139 research outputs found

    't Hooft Expansion of 1/2 BPS Wilson Loop

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    We revisit the 't Hooft expansion of 1/2 BPS circular Wilson loop in N=4 SYM studied by Drukker and Gross in hep-th/0010274. We find an interesting recursion relation which relates different number of holes on the worldsheet. We also argue that we can turn on the string coupling by applying a certain integral transformation to the planar result.Comment: 21 pages; v2: minor correction

    Wilson Loops in N=4 Supersymmetric Yang--Mills Theory

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    Perturbative computations of the expectation value of the Wilson loop in N=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory are reported. For the two special cases of a circular loop and a pair of anti-parallel lines, it is shown that the sum of an infinite class of ladder-like planar diagrams, when extrapolated to strong coupling, produces an expectation value characteristic of the results of the AdS/CFT correspondence, ∌exp⁥((constant)g2N)\sim\exp((constant)\sqrt{g^2N}). For the case of the circular loop, the sum is obtained analytically for all values of the coupling. In this case, the constant factor in front of g2N\sqrt{g^2N} also agrees with the supergravity results. We speculate that the sum of diagrams without internal vertices is exact and support this conjecture by showing that the leading corrections to the ladder diagrams cancel identically in four dimensions. We also show that, for arbitrary smooth loops, the ultraviolet divergences cancel to order g4N2g^4N^2.Comment: 24 pages, LaTeX, uses feynmp, 12 postscript figure

    Holography of Wilson-Loop Expectation Values with Local Operator Insertions

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    We study the expectation values of Wilson-loop operators with the insertionsof local operators Z^J and Zbar^J with large R-charge J from the bulk viewpoint of AdS/CFT correspondence. Classical solutions of strings attached to such deformed Wilson loops at the conformal boundary are constructed and are applied to the computation of Wilson-loop expectation values. We argue that in order to have such solutions for general insertions at finite positions in the base spacetime of the gauge theory, it is crucial to interpret the holographic correspondence in the semi-classical picture as a tunneling phenomenon, as has been previously established for holographic computations of correlators of BMN operators. This also requires to use the Euclideanized AdS background and Euclidean super Yang-Mills theory.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figures, version to be published in JHEP, no change from the previous version, only extraneous figure file is remove

    On the integrability of Wilson loops in AdS_5 x S^5: Some periodic ansatze

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    Wilson loops are calculated within the AdS/CFT correspondence by finding a classical solution to the string equations of motion in AdS_5 x S^5 and evaluating its action. An important fact is that this sigma-model used to evaluate the Wilson loops is integrable, a feature that has gained relevance through the study of spinning strings carrying large quantum numbers and spin-chains. We apply the same techniques used to solve the equations for spinning strings to find the minimal surfaces describing a wide class of Wilson loops. We focus on different cases with periodic boundary conditions on the AdS_5 and S^5 factors and find a rich array of solutions. We examine the different phases that appear in the problem and comment on the applicability of integrability to the general problem.Comment: LaTex, 49 pages, 8 figure

    The initial singularity of ultrastiff perfect fluid spacetimes without symmetries

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    We consider the Einstein equations coupled to an ultrastiff perfect fluid and prove the existence of a family of solutions with an initial singularity whose structure is that of explicit isotropic models. This family of solutions is `generic' in the sense that it depends on as many free functions as a general solution, i.e., without imposing any symmetry assumptions, of the Einstein-Euler equations. The method we use is a that of a Fuchsian reduction.Comment: 16 pages, journal versio

    Little String Theory from Double-Scaling Limits of Field Theories

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    We show that little string theory on S^5 can be obtained as double-scaling limits of the maximally supersymmetric Yang-Mills theories on RxS^2 and RxS^3/Z_k. By matching the gauge theory parameters with those in the gravity duals found by Lin and Maldacena, we determine the limits in the gauge theories that correspond to decoupling of NS5-brane degrees of freedom. We find that for the theory on RxS^2, the 't Hooft coupling must be scaled like ln^3(N), and on RxS^3/Z_k, like ln^2(N). Accordingly, taking these limits in these field theories gives Lagrangian definitions of little string theory on S^5.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figures. Minor change

    The baryon vertex with magnetic flux

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    In this letter we generalise the baryon vertex configuration of AdS/CFT by adding a suitable instantonic magnetic field on its worldvolume, dissolving D-string charge. A careful analysis of the configuration shows that there is an upper bound on the number of dissolved strings. This should be a manifestation of the stringy exclusion principle. We provide a microscopical description of this configuration in terms of a dielectric effect for the dissolved strings.Comment: 17 pages, 2 figures. V2: reference added. V3: version to appear in JHE

    Causality and the speed of sound

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    A usual causal requirement on a viable theory of matter is that the speed of sound be at most the speed of light. In view of various recent papers querying this limit, the question is revisited here. We point to various issues confronting theories that violate the usual constraint.Comment: v2: additional discussion on models that appear to have superluminal signal speeds; version to appear in GR

    Correlator of Fundamental and Anti-symmetric Wilson Loops in AdS/CFT Correspondence

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    We study the two circular Wilson loop correlator in which one is of anti-symmetric representation, while the other is of fundamental representation in 4-dimensional N=4{\cal N}=4 super Yang-Mills theory. This correlator has a good AdS dual, which is a system of a D5-brane and a fundamental string. We calculated the on-shell action of the string, and clarified the Gross-Ooguri transition in this correlator. Some limiting cases are also examined.Comment: 22 pages, 5 figures, v2: typos corrected, v3: final version in JHE

    Dynamics of Flux Tubes in Large N Gauge Theories

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    The gluonic field created by a static quark anti-quark pair is described via the AdS/CFT correspondence by a string connecting the pair which is located on the boundary of AdS. Thus the gluonic field in a strongly coupled large N CFT has a stringy spectrum of excitations. We trace the stability of these excitations to a combination of large N suppressions and energy conservation. Comparison of the physics of the N=infinity flux tube in the {\cal N}=4 SYM theory at weak and strong coupling shows that the excitations are present only above a certain critical coupling. The density of states of a highly excited string with a fold reaching towards the horizon of AdS is in exact agreement at strong coupling with that of the near-threshold states found in a ladder diagram model of the weak-strong coupling transition. We also study large distance correlations of local operators with a Wilson loop, and show that the fall off at weak coupling and N=infinity (i.e. strictly planar diagrams) matches the strong coupling predictions given by the AdS/CFT correspondence, rather than those of a weakly coupled U(1) gauge theory.Comment: 22 pages, 4 figures; v2: clarifications in section 5, 1 reference added; v3: the final version (minor changes, 1 more reference added
