388 research outputs found
Field-Induced Ferromagnetic Order and Colossal Magnetoresistance in La_{1.2}Sr_{1.8}Mn_2O_7: a ^{139}La NMR study
In order to gain insights into the origin of colossal magneto-resistance
(CMR) in manganese oxides, we performed a ^{139}La NMR study in the
double-layered compound La_{1.2}Sr_{1.8}Mn_2O_7. We find that above the Curie
temperature T_C=126 K, applying a magnetic field induces a long-range
ferromagnetic order that persists up to T=330 K. The critical field at which
the induced magnetic moment is saturated coincides with the field at which the
CMR effect reaches to a maximum. Our results therefore indicate that the CMR
observed above T_C in this compound is due to the field-induced ferromagnetism
that produces a metallic state via the double exchange interaction
First order valence transition in YbInCu_4 in the (B,T) - plane
The puzzling properties of the first order phase transition in YbInCu and
its alloys in the wide range of magnetic fields and temperatures are perfectly
described in terms of a simple entropy transition for free Yb ions. In
particular, it turns out that the transition line in the -plane is very
close to the elliptic shape, as it has been observed experimentally. Similar
calculations are done, and the experiments are proposed for the
phase transition in Ce in Megagauss fields. We speculate,
that in case of YbInCu the first order transition is a Mott transition
between a higher temperature phase in which localized moments are stabilized by
the entropy terms in the free energy, and a band-like non-magnetic ground state
of the -electrons.Comment: RevTeX, 5 pages, 2 figure
Magnetotransport in the CeIrIn system: The influence of antiferromagnetic fluctuations
We present an overview of magnetotransport measurements on the heavy-fermion
superconductor CeIrIn. Sensitive measurements of the Hall effect and
magnetoresistance (MR) are used to elucidate the low temperature phase diagram
of this system. The normal-state magnetotransport is highly anomalous, and
experimental signatures of a pseudogap-like precursor state to
superconductivity as well as evidence for two distinct scattering times
governing the Hall effect and the MR are observed. Our observations point out
the influence of antiferromagnetic fluctuations on the magnetotransport in this
class of materials. The implications of these findings, both in the context of
unconventional superconductivity in heavy-fermion systems as well as in
relation to the high temperature superconducting cuprates are discussed
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