547 research outputs found
Enabling pulsar and fast transient searches using coherent dedispersion
We present an implementation of the coherent dedispersion algorithm capable
of dedispersing high-time-resolution radio observations to many different
dispersion measures (DMs). This approach allows the removal of the dispersive
effects of the interstellar medium and enables searches for pulsed emission
from pulsars and other millisecond-duration transients at low observing
frequencies and/or high DMs where time broadening of the signal due to
dispersive smearing would otherwise severely reduce the sensitivity. The
implementation, called 'cdmt', for Coherent Dispersion Measure Trials, exploits
the parallel processing capability of general-purpose graphics processing units
to accelerate the computations. We describe the coherent dedispersion algorithm
and detail how cdmt implements the algorithm to efficiently compute many
coherent DM trials. We present the concept of a semi-coherent dedispersion
search, where coherently dedispersed trials at coarsely separated DMs are
subsequently incoherently dedispersed at finer steps in DM. The software is
used in an ongoing LOFAR pilot survey to test the feasibility of performing
semi-coherent dedispersion searches for millisecond pulsars at 135MHz. This
pilot survey has led to the discovery of a radio millisecond pulsar -- the
first at these low frequencies. This is the first time that such a broad and
comprehensive search in DM-space has been done using coherent dedispersion, and
we argue that future low-frequency pulsar searches using this approach are both
scientifically compelling and feasible. Finally, we compare the performance of
cdmt with other available alternatives.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, submitted to Astronomy and Computin
Fast Radio Bursts
The discovery of radio pulsars over a half century ago was a seminal moment
in astronomy. It demonstrated the existence of neutron stars, gave a powerful
observational tool to study them, and has allowed us to probe strong gravity,
dense matter, and the interstellar medium. More recently, pulsar surveys have
led to the serendipitous discovery of fast radio bursts (FRBs). While FRBs
appear similar to the individual pulses from pulsars, their large dispersive
delays suggest that they originate from far outside the Milky Way and hence are
many orders-of-magnitude more luminous. While most FRBs appear to be one-off,
perhaps cataclysmic events, two sources are now known to repeat and thus
clearly have a longer-lived central engine. Beyond understanding how they are
created, there is also the prospect of using FRBs -- as with pulsars -- to
probe the extremes of the Universe as well as the otherwise invisible
intervening medium. Such studies will be aided by the high implied all-sky
event rate: there is a detectable FRB roughly once every minute occurring
somewhere on the sky. The fact that less than a hundred FRB sources have been
discovered in the last decade is largely due to the small fields-of-view of
current radio telescopes. A new generation of wide-field instruments is now
coming online, however, and these will be capable of detecting multiple FRBs
per day. We are thus on the brink of further breakthroughs in the
short-duration radio transient phase space, which will be critical for
differentiating between the many proposed theories for the origin of FRBs. In
this review, we give an observational and theoretical introduction at a level
that is accessible to astronomers entering the field.Comment: Invited review article for The Astronomy and Astrophysics Revie
Fast Radio Bursts
The discovery of radio pulsars over a half century ago was a seminal moment
in astronomy. It demonstrated the existence of neutron stars, gave a powerful
observational tool to study them, and has allowed us to probe strong gravity,
dense matter, and the interstellar medium. More recently, pulsar surveys have
led to the serendipitous discovery of fast radio bursts (FRBs). While FRBs
appear similar to the individual pulses from pulsars, their large dispersive
delays suggest that they originate from far outside the Milky Way and hence are
many orders-of-magnitude more luminous. While most FRBs appear to be one-off,
perhaps cataclysmic events, two sources are now known to repeat and thus
clearly have a longer-lived central engine. Beyond understanding how they are
created, there is also the prospect of using FRBs -- as with pulsars -- to
probe the extremes of the Universe as well as the otherwise invisible
intervening medium. Such studies will be aided by the high implied all-sky
event rate: there is a detectable FRB roughly once every minute occurring
somewhere on the sky. The fact that less than a hundred FRB sources have been
discovered in the last decade is largely due to the small fields-of-view of
