342,465 research outputs found
Propagating wave in active region-loops, located over the solar disk observed by the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph
We aim to ascertain the physical parameters of a propagating wave over the
solar disk detected by the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS). Using
imaging data from the IRIS and the Solar Dynamic Observatory (SDO), we tracked
bright spots to determine the parameters of a propagating transverse wave in
active region (AR) loops triggered by activation of a filament. Deriving the
Doppler velocity of Si IV line from spectral observations of IRIS, we have
determined the rotating directions of active region loops which are relevant to
the wave. On 2015 December 19, a filament was located on the polarity inversion
line of the NOAA AR 12470. The filament was activated and then caused a C 1.1
two-ribbon flare. Between the flare ribbons, two rotation motions of a set of
bright loops were observed to appear in turn with opposite directions.
Following the end of the second rotation, a propagating wave and an associated
transverse oscillation were detected in these bright loops. In 1400 A channel,
there was bright material flowing along the loops in a wave-like manner, with a
period of ~128 s and a mean amplitude of ~880 km. For the transverse
oscillation, we tracked a given loop and determine the transverse positions of
the tracking loop in a limited longitudinal range. In both of 1400 A and 171 A
channels, approximately four periods are distinguished during the transverse
oscillation. The mean period of the oscillation is estimated as ~143 s and the
displacement amplitude as between ~1370 km and ~690 km. We interpret these
oscillations as a propagating kink wave and obtain its speed of ~1400 km s-1.
Our observations reveal that a flare associated with filament activation could
trigger a kink propagating wave in active region loops over the solar disk.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&
Impact of different particle size distributions on anaerobic digestion of the organic fraction of municipal solid waste
Particle size may significantly affect the speed and stability of anaerobic digestion, and matching the choice of particle size reduction equipment to digester type can thus determine the success or failure of the process. In the current research the organic fraction of municipal solid waste was processed using a combination of a shear shredder, rotary cutter and wet macerator to produce streams with different particle size distributions. The pre-processed waste was used in trials in semi-continuous ‘wet’ and ‘dry’ digesters at organic loading rate (OLR) up to 6 kg volatile solids (VS) m?3 day?1. The results indicated that while difference in the particle size distribution did not change the specific biogas yield, the digester performance was affected. In the ‘dry’ digesters the finer particle size led to acidification and ultimately to process failure at the highest OLR. In ‘wet’ digestion a fine particle size led to severe foaming and the process could not be operated above 5 kg VS m?3 day?1. Although the trial was not designed as a direct comparison between ‘wet’ and ‘dry’ digestion, the specific biogas yield of the ‘dry’ digesters was 90% of that produced by ‘wet’ digesters fed on the same waste at the same OLR.<br/
Witnessing a Poincar\'e recurrence with Mathematica
The often elusive Poincar\'e recurrence can be witnessed in a completely
separable system. For such systems, the problem of recurrence reduces to the
classic mathematical problem of simultaneous Diophantine approximation of
multiple numbers. The latter problem then can be somewhat satisfactorily solved
by using the famous Lenstra-Lenstra-Lov\'{a}sz (LLL) algorithm, which is
implemented in the Mathematica built-in function \verb"LatticeReduce". The
procedure is illustrated with a harmonic chain. The incredibly large recurrence
times are obtained exactly. They follow the expected scaling law very well.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure
Flux rope proxies and fan-spine structures in active region NOAA 11897
Employing the high-resolution observations from the Solar Dynamics
Observatory (SDO) and the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS), we
statistically investigate flux rope proxies in NOAA AR 11897 from 14-Nov-2013
to 19-Nov-2013 and display two fan-spine structures in this AR. For the first
time, we detect flux rope proxies of NOAA 11897 for total 30 times in 4
different locations. These flux rope proxies were either tracked in both lower
and higher temperature wavelengths or only detected in hot channels. Specially,
none of these flux rope proxies was observed to erupt, but just faded away
gradually. In addition to these flux rope proxies, we firstly detect a
secondary fan-spine structure. It was covered by dome-shaped magnetic fields
which belong to a larger fan-spine topology. These new observations imply that
considerable amounts of flux ropes can exist in an AR and the complexity of AR
magnetic configuration is far beyond our imagination.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures, Accepted for publication in A&
The State Equation of the Yang-Mills field Dark Energy Models
In this paper, we study the possibility of building Yang-Mills(YM) field dark
energy models with equation of state (EoS) crossing -1, and find that it can
not be realized by the single YM field models, no matter what kind of
lagrangian or initial condition. But the states of and
all can be naturally got in this kind of models. The former is like
a quintessence field, and the latter is like a phantom field. This makes that
one can build a model with two YM fields, in which one with the initial state
of , and the other with . We give an example model of
this kind, and find that its EoS is larger than -1 in the past and less than -1
at the present time. We also find that this change must be from to
, and it will go to the critical state of with the expansion
of the Universe, which character is same with the single YM field models, and
the Big Rip is naturally avoided.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figures. minor typos correcte
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