527 research outputs found
Functional agrobiodievrsity - a novel approach to optimize pest control in fruit production
Functional agrobiodiversity was implemented in organic apple orchards in Denmark, by perennial flower strips. Two techniques were tested with the purpose of enhancing natural enemies and reducing damage of the rosy apple aphid
Hvordan bidra til mestring av psykiske belastninger hos pasienter etter akutt hjerteinfarkt
Studentarbeid i sykepleie (bachelorgrad) - Høgskolen i Bodø, 201
Music Therapy Assessment and Development of Parental Competences in Families Where Children Have Experienced Emotional Neglect:An Investigation of the Reliability and Validity of the Tool, Assessment of Parenting Competencies (APC)
Working with parents and their emotionally neglected children, being a facilitator and a role model
Phd study of reliability and validity: One step closer to a standardized music therapy assessment model:Phd study of reliability and validity: One step closer to a standardized music therapy assessment model
Security of supply secured by market forces: different stages and welfare prospects in relation to Danish and Nordic conditions
Bidirectional knotless barbed versus conventional smooth suture for closure of surgical wounds in inguinal castration in horses
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