current radio telescopes. A new generation of wide-field instruments is now
coming online, however, and these will be capable of detecting multiple FRBs
per day. We are thus on the brink of further breakthroughs in the
short-duration radio transient phase space, which will be critical for
differentiating between the many proposed theories for the origin of FRBs. In
this review, we give an observational and theoretical introduction at a level
that is accessible to astronomers entering the field.Comment: Invited review article for The Astronomy and Astrophysics Revie
A search for radio pulsars and fast transients in M31 using the WSRT
We present the results of the most sensitive and comprehensive survey yet
undertaken for radio pulsars and fast transients in the Andromeda galaxy (M31)
and its satellites, using the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope (WSRT) at a
central frequency of 328 MHz. We used the WSRT in a special configuration
called 8gr8 (eight-grate) mode, which provides a large instantaneous
field-of-view, about 5 square degrees per pointing, with good sensitivity, long
dwell times (up to 8 hours per pointing), and good spatial resolution (a few
arc minutes) for locating sources. We have searched for both periodicities and
single pulses in our data, aiming to detect bright, persistent radio pulsars
and rotating radio transients (RRATs) of either Galactic or extragalactic
origin. Our searches did not reveal any confirmed periodic signals or bright
single bursts from (potentially) cosmological distances. However, we do report
the detection of several single pulse events, some repeating at the same
dispersion measure, which could potentially originate from neutron stars in
M31. One in particular was seen multiple times, including a burst of six pulses
in 2000 seconds, at a dispersion measure of 54.7 pc cm^-3, which potentially
places the origin of this source outside of our Galaxy. Our results are
compared to a range of hypothetical populations of pulsars and RRATs in M31 and
allow us to constrain the luminosity function of pulsars in M31. They also show
that, unless the pulsar population in M31 is much dimmer than in our Galaxy,
there is no need to invoke any violation of the inverse square law of the
distance for pulsar fluxes.Comment: 18 pages, 14 figures, 8 tables. Accepted for publication in the main
journal of MNRA
Lensing of Fast Radio Bursts by Plasma Structures in Host Galaxies
Plasma lenses in the host galaxies of fast radio bursts (FRBs) can strongly
modulate FRB amplitudes for a wide range of distances, including the
Gpc distance of the repeater FRB121102. To produce caustics, the lens'
dispersion-measure depth (), scale size (), and distance
from the source () must satisfy . Caustics produce strong
magnifications () on short time scales ( hours to days and
perhaps shorter) along with narrow, epoch dependent spectral peaks (0.1 to
1~GHz). However, strong suppression also occurs in long-duration (
months) troughs. For geometries that produce multiple images, the resulting
burst components will arrive differentially by s to tens of ms and
they will show different apparent dispersion measures, pc cm. Arrival time perturbations may mask any
underlying periodicity with period s. When arrival times differ by
less than the burst width, interference effects in dynamic spectra are
expected. Strong lensing requires source sizes smaller than , which can be satisfied by compact objects such as
neutron star magnetospheres but not by AGNs. Much of the phenomenology of the
repeating fast radio burst source FRB121102 is similar to lensing effects. The
overall picture can be tested by obtaining wideband spectra of bursts (from
to 10 GHz and possibly higher), which can also be used to characterize the
plasma environment near FRB sources. A rich variety of phenomena is expected
from an ensemble of lenses near the FRB source. We discuss constraints on
densities, magnetic fields, and locations of plasma lenses related to
requirements for lensing to occur.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, submitted to the Astrophysical Journa
A Strong Upper Limit on the Pulsed Radio Luminosity of the Compact Object 1RXS J141256.0+792204
The ROSAT X-ray source 1RXS J141256.0+792204 has recently been identified as
a likely compact object whose properties suggest it could be a very nearby
radio millisecond pulsar at d = 80 - 260pc. We investigated this hypothesis by
searching for radio pulsations using the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope.
We observed 1RXS J141256.0+792204 at 385 and 1380MHz, recording at high time
and frequency resolution in order to maintain sensitivity to millisecond
pulsations. These data were searched both for dispersed single pulses and using
Fourier techniques sensitive to constant and orbitally modulated periodicities.
