7 research outputs found
Imaging through scattering media by exploiting the optical memory effect: a tutorial
Scattering, especially multiple scattering, is a well known problem in imaging, ranging from astronomy to medicine. In particular it is often desirable to be able to perform non-invasive imaging through turbid and/or opaque media. Many different approaches have been proposed and tested through the years, each with their own advantages, disadvantages, and specific situations in which they work. In this tutorial we will show how knowledge of the correlations arising from the multiple scattering of light allows for non-invasive imaging through a strongly scattering layer, with particular attention on the practicalities of how to make such an experiment work
Deterministic terahertz wave control in scattering media
Scattering-assisted synthesis of broadband optical pulses is recognized to have a cross-disciplinary fundamental and application importance. Achieving full-waveform synthesis generally requires means for assessing the instantaneous electric field, i.e., the absolute electromagnetic phase. These are generally not accessible to established methodologies for scattering-assisted pulse envelope and phase shaping. The lack of field sensitivity also results in complex indirect approaches to evaluate the scattering space–time properties. The terahertz frequency domain potentially offers some distinctive new possibilities, thanks to the availability of methods to perform absolute measurements of the scattered electric field, as opposed to optical intensity-based diagnostics. An interesting conceptual question is whether this additional degree of freedom can lead to different types of methodologies toward wave shaping and direct field-waveform control. In this work, we theoretically investigate a deterministic scheme to achieve broadband, spatiotemporal waveform control of terahertz fields mediated by a scattering medium. Direct field access via time-domain spectroscopy enables a process in which the field and scattering matrix of the medium are assessed with minimal experimental efforts. Then, illumination conditions for an arbitrary targeted output field waveform are deterministically retrieved through numerical inversion. In addition, complete field knowledge enables reconstructing field distributions with complex phase profiles, as in the case of phase-only masks and optical vortices, a significantly challenging task for traditional implementations at optical frequencies based on intensity measurements aided with interferometric techniques.</p
Supplement 1: Speckle correlation resolution enhancement of wide-field fluorescence imaging
Originally published in Optica on 20 May 2015 (optica-2-5-424
Terahertz spatiotemporal wave synthesis in random systems
Complex media have emerged as a powerful and robust framework to control light–matter interactions designed for task-specific optical functionalities. Studies on wavefront shaping through disordered systems have demonstrated optical wave manipulation capabilities beyond conventional optics, including aberration-free and subwavelength focusing. However, achieving arbitrary and simultaneous control over the spatial and temporal features of light remains challenging. In particular, no practical solution exists for field-level arbitrary spatiotemporal control of wave packets. A new paradigm shift has emerged in the terahertz frequency domain, offering methods for absolute time-domain measurements of the scattered electric field, enabling direct field-based wave synthesis. In this work, we report the experimental demonstration of field-level control of single-cycle terahertz pulses on arbitrary spatial points through complex disordered media.</p
Terahertz Spatiotemporal Wave Synthesis in Random Systems
Complex media have emerged as a powerful and robust framework
control light–matter interactions designed for task-specific
optical functionalities. Studies on wavefront shaping through disordered
systems have demonstrated optical wave manipulation capabilities beyond
conventional optics, including aberration-free and subwavelength focusing.
However, achieving arbitrary and simultaneous control over the spatial
and temporal features of light remains challenging. In particular,
no practical solution exists for field-level arbitrary spatiotemporal
control of wave packets. A new paradigm shift has emerged in the terahertz
frequency domain, offering methods for absolute time-domain measurements
of the scattered electric field, enabling direct field-based wave
synthesis. In this work, we report the experimental demonstration
of field-level control of single-cycle terahertz pulses on arbitrary
spatial points through complex disordered media
Terahertz spatiotemporal wave synthesis in random systems
Complex media have emerged as a powerful and robust framework to control light–matter interactions designed for task-specific optical functionalities. Studies on wavefront shaping through disordered systems have demonstrated optical wave manipulation capabilities beyond conventional optics, including aberration-free and subwavelength focusing. However, achieving arbitrary and simultaneous control over the spatial and temporal features of light remains challenging. In particular, no practical solution exists for field-level arbitrary spatiotemporal control of wave packets. A new paradigm shift has emerged in the terahertz frequency domain, offering methods for absolute time-domain measurements of the scattered electric field, enabling direct field-based wave synthesis. In this work, we report the experimental demonstration of field-level control of single-cycle terahertz pulses on arbitrary spatial points through complex disordered media.</p
Supplementary information files for Terahertz Spatiotemporal Wave Synthesis in Random Systems
© the Authors CC BY 4.0Supplementary files for article Terahertz spatiotemporal wave synthesis in random systemsComplex media have emerged as a powerful and robust framework to control light–matter interactions designed for task-specific optical functionalities. Studies on wavefront shaping through disordered systems have demonstrated optical wave manipulation capabilities beyond conventional optics, including aberration-free and subwavelength focusing. However, achieving arbitrary and simultaneous control over the spatial and temporal features of light remains challenging. In particular, no practical solution exists for field-level arbitrary spatiotemporal control of wave packets. A new paradigm shift has emerged in the terahertz frequency domain, offering methods for absolute time-domain measurements of the scattered electric field, enabling direct field-based wave synthesis. In this work, we report the experimental demonstration of field-level control of single-cycle terahertz pulses on arbitrary spatial points through complex disordered media.</p