, tidaklah vacuum historis, dalam artian ada hal yang menyebabkan terjadinya tamparan, atau tindak kekerasan. Kemarahan Nabi yang tertera dalam hadis tersebut, juga tidak mengarah secara eksplisit dan khusus terhadap tindak “penamparan”, melainkan pada hal Yahudi yang melebihkan Nabi yang satu dengan yang lainnya. Ini artinya, tindakan tersebut hanya bersifat defensif, respon terhadap kondisi yang tidak dibenarkan. Dalam konteks keislaman, eksklusifisme hanya pada tataran teologis, namun toleran pada tataran sosiologis.
Implementasi Triple Helix Of Economic Education Terintegrasi Sustainable Develompent Goals (SDGS) Untuk Meningkatkan Hardskill Dan Softskill Mahasiswa Pendidikan Ekonomi Berbasis Kampus Merdeka Di Universitas Hamzanwadi
The implementation of the independent campus learning policy encourages the learning process in higher education to become more autonomous and flexible. This research focuses on the aim of implementing a triple helix of integrated economic education with sustainable development goals (SDGs) to improve the hard skills and soft skills of independent campus-based economic education students at Hamzanwadi University. This research uses a qualitative research method which is field research (field research). Data collection techniques were carried out through observation, interviews and documentation techniques. Data analysis includes data collection, data condensation, data presentation, and conclusions. The findings of this research apply the triple helix of economic education that is integrated with sustainable development goals (SDGs) to improve hard skills and soft skills that are adapted to the Independent Campus concept. Students are given challenges and opportunities to develop creativity, capacity, personality and student needs, as well as develop independence in seeking and finding knowledge through field realities and dynamics such as ability requirements, real similarities, social interaction, collaboration, self-management, performance demands, targets and his achievements
The instrument development to measure the verbal ability of prospective high school students
An alternative for determining an accurate major for prospective high school students is not only based on academic scores but also on the results of the scholastic aptitude test (SAT). Verbal ability is an SAT subtest that assesses language management, vocabulary, and problem-solving abilities through a complete language study. This study developed a verbal ability test instrument for junior high school students consisting of the ability of synonyms, antonyms, and analogies. The data was collected from 300 junior high school students in grade nine who took a test with dichotomous data. The data analysis approach used one-order confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) with correlation factors. The results showed that CFA with correlation factors indicated the construct validity of the instrument was valid with the index criteria value =446.80, df=389, p-value=0.02267, root mean squared error of approximation (RMSEA)=0.022, goodness of fit index (GFI)=0.91, adjusted goodness-of-fit (AGFI)=0.89, and comparative fit index (CFI)=0.98. Then, construct reliability has good reliability with coefficient values for each dimension of 0.93, 0.95, and 0.84. As for the composite reliability of 0.88. It shows that using the verbal ability test instrument is feasible and has a reliable scale to measure the ability of junior high school students
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