473 research outputs found

    Geodesic flows on semidirect-product Lie groups: geometry of singular measure-valued solutions

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    The EPDiff equation (or dispersionless Camassa-Holm equation in 1D) is a well known example of geodesic motion on the Diff group of smooth invertible maps (diffeomorphisms). Its recent two-component extension governs geodesic motion on the semidirect product DiffF{\rm Diff}\circledS{\cal F}, where F\mathcal{F} denotes the space of scalar functions. This paper generalizes the second construction to consider geodesic motion on Diffg{\rm Diff} \circledS\mathfrak{g}, where g\mathfrak{g} denotes the space of scalar functions that take values on a certain Lie algebra (for example, g=Fso(3)\mathfrak{g}=\mathcal{F}\otimes\mathfrak{so}(3)). Measure-valued delta-like solutions are shown to be momentum maps possessing a dual pair structure, thereby extending previous results for the EPDiff equation. The collective Hamiltonians are shown to fit into the Kaluza-Klein theory of particles in a Yang-Mills field and these formulations are shown to apply also at the continuum PDE level. In the continuum description, the Kaluza-Klein approach produces the Kelvin circulation theorem.Comment: 22 pages, 2 figures. Submitted to Proc. R. Soc.

    Invariants and Labels in Lie-Poisson Systems

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    Reduction is a process that uses symmetry to lower the order of a Hamiltonian system. The new variables in the reduced picture are often not canonical: there are no clear variables representing positions and momenta, and the Poisson bracket obtained is not of the canonical type. Specifically, we give two examples that give rise to brackets of the noncanonical Lie-Poisson form: the rigid body and the two-dimensional ideal fluid. From these simple cases, we then use the semidirect product extension of algebras to describe more complex physical systems. The Casimir invariants in these systems are examined, and some are shown to be linked to the recovery of information about the configuration of the system. We discuss a case in which the extension is not a semidirect product, namely compressible reduced MHD, and find for this case that the Casimir invariants lend partial information about the configuration of the system.Comment: 11 pages, RevTeX. To appear in Proceedings of the 13th Florida Workshop in Astronomy and Physic

    Discrete Variational Optimal Control

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    This paper develops numerical methods for optimal control of mechanical systems in the Lagrangian setting. It extends the theory of discrete mechanics to enable the solutions of optimal control problems through the discretization of variational principles. The key point is to solve the optimal control problem as a variational integrator of a specially constructed higher-dimensional system. The developed framework applies to systems on tangent bundles, Lie groups, underactuated and nonholonomic systems with symmetries, and can approximate either smooth or discontinuous control inputs. The resulting methods inherit the preservation properties of variational integrators and result in numerically robust and easily implementable algorithms. Several theoretical and a practical examples, e.g. the control of an underwater vehicle, will illustrate the application of the proposed approach.Comment: 30 pages, 6 figure

    Geometric Integration of Hamiltonian Systems Perturbed by Rayleigh Damping

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    Explicit and semi-explicit geometric integration schemes for dissipative perturbations of Hamiltonian systems are analyzed. The dissipation is characterized by a small parameter ϵ\epsilon, and the schemes under study preserve the symplectic structure in the case ϵ=0\epsilon=0. In the case 0<ϵ10<\epsilon\ll 1 the energy dissipation rate is shown to be asymptotically correct by backward error analysis. Theoretical results on monotone decrease of the modified Hamiltonian function for small enough step sizes are given. Further, an analysis proving near conservation of relative equilibria for small enough step sizes is conducted. Numerical examples, verifying the analyses, are given for a planar pendulum and an elastic 3--D pendulum. The results are superior in comparison with a conventional explicit Runge-Kutta method of the same order

    On discrete integrable equations with convex variational principles

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    We investigate the variational structure of discrete Laplace-type equations that are motivated by discrete integrable quad-equations. In particular, we explain why the reality conditions we consider should be all that are reasonable, and we derive sufficient conditions (that are often necessary) on the labeling of the edges under which the corresponding generalized discrete action functional is convex. Convexity is an essential tool to discuss existence and uniqueness of solutions to Dirichlet boundary value problems. Furthermore, we study which combinatorial data allow convex action functionals of discrete Laplace-type equations that are actually induced by discrete integrable quad-equations, and we present how the equations and functionals corresponding to (Q3) are related to circle patterns.Comment: 39 pages, 8 figures. Revision of the whole manuscript, reorder of sections. Major changes due to additional reality conditions for (Q3) and (Q4): new Section 2.3; Theorem 1 and Sections 3.5, 3.6, 3.7 update

    Variational Integrators for Almost-Integrable Systems

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    We construct several variational integrators--integrators based on a discrete variational principle--for systems with Lagrangians of the form L = L_A + epsilon L_B, with epsilon << 1, where L_A describes an integrable system. These integrators exploit that epsilon << 1 to increase their accuracy by constructing discrete Lagrangians based on the assumption that the integrator trajectory is close to that of the integrable system. Several of the integrators we present are equivalent to well-known symplectic integrators for the equivalent perturbed Hamiltonian systems, but their construction and error analysis is significantly simpler in the variational framework. One novel method we present, involving a weighted time-averaging of the perturbing terms, removes all errors from the integration at O(epsilon). This last method is implicit, and involves evaluating a potentially expensive time-integral, but for some systems and some error tolerances it can significantly outperform traditional simulation methods.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures. Version 2: added informative example; as accepted by Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronom

    Controlled Lagrangians and the stabilization of mechanical systems. I. The first matching theorem

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    Discrete Nonholonomic Lagrangian Systems on Lie Groupoids

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    This paper studies the construction of geometric integrators for nonholonomic systems. We derive the nonholonomic discrete Euler-Lagrange equations in a setting which permits to deduce geometric integrators for continuous nonholonomic systems (reduced or not). The formalism is given in terms of Lie groupoids, specifying a discrete Lagrangian and a constraint submanifold on it. Additionally, it is necessary to fix a vector subbundle of the Lie algebroid associated to the Lie groupoid. We also discuss the existence of nonholonomic evolution operators in terms of the discrete nonholonomic Legendre transformations and in terms of adequate decompositions of the prolongation of the Lie groupoid. The characterization of the reversibility of the evolution operator and the discrete nonholonomic momentum equation are also considered. Finally, we illustrate with several classical examples the wide range of application of the theory (the discrete nonholonomic constrained particle, the Suslov system, the Chaplygin sleigh, the Veselova system, the rolling ball on a rotating table and the two wheeled planar mobile robot).Comment: 45 page

    Higher Order Variational Integrators: a polynomial approach

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    We reconsider the variational derivation of symplectic partitioned Runge-Kutta schemes. Such type of variational integrators are of great importance since they integrate mechanical systems with high order accuracy while preserving the structural properties of these systems, like the symplectic form, the evolution of the momentum maps or the energy behaviour. Also they are easily applicable to optimal control problems based on mechanical systems as proposed in Ober-Bl\"obaum et al. [2011]. Following the same approach, we develop a family of variational integrators to which we refer as symplectic Galerkin schemes in contrast to symplectic partitioned Runge-Kutta. These two families of integrators are, in principle and by construction, different one from the other. Furthermore, the symplectic Galerkin family can as easily be applied in optimal control problems, for which Campos et al. [2012b] is a particular case.Comment: 12 pages, 1 table, 23rd Congress on Differential Equations and Applications, CEDYA 201