No radio pulsations were detected in these observations, resulting in pulsed
radio luminosity limits of L_400 ~ 0.3 (d/250pc)^2 mJy kpc^2 and L_1400 ~ 0.03
(d/250pc)^2 mJy kpc^2 at 400 and 1400MHz respectively. The lack of detectable
radio pulsations from 1RXS J141256.0+792204 brings into question its
identification as a nearby radio pulsar, though, because the pulsar could be
beamed away from us, this hypothesis cannot be strictly ruled out.Comment: To appear in A&A. 3 page
Low Frequency Observations of Millisecond Pulsars with the WSRT
With LOFAR beginning operation in 2008 there is huge potential for studying
pulsars with high signal to noise at low frequencies. We present results of
observations made with the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope to revisit,
with modern technology, this frequency range. Coherently dedispersed profiles
of millisecond pulsars obtained simultaneously between 115-175 MHz are
presented. We consider the detections and non-detections of 14 MSPs in light of
previous observations and the fluxes, dispersion measures and spectral indices
of these pulsars. The excellent prospects for LOFAR finding new MSPs and
studying the existing systems are then discussed in light of these results.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, To appear in the proceedings of "40 Years of
Pulsars: Millisecond Pulsars, Magnetars, and More", August 12-17, 2007,
McGill University, Montreal, Canad
A sample of low energy bursts from FRB 121102
We present 41 bursts from the first repeating fast radio burst discovered
(FRB 121102). A deep search has allowed us to probe unprecedentedly low burst
energies during two consecutive observations (separated by one day) using the
Arecibo telescope at 1.4 GHz. The bursts are generally detected in less than a
third of the 580-MHz observing bandwidth, demonstrating that narrow-band FRB
signals may be more common than previously thought. We show that the bursts are
likely faint versions of previously reported multi-component bursts. There is a
striking lack of bursts detected below 1.35 GHz and simultaneous VLA
observations at 3 GHz did not detect any of the 41 bursts, but did detect one
that was not seen with Arecibo, suggesting preferred radio emission frequencies
that vary with epoch. A power law approximation of the cumulative distribution
of burst energies yields an index that is much steeper than the
previously reported value of . The discrepancy may be evidence for a
more complex energy distribution. We place constraints on the possibility that
the associated persistent radio source is generated by the emission of many
faint bursts ( ms). We do not see a connection between burst
fluence and wait time. The distribution of wait times follows a log-normal
distribution centered around s; however, some bursts have wait times
below 1 s and as short as 26 ms, which is consistent with previous reports of a
bimodal distribution. We caution against exclusively integrating over the full
observing band during FRB searches, because this can lower signal-to-noise.Comment: Accepted version. 16 pages, 7 figures, 1 tabl
Resolving the decades-long transient FIRST J141918.9+394036: an orphan long gamma-ray burst or a young magnetar nebula?
Ofek (2017) identified FIRST J141918.9+394036 (hereafter FIRST J1419+3940) as
a radio source sharing similar properties and host galaxy type to the compact,
persistent radio source associated with the first known repeating fast radio
burst, FRB 121102. Law et al. (2018) showed that FIRST J1419+3940 is a
transient source decaying in brightness over the last few decades. One possible
interpretation is that FIRST J1419+3940 is a nearby analogue to FRB 121102 and
that the radio emission represents a young magnetar nebula (as several
scenarios assume for FRB 121102). Another interpretation is that FIRST
J1419+3940 is the afterglow of an `orphan' long gamma-ray burst (GRB). The
environment is similar to where most such events are produced. To distinguish
between these hypotheses, we conducted radio observations using the European
VLBI Network at 1.6 GHz to spatially resolve the emission and to search for
millisecond-duration radio bursts. We detect FIRST J1419+3940 as a compact
radio source with a flux density of (on 2018
September 18) and a source size of (i.e. given the angular diameter distance of ).
These results confirm that the radio emission is non-thermal and imply an
average expansion velocity of . Contemporaneous
high-time-resolution observations using the 100-m Effelsberg telescope detected
no millisecond-duration bursts of astrophysical origin. The source properties
and lack of short-duration bursts are consistent with a GRB jet expansion,
whereas they disfavor a magnetar birth nebula.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ
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