143 research outputs found
End-to-End Error-Correcting Codes on Networks with Worst-Case Symbol Errors
The problem of coding for networks experiencing worst-case symbol errors is
considered. We argue that this is a reasonable model for highly dynamic
wireless network transmissions. We demonstrate that in this setup prior network
error-correcting schemes can be arbitrarily far from achieving the optimal
network throughput. A new transform metric for errors under the considered
model is proposed. Using this metric, we replicate many of the classical
results from coding theory. Specifically, we prove new Hamming-type,
Plotkin-type, and Elias-Bassalygo-type upper bounds on the network capacity. A
commensurate lower bound is shown based on Gilbert-Varshamov-type codes for
error-correction. The GV codes used to attain the lower bound can be
non-coherent, that is, they do not require prior knowledge of the network
topology. We also propose a computationally-efficient concatenation scheme. The
rate achieved by our concatenated codes is characterized by a Zyablov-type
lower bound. We provide a generalized minimum-distance decoding algorithm which
decodes up to half the minimum distance of the concatenated codes. The
end-to-end nature of our design enables our codes to be overlaid on the
classical distributed random linear network codes [1]. Furthermore, the
potentially intensive computation at internal nodes for the link-by-link
error-correction is un-necessary based on our design.Comment: Submitted for publication. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap
with arXiv:1108.239
Communication and distributional complexity of joint probability mass functions
The problem of truly-lossless (Pe = 0) distributed source coding [1] requires knowledge of the joint statistics of the sources. In particular the locations of the zeroes of the probability mass functions (pmfs) are crucial for encoding at rates below (H(X),H(Y)) [2]. We consider the distributed computation of the empirical joint pmf Pn of a sequence of random variable pairs observed at physically separated nodes of a network. We consider both worst-case and average measures of information exchange and treat both exact calculation of Pn and a notion of approximation. We find that in all cases the communication cost grows linearly with the size of the input. Further, we consider the problem of determining whether the empirical pmf has a zero in a particular location and show that in most cases considered this also requires a communication cost that is linear in the input size
Communication over an Arbitrarily Varying Channel under a State-Myopic Encoder
We study the problem of communication over a discrete arbitrarily varying
channel (AVC) when a noisy version of the state is known non-causally at the
encoder. The state is chosen by an adversary which knows the coding scheme. A
state-myopic encoder observes this state non-causally, though imperfectly,
through a noisy discrete memoryless channel (DMC). We first characterize the
capacity of this state-dependent channel when the encoder-decoder share
randomness unknown to the adversary, i.e., the randomized coding capacity.
Next, we show that when only the encoder is allowed to randomize, the capacity
remains unchanged when positive. Interesting and well-known special cases of
the state-myopic encoder model are also presented.Comment: 16 page
The Capacity of Online (Causal) -ary Error-Erasure Channels
In the -ary online (or "causal") channel coding model, a sender wishes to
communicate a message to a receiver by transmitting a codeword symbol by symbol via a channel
limited to at most errors and/or erasures. The channel is
"online" in the sense that at the th step of communication the channel
decides whether to corrupt the th symbol or not based on its view so far,
i.e., its decision depends only on the transmitted symbols .
This is in contrast to the classical adversarial channel in which the
corruption is chosen by a channel that has a full knowledge on the sent
codeword .
In this work we study the capacity of -ary online channels for a combined
corruption model, in which the channel may impose at most {\em errors} and
at most {\em erasures} on the transmitted codeword. The online
channel (in both the error and erasure case) has seen a number of recent
studies which present both upper and lower bounds on its capacity. In this
work, we give a full characterization of the capacity as a function of ,
and .Comment: This is a new version of the binary case, which can be found at
Learning Immune-Defectives Graph through Group Tests
This paper deals with an abstraction of a unified problem of drug discovery
and pathogen identification. Pathogen identification involves identification of
disease-causing biomolecules. Drug discovery involves finding chemical
compounds, called lead compounds, that bind to pathogenic proteins and
eventually inhibit the function of the protein. In this paper, the lead
compounds are abstracted as inhibitors, pathogenic proteins as defectives, and
the mixture of "ineffective" chemical compounds and non-pathogenic proteins as
normal items. A defective could be immune to the presence of an inhibitor in a
test. So, a test containing a defective is positive iff it does not contain its
"associated" inhibitor. The goal of this paper is to identify the defectives,
inhibitors, and their "associations" with high probability, or in other words,
learn the Immune Defectives Graph (IDG) efficiently through group tests. We
propose a probabilistic non-adaptive pooling design, a probabilistic two-stage
adaptive pooling design and decoding algorithms for learning the IDG. For the
two-stage adaptive-pooling design, we show that the sample complexity of the
number of tests required to guarantee recovery of the inhibitors, defectives,
and their associations with high probability, i.e., the upper bound, exceeds
the proposed lower bound by a logarithmic multiplicative factor in the number
of items. For the non-adaptive pooling design too, we show that the upper bound
exceeds the proposed lower bound by at most a logarithmic multiplicative factor
in the number of items.Comment: Double column, 17 pages. Updated with tighter lower bounds and other
minor edit
Analog network coding in general SNR regime: Performance of a greedy scheme
The problem of maximum rate achievable with analog network coding for a
unicast communication over a layered relay network with directed links is
considered. A relay node performing analog network coding scales and forwards
the signals received at its input. Recently this problem has been considered
under certain assumptions on per node scaling factor and received SNR.
