1,223 research outputs found
Stabilizer Formalism for Operator Quantum Error Correction
Operator quantum error correction is a recently developed theory that
provides a generalized framework for active error correction and passive error
avoiding schemes. In this paper, we describe these codes in the stabilizer
formalism of standard quantum error correction theory. This is achieved by
adding a "gauge" group to the standard stabilizer definition of a code that
defines an equivalence class between encoded states. Gauge transformations
leave the encoded information unchanged; their effect is absorbed by virtual
gauge qubits that do not carry useful information. We illustrate the
construction by identifying a gauge symmetry in Shor's 9-qubit code that allows
us to remove 4 of its 8 stabilizer generators, leading to a simpler decoding
procedure and a wider class of logical operations without affecting its
essential properties. This opens the path to possible improvements of the error
threshold of fault-tolerant quantum computing.Comment: Corrected claim based on exhaustive searc
Fault-Tolerant Quantum Computation via Exchange interactions
Quantum computation can be performed by encoding logical qubits into the
states of two or more physical qubits, and controlling a single effective
exchange interaction and possibly a global magnetic field. This "encoded
universality" paradigm offers potential simplifications in quantum computer
design since it does away with the need to perform single-qubit rotations. Here
we show that encoded universality schemes can be combined with quantum error
correction. In particular, we show explicitly how to perform fault-tolerant
leakage correction, thus overcoming the main obstacle to fault-tolerant encoded
universality.Comment: 5 pages, including 1 figur
Local unitary equivalence of multipartite pure states
Necessary and sufficient conditions for the equivalence of arbitrary n-qubit
pure quantum states under Local Unitary (LU) operations are derived. First, an
easily computable standard form for multipartite states is introduced. Two
generic states are shown to be LU-equivalent iff their standard forms coincide.
The LU-equivalence problem for non--generic states is solved by presenting a
systematic method to determine the LU operators (if they exist) which
interconvert the two states.Comment: 5 page
Local unitary equivalence and entanglement of multipartite pure states
The necessary and sufficient conditions for the equivalence of arbitrary
n-qubit pure quantum states under Local Unitary (LU) operations derived in [B.
Kraus Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 020504 (2010)] are used to determine the different
LU-equivalence classes of up to five-qubit states. Due to this classification
new parameters characterizing multipartite entanglement are found and their
physical interpretation is given. Moreover, the method is used to derive
examples of two n-qubit states (with n>2 arbitrary) which have the properties
that all the entropies of any subsystem coincide, however, the states are
neither LU-equivalent nor can be mapped into each other by general local
operations and classical communication
Measurement-Only Topological Quantum Computation
We remove the need to physically transport computational anyons around each
other from the implementation of computational gates in topological quantum
computing. By using an anyonic analog of quantum state teleportation, we show
how the braiding transformations used to generate computational gates may be
produced through a series of topological charge measurements.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures; v2: clarifying changes made to conform to the
version published in PR
Quantum error correction of systematic errors using a quantum search framework
Composite pulses are a quantum control technique for canceling out systematic
control errors. We present a new composite pulse sequence inspired by quantum
search. Our technique can correct a wider variety of systematic errors --
including, for example, nonlinear over-rotational errors -- than previous
techniques. Concatenation of the pulse sequence can reduce a systematic error
to an arbitrarily small level.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figure
Decoherence of Anyonic Charge in Interferometry Measurements
We examine interferometric measurements of the topological charge of
(non-Abelian) anyons. The target's topological charge is measured from its
effect on the interference of probe particles sent through the interferometer.
We find that superpositions of distinct anyonic charges a and a' in the target
decohere (exponentially in the number of probes particles used) when the probes
have nontrivial monodromy with the charges that may be fused with a to give a'.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure; v2: reference added, example added, clarifying
changes made to conform to the version published in PR
Computational equivalence of the two inequivalent spinor representations of the braid group in the Ising topological quantum computer
We demonstrate that the two inequivalent spinor representations of the braid
group \B_{2n+2}, describing the exchanges of 2n+2 non-Abelian Ising anyons in
the Pfaffian topological quantum computer, are equivalent from computational
point of view, i.e., the sets of topologically protected quantum gates that
could be implemented in both cases by braiding exactly coincide. We give the
explicit matrices generating almost all braidings in the spinor representations
of the 2n+2 Ising anyons, as well as important recurrence relations. Our
detailed analysis allows us to understand better the physical difference
between the two inequivalent representations and to propose a process that
could determine the type of representation for any concrete physical
realization of the Pfaffian quantum computer.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures, published versio
Exact solutions for a universal set of quantum gates on a family of iso-spectral spin chains
We find exact solutions for a universal set of quantum gates on a scalable
candidate for quantum computers, namely an array of two level systems. The
gates are constructed by a combination of dynamical and geometrical
(non-Abelian) phases. Previously these gates have been constructed mostly on
non-scalable systems and by numerical searches among the loops in the manifold
of control parameters of the Hamiltonian.Comment: 1 figure, Latex, 8 pages, Accepted for publication in Physical Review
Entangling characterization of (SWAP)1/m and Controlled unitary gates
We study the entangling power and perfect entangler nature of (SWAP)1/m, for
m>=1, and controlled unitary (CU) gates. It is shown that (SWAP)1/2 is the only
perfect entangler in the family. On the other hand, a subset of CU which is
locally equivalent to CNOT is identified. It is shown that the subset, which is
a perfect entangler, must necessarily possess the maximum entangling power.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figure, One more paragraph added in Introductio
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