14 research outputs found
PROBLEM BASED LEARNING WITH A MIND MAP STRATEGY ON ECOSYSTEM MATERIALS TO IMPROVE STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMESThis study aims to describe the improvement of student cognitive, affective and psychomotor learning outcomes in ecosystem material, teacher and student learning activities, and student responses in the learning process using the Problem Based Learning model with mind map strategies. The study was conducted at Cianjur District PGRI Pagelaran Junior High School. This study involved 29 students in the experimental class and 30 students in the control class. The research method used was quasi-experimental with only test post design design. Data collection techniques use multiple choice tests for cognitive learning outcomes, questionnaires for affective students care about the environment, and product evaluation and performance for psychomotor. The results of the study using the problem based learning model with mind map strategies can improve the cognitive learning outcomes of students with a significance value of 0,000 0,05, students' caring attitude towards the environment includes a good category with a percentage of 83%, student skills in making mind maps including medium and high with the percentage of 61% and 39% respectively, and student discussion skills included sufficient and good categories with a percentage of 33% and 67% respectively. Learning with problem based learning models with mind map strategies provides opportunities for students to find solutions to the problems given. Problem based learning with mind map strategies can improve student cognitive, affective and psychomotor learning outcomes
Project-Based Learning With Digital Storytelling To Improve Science Literacy Of 10th-Grade Students In Ma Al Manshuriyah School
Abstract: This study aims to describe the effectiveness of the project-based learning (PJBL) model with digital storytelling to enhance science literacy among 10th-grade students on ecosystem subjects. The research design was a quasi-experimental non-equivalent pretest-posttest control group. The study was conducted at MA Al Manshuriyah with 57 participants from two classes, IPA 1 and IPA 2. IPA 1 was selected as the experimental group that used a project-based learning model with digital storytelling, while IPA2 was the control group that used a conventional learning model. Validation and judgment of the research instruments were performed by experts until they were deemed suitable for use. The results showed that the learning process made the students more active in creatively solving problems. There was an improvement in students' science literacy skills on ecosystem subjects with an N-gain score of 65% (experimental group) and 56% (control group). The percentage of good category in science literacy for the experimental group was 85%, while for the control group was 78%. Students' caring attitude towards the environment was obtained at 79% with a very good category. The researchers concluded that project-based learning with digital storytelling was effective in enhancing students' science literacy skills and raising awareness of the environmen
Ecoliteracy of Junior High School Students through Phenomenon Based Learning on the Interaction of Living Things with the Environment
Ecoliteracy and Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) have received attention in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Students' understanding of the environment and sustainability awareness needs to be instilled through the Phenomenon Based Learning model. This study aims to improve students' ecoliteracy through Phenomenon Based Learning on the material of the interaction of living things and the environment. The research used quasy experiment method with research design Only Pretest-Posttest Control Group Design. The research subjects were junior high school students in grade VII. Data collection techniques used tests, questionnaires, interviews and observations. Data analysis was done descriptively, N-gain calculation, and Mann Whitney test. The results showed that the average N-Gain of ecoliteracy for affective, psychomotor, spiritual, and cognitive aspects were 75.02%; 45.84%; 79.73%; and 73.31%, respectively. Mann Whitney test results showed significant differences in student ecoliteracy in experimental and control classes. Thus, it can be concluded that the implementation of learning using the PhenoBL model can improve student ecoliteracy with high categories for affective, spiritual, and cognitive aspects, while the increase in student ecoliteracy in the psychomotor aspect is classified as moderate
Psikologi Pendidikan
Kajian tentang Psikologi Pendidikan sebagai salah satu cabang dari Psikologi memiliki bahasan yang cukup luas. Cabang ini mencakup bahasan tentang berbagai hal yang mempengaruhi pertumbuhan dan perkembangan seseorang dalam belajar, tentang pengaruh lingkungan dan keragaman sosial serta kultural, tentang bahasa dan pengaruhnya terhadap perkembangan kognitif anak, tentang bagaimana belajar dan mengajar yang efektif, tentang etika dan moral, dan hal-hal lain yang berkaitan dengan bagaimana pemahaman soal psikis dan perilaku berperan dalam keberhasilan pendidikan seseorang