Previously, we established a result that allows us to characterize the optimal
performance of analog network coding in network scenarios beyond those that can
be analyzed using the approaches based on such assumptions.
The key contribution of this work is a scheme to greedily compute a lower
bound to the optimal rate achievable with analog network coding in the general
layered networks. This scheme allows for exact computation of the optimal
achievable rates in a wider class of layered networks than those that can be
addressed using existing approaches. For the specific case of Gaussian N-relay
diamond network, to the best of our knowledge, the proposed scheme provides the
first exact characterization of the optimal rate achievable with analog network
coding. Further, for general layered networks, our scheme allows us to compute
optimal rates within a constant gap from the cut-set upper bound asymptotically
in the source power.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures. Fixed an issue with the notation in the
statement and proof of Lemma 1. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap
with arXiv:1204.2150 and arXiv:1202.037
Zero Error Coordination
In this paper, we consider a zero error coordination problem wherein the
nodes of a network exchange messages to be able to perfectly coordinate their
actions with the individual observations of each other. While previous works on
coordination commonly assume an asymptotically vanishing error, we assume
exact, zero error coordination. Furthermore, unlike previous works that employ
the empirical or strong notions of coordination, we define and use a notion of
set coordination. This notion of coordination bears similarities with the
empirical notion of coordination. We observe that set coordination, in its
special case of two nodes with a one-way communication link is equivalent with
the "Hide and Seek" source coding problem of McEliece and Posner. The Hide and
Seek problem has known intimate connections with graph entropy, rate distortion
theory, Renyi mutual information and even error exponents. Other special cases
of the set coordination problem relate to Witsenhausen's zero error rate and
the distributed computation problem. These connections motivate a better
understanding of set coordination, its connections with empirical coordination,
and its study in more general setups. This paper takes a first step in this
direction by proving new results for two node networks
Concatenated Polar Codes
Polar codes have attracted much recent attention as the first codes with low
computational complexity that provably achieve optimal rate-regions for a large
class of information-theoretic problems. One significant drawback, however, is
that for current constructions the probability of error decays
sub-exponentially in the block-length (more detailed designs improve the
probability of error at the cost of significantly increased computational
complexity \cite{KorUS09}). In this work we show how the the classical idea of
code concatenation -- using "short" polar codes as inner codes and a
"high-rate" Reed-Solomon code as the outer code -- results in substantially
improved performance. In particular, code concatenation with a careful choice
of parameters boosts the rate of decay of the probability of error to almost
exponential in the block-length with essentially no loss in computational
complexity. We demonstrate such performance improvements for three sets of
information-theoretic problems -- a classical point-to-point channel coding
problem, a class of multiple-input multiple output channel coding problems, and
some network source coding problems
Amplify-and-Forward in Wireless Relay Networks
A general class of wireless relay networks with a single source-destination
pair is considered. Intermediate nodes in the network employ an
amplify-and-forward scheme to relay their input signals. In this case the
overall input-output channel from the source via the relays to the destination
effectively behaves as an intersymbol interference channel with colored noise.
Unlike previous work we formulate the problem of the maximum achievable rate in
this setting as an optimization problem with no assumption on the network size,
topology, and received signal-to-noise ratio. Previous work considered only
scenarios wherein relays use all their power to amplify their received signals.
We demonstrate that this may not always maximize the maximal achievable rate in
amplify-and-forward relay networks. The proposed formulation allows us to not
only recover known results on the performance of the amplify-and-forward
schemes for some simple relay networks but also characterize the performance of
more complex amplify-and-forward relay networks which cannot be addressed in a
straightforward manner using existing approaches.
Using cut-set arguments, we derive simple upper bounds on the capacity of
general wireless relay networks. Through various examples, we show that a large
class of amplify-and-forward relay networks can achieve rates within a constant
factor of these upper bounds asymptotically in network parameters.Comment: Minor revision: fixed a typo in eqn. reference, changed the
formatting. 30 pages, 8 figure
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