9,144 research outputs found
Impact of socioeconomic status and subjective social class on overall and health-related quality of life
Thermal noise in aqueous quadrupole micro- and nano-traps
Recent simulations and experiments with aqueous quadrupole micro-traps have confirmed a possibility for control and localization of motion of a charged particle in a water environment, also predicting a possibility of further reduction of the trap size to tens of nano-meters for trapping charged bio-molecules and DNA segments. We study the random thermal noise due to Brownian motion in water which significantly influences the trapping of particles in an aqueous environment. We derive the exact, closed-form expressions for the thermal fluctuations of position and velocity of a trapped particle and thoroughly examine the properties of the rms for the fluctuations as functions of the system parameters and time. The instantaneous signal transferring mechanism between the velocity and position fluctuations could not be achieved in the previous phase-average approaches
dan banyaknya pelaku bisnis yang datang ke Indonesia. Seiring dengan hal itu, bahasa Indonesia sebagai alat komunikasi pun mulai berkembang dan banyak digunakan oleh penutur asing. Dengan demikian, bahasa Indonesia juga berpotensi menjadi bahasa internasional. Di Korea Selatan akhir-akhir ini terdapat kecenderungan masyarakat untuk mempelajari bahasa Indonesia. Akan tetapi, terdapat beberapa hambatan yang dialami orang Korea ketika belajar bahasa Indonesia. Untuk itu, penulis akan mengemukakan beberapa masalah dan memberikan saran yang belum terpikir oleh orang Indonesia. Semoga saran tersebut berguna bagi perkembangan bahasa Indonesia, khususnya untuk penutur asing. Penulis mengamati pengembangan bahasa Indonesia saat ini berorientasi pada penutur bahasa Indonesia saja, belum ada yang berorientasi pada penutur asing. Pengembangan bahasa Indonesia banyak dilakukan oleh pemerintah dan perguruan tinggi. Kiranya pemerintah memiliki langkah untuk menduniakan bahasa Indonesia dengan melakukan beberapa pembenahan tata bahasa dan membuat software untuk mempelajari bahasa Indonesia bagi penutur asing.Kata kunci: bahasa indonesia, korea selatan, bipaIn recent years, the economic growth of Indonesia has been remarkable, marked by the industrial development and the high number of business doers coming to Indonesia. In line with the country's economic advancement, bahasa Indonesia as a means of communication has been growing in its use among foreign users, making it potential to become an international language. In the Democratic Republic of Korea (commonly known as South Korea), learning Indonesian is no longer a surprise. However, in general there are also some challenges in learning bahasa Indonesia. Therefore, the researcher was interested to discuss several problems related to it, and to give suggestions not yet commonly found among Indonesians. It is expected that the suggestions contribute to the development of Bahasa Indonesia, especially among foreign users. The development of Bahasa Indoesia is mostly conducted by the government and universities. The government should take a strategic step to make Bahasa Indonesia used in the international world by conducting some grammatical improvement and creating a software of Bahasa Indonesia for foreign speakers.Keywords: indonesian language, south korea, bip
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Retrieval Models based on Linguistic Features of Verbose Queries
Natural language expressions are more familiar to users than choosing keywords for queries. Given that, people can use natural language expressions to represent their sophisticated information needs. Instead of listing keywords, verbose queries are expressed in a grammatically well-formed phrase or sentence in which terms are used together to represent the more specific meanings of a concept, and the relationships of these concepts are expressed by function words.
The goal of this thesis is to investigate methods of using the semantic and syntactic features of natural language queries to maximize the effectiveness of search. For this purpose, we propose the synchronous framework in which we use syntactic parsing techniques for modeling term dependencies. We use the Generative Relevance Hypothesis (GRH) to evaluate valid variations in dependence relationships between queries and documents. This is one of the first results demonstrating that dependency parsing can be used to improve retrieval effectiveness.
We propose a method for classifying concepts in verbose queries as key concepts and secondary concepts that are used in the statistical translation model for query term expansion. Key concepts are the most important terms of queries. We use key concepts as the context for translating terms. Although secondary (key) concepts are not as important as key concepts, they are still important because they provide clues about what kinds of information users are looking for. Using concept classification results, we elaborate a translation model in which the key concepts of queries are used as the context of translation. The secondary concepts of queries are used to selectively apply the translation model to query terms.
We define the important new task of focused retrieval of answer passages that aims to immediately provide answers for users\u27 information needs while the length of answer passage should be suitable for restricted search environments such as mobile devices and voice-based search systems
Planning for Affordable Rental Housing Through Policy Context: A Case Study of Mimico-by-the-Lake
The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the contemporary housing issues and challenges related to the provision of affordable rental housing by exploring Mimico-by- the-Lake, Toronto as a case study. The current housing development trends in the City of Toronto suggests a tremendous growth in the condominium industry where the growth of development in rental housing has remained stagnant. Canada’s reliance on the market mechanism in the provision of housing has contributed to this trend; contemporary urban policies continue to advocate the market mechanism to address housing shortages. Under its revitalization initiative, there is a concern that redevelopment of Mimico-by-the-Lake will experience similar influence of current development trends and urban policies. Existing affordable rental housing stock is vital for the community where affordability is important for the low-income households. Gentrification is a real threat to the community in the face of growing polarization of the City, particularly for the low-income households. Accordingly, the City must take a more proactive policy approach and role in the provision of affordable housing to minimize the impact of gentrification as a result of a redevelopment process
PSC 보의 휨 강도에서 고강도 강연선의 응력 예측
학위논문 (석사)-- 서울대학교 대학원 : 건설환경공학부, 2015. 8. 조재열.The tensile strength of prestressing strands which is globally used in PSC members is 1,860 MPa. Recently, 2,160 MPa and 2,400 MPa high-strength PS strands whose tensile strengths are higher than 1,860 MPa PS strand were developed in 2008 and 2011 respectively by domestic technique. Korean industrial standard allowed the use of high-strength PS strands and then the use of high-strength PS strands increased. However, existing design codes do not consider the influence of high-strength PS strands.
Therefore, this study examined the applicability of existing approximate equations for PS strand stress at flexural strength in PSC member with high-strength PS strands in design standards. The result shows that existing design standards does not predict nonlinear stress behavior of high-strength PS strands at pre-yielding range. Thus, this study proposed an approximate equation for PS strand stress at flexural strength of a member considering nonlinear stress behavior of high-strength PS strands. With the proposed equation, PS strand stress at flexural strength and flexural strength of member can be predicted accurately even at high-strength PS strands.Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Research Backgrounds 1
1.2 Research Objectives 5
1.3 Construction of Research 7
Chapter 2 PS Strand Stress at Felxural Strength 8
2.1 Approximate Equations for PS Strand Stress 10
2.1.1 ACI 318-14 10
2.1.2 CSA A23.3-14 12
2.2 Validation of Current Design Standards 15
2.2.1 Sectional Analysis 15 Parameters of Analysis 15 Material Models 18 Results of Sectional Analysis 23
2.2.2 Verification of Approximate Equations 25 Influence of Yield Ratio 25 Influence of Sectional Shape 27 Influence of Pre-yielding Behavior 29
Chapter 3 Flexural Strength Analysis 32
3.1 Comparison of Flexural Strength 32
Chapter 4 Proposal of an Approximate Equation 37
4.1 Consideration of Pre-yielding Behavior 37
4.2 Validation of a Proposed Equation 42
4.3 Flexural Strength Analysis 45
Chapter 5 Conclusion 49
References 50
국문초록 52Maste
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