Penelitian ini bertujuan meningkatkan penguasaan konsep dan keterampilan berpikir kreatif siswa SMP pada materi Pencemaran Lingkungan melalui pembelajaran berbasis masalah dengan mind map. Metode yang digunakan yaitu kuasi eksperimen dengan pretest-postest control group design. Penelitian dilaksanakan di salah satu SMP Negeri Kabupaten Cianjur, dengan subjek penelitian berjumlah 67 orang dikelas kontrol dan eksperimen. Kelas eksperimen yaitu kelas VII E diberi perlakuan pembelajaran berbasis masalah dengan mind map dan kelas kontrol yaitu kelas VII D mendapat pembelajaran berbasis masalah. Instrumen yang digunakan berupa tes pilihan ganda (PG) untuk penguasaan konsep, Essay untuk kemampuan berpikir kreatif dan angket untuk melihat respon siswa. Data dianalisis dengan uji statistik menggunakan SPSS versi 24.00 dan analisis deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa pembelajaran berbasis masalah dengan mind map mampu meningkatkan penguasaan konsep dan keterampilan berpikir kreatif. Penguasaan konsep siswa dikelas eksperimen meningkat dengan nilai N-gain 0,62 (kriteria Sedang) dan meningkatkan keterampilan berpikir kreatif dengan nilai N-gain 0,79  (kriteria tinggi). Siswa pada kelas eksperimen juga menunjukan respon dan antusias tinggi terhadap pembelajaran. Kata Kunci:    Pembelajaran berbasis Masalah, Mind Map, Penguasaan Konsep dan Keterampilan Berpikir Kreati
Culture Shock sebagai Mediator antara Kepribadian Reformer terhadap Sojourner Adjustment
This study was conducted to determine the role of culture shock as a mediator between personality reformers and sojourner adjustment. The quantitative research design was used in this study of Muslim students from the Pattani province in Southern Thailand who were studying in Bandung. Respondents involved in this study were 225 people selected using saturated sampling techniques. Data were collected by distributing questionnaires containing 3 measuring tools that have been modified by the author including reformer personality scale, sojourner adjustment scale, and culture shock scale. Data analysis using SEM (Structural Equation Modeling). This study concludes that the theoretical model of the role of reformer personality on sojourner adjustment through cultural shock mediators is fit with empirical data. Structural analysis shows that cultural shock is a significant mediator variable on the influence of reformer personality on sojourner adjustment
Hubungan Temperatur, Kelembaban, dan Manajemen Pemeliharaan terhadap Efisiensi Reproduksi Sapi Perah di Kabupaten Bogor
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengamati dan mengkaji hubungan suhu, kelembaban dan manajemen ternak terhadap efisiensi reproduksi sapi perah di Kabupaten Bogor. Suhu dan kelembaban udara diamati pagi, siang dan sore hari. Data suhu dan kelembaban udara dikonversi ke nilai indeks suhu kelembaban udara (THI). Pengamatan parameter efisiensi reproduksi dilakukan dengan menghitung nilai Days Open (DO), Conception Rate (CR), Service per Conception (S/C) dan First Service. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai THI Acep Farm Kunak (77,21±0,71) lebih tinggi (P<0,05) dari Cifa Farm (71,27±0,50) dan Erif Farm (71,22±0,41). Days Open Acep Farm Kunak (110,76±37,34 hari) lebih panjang (P<0,05) dibandingkan dengan Cifa Farm (88.39±23,80 hari) dan Erif Farm (88,20±22,39 hari). Nilai CR Acep Farm (75,76±0,11%) dan Cifa Farm (66,13±0,10%) tidak berbeda (p>0,05) dibandingkan dengan Erif Farm (42,00±0,08%). Nilai S/C di tiga peternakan tidak menunjukkan perbedaan (p>0,05) masing-masing nilai S/C Cifa Farm (1,42±0,64), Erif Farm (1,52±0,64) dan Acep Farm Kunak (1,64±0,82). First Service Cifa Farm (76,11±13,84) dan Erif Farm (75,17±13,17) berbeda (P<0,05) dengan Acep Farm Kunak (96,42±35,49). Dapat disimpulkan bahwa suhu, kelembaban udara dan manajemen pemeliharaan dapat memengaruhi DO sapi perah di ke tiga peternakan sapi perah di ke tiga lokasi penelitian. Lebih lanjut, diindikasikan THI memengaruhi zona nyaman peternakan sapi perah, namun tidak ditemukan korelasi positif antara nilai THI dengan tingkat efisiensi reproduksi
Sustainability Status of Dairy Farms in Bogor District Area, Indonesia
The optimal management on dairy farms must consider the concept of sustainable development that fulfills the need of three pillars namely interest in ecological, economic, and social. This condition will increase income of agricultural or stock farmers, contributions to locally-generated revenue, farm institutional functioning, legal obedient, absorb labor, and more technology application to improve efficiency on reproductive and productivity. The aim of this research is to assess the sustainability status of dairy farms in Bogor District, represented by Cifa Farm, Erif Farm in Cisarua and Acep Farm in Kunak-Cibungbulang using the four dimensions analysis, namely ecology, economy, social and technology. Sustainability indices were analyzed by a modified method of Rapid Appraisal for Fisheries (RapFish) namely Rapid Appraisal for Farm (RapFarm) using Multidimensional Scaling approach. Results of study reveals that sustainability status on Acep farm in Kunak Cibungbulang and Cifa Farm were lower compared to Erif Farm (54.13, 70.87 vs 76.46). However, all of the farms are still sustainable, even Erif Farm shows very sustainable. Analysis result on four dimensions shows that Cifa Farm and Eri Farm are very sustainable while Acep Farm is fairly sustainable in ecology dimension, Erif Farm is very sustainable while Cifa Farm and Acep Farm are fairly sustainable in economy, Erif Farm is very Sustainable while Cifa Farm and Acep Farm are fairly sustainable in social, and Cifa Farm and Erif Farm are very sustainable but less sustainable for Acep Farm in technology dimension. There are 24 over 40 examined attributes need to be considered and improved to enhance the sustainability status of dairy farms in Bogor