22,564 research outputs found
Natural Dirac Neutrinos from Warped Extra Dimension
Dirac neutrinos arising from gauged discrete symmetry \`a la Krauss-Wilczek
are implemented in the minimal custodial Randall-Sundrum model. In the case of
a normal hierarchy, all lepton masses and mixing pattern can be naturally
reproduced at the TeV scale set by the electroweak constraints, while
simultanously satisfy bounds from lepton flavour violation. A nonzero neutrino
mixing angle, , is generic in the scenario, as well as the
existence of sub-TeV right-handed Kaluza-Klein neutrinos, which may be searched
for at the LHC.Comment: Talk given at the 2nd Young Researchers Workshop "Physics Challenges
in the LHC Era", Frascati, May 10 and 13, 2010, 6 page
extra-natural inflation with Standard Model on a brane
The interrelation between inflationary cosmology and new physics beyond the
Standard Model (SM) is studied in a extension of the SM embedded
in a (4+1)-dimensional spacetime. In the scenario we study, the inflaton arises
from the Wilson loop of the gauge group winding an
extra-dimensional cycle. Particular attention is paid to the coupling between
the inflaton and SM particles that are confined on a brane localised in the
extra dimension. We find that the inflaton decay channels are rather restricted
in this scenario and the resulting reheating temperature is relatively low.Comment: 1+14 page
Quasinormal modes of charged magnetic black branes & chiral magnetic transport
We compute quasinormal modes (QNMs) of the metric and gauge field
perturbations about black branes electrically and magnetically charged in the
Einstein-Maxwell-Chern-Simons theory. By the gauge/gravity correspondence, this
theory is dual to a particular class of field theories with a chiral anomaly,
in a thermal charged plasma state subjected to a constant external magnetic
field, . The QNMs are dual to the poles of the two-point functions of the
energy-momentum and axial current operators, and they encode information about
the dissipation and transport of charges in the plasma. Complementary to the
gravity calculation, we work out the hydrodynamic description of the dual field
theory in the presence of a chiral anomaly, and a constant external . We
find good agreement with the weak field hydrodynamics, which can extend beyond
the weak regime into intermediate regimes. Furthermore, we provide results
that can be tested against thermodynamics and hydrodynamics in the strong
regime. We find QNMs exhibiting Landau level behavior, which become long-lived
at large if the anomaly coefficient exceeds a critical magnitude. Chiral
transport is analyzed beyond the hydrodynamic approximation for the five
(formerly) hydrodynamic modes, including a chiral magnetic wave.Comment: 29 pages + appendix, 14 figures; v2: references added, published
Phenomenology from a U(1) gauged hidden sector
We consider the phenomenological consequences of a hidden Higgs sector
extending the Standard Model (SM), in which the matter content are uncharged
under the SM gauge groups. We consider a simple case where the hidden sector is
gauged under a U(1) with one Higgs singlet. The only couplings between SM and
the hidden sector are through mixings between the neutral gauge bosons of the
two respective sectors, and between the Higgs bosons. We find signals testable
at the LHC that can reveal the existence and shed light on the nature of such a
hidden sector.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures. Talk given at the Lake Louise Winter Institute
2007, Feb. 19-24, Alberta, Canad
Testing Realistic Quark Mass Matrices in the Custodial Randall-Sundrum Model with Flavor Changing Top Decays
We study quark mass matrices in the Randall-Sundrum (RS) model with bulk
symmetry . The Yukawa couplings are
assumed to be within an order of magnitude of each other, and perturbative. We
find that quark mass matrices of the symmetrical form proposed by Koide
\textit{et. al.} [Y. Koide, H. Nishiura, K. Matsuda, T. Kikuchi and T.
Fukuyama, Phys. Rev. D {\bf 66}, 093006 (2002)] can be accommodated in the RS
framework with the assumption of hierarchyless Yukawa couplings, but not the
hermitian Fritzsch-type mass matrices. General asymmetrical mass matrices are
also found which fit well simultaneously with the quark masses and the
Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix. Both left-handed (LH) and right-handed (RH)
quark rotation matrices are obtained that allow analysis of flavour changing
decay of both LH and RH top quarks. At a warped down scale of 1.65 TeV, the
total branching ratio of t \ra Z + jets can be as high as for symmetrical mass matrices and for
asymmetrical ones. This level of signal is within reach of the LHC.Comment: 30 pages, 6 figures. Reference added, typos corrected, discussions in
Sec. IV B expanded. Version conforms to the published versio
A Very Narrow Shadow Extra Z-boson at Colliders
We consider the phenomenological consequences of a hidden Higgs sector
extending the Standard Model (SM), in which the ``shadow Higgs'' are uncharged
under the SM gauge groups. We consider a simple U(1) model with one Higgs
singlet. One mechanism which sheds light on the shadow sector is the mixing
between the neutral gauge boson of the SM and the additional U(1) gauge group.
The mixing happens through the usual mass-mixing and also kinetic-mixing, and
is the only way the ``shadow '' couples to the SM. We study in detail
modifications to the electroweak precision tests (EWPTs) that the presence of
such a shadow sector would bring, which in turn provide constraints on the
kinetic-mixing parameter, , left free in our model. The shadow
production rate at the LHC and ILC depends on . We find that
observable event rate at both facilities is possible for a reasonable range of
allowed by EWPTs.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures. Note and refs. adde
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