6,958 research outputs found
Universal properties of distorted Kerr-Newman black holes
We discuss universal properties of axisymmetric and stationary configurations
consisting of a central black hole and surrounding matter in Einstein-Maxwell
theory. In particular, we find that certain physical equations and inequalities
(involving angular momentum, electric charge and horizon area) are not
restricted to the Kerr-Newman solution but can be generalized to the situation
where the black hole is distorted by an arbitrary axisymmetric and stationary
surrounding matter distribution.Comment: 7 page
The inner Cauchy horizon of axisymmetric and stationary black holes with surrounding matter in Einstein-Maxwell theory
We study the interior electrovacuum region of axisymmetric and stationary black holes with surrounding matter and find that there exists always a regular inner Cauchy horizon inside the black hole, provided the angular momentum J and charge Q of the black hole do not vanish simultaneously. In particular, we derive an explicit relation for the metric on the Cauchy horizon in terms of that on the event horizon. Moreover, our analysis reveals the remarkable universal relation (8\pi J)2+(4\pi Q2)2=A+ A-, where A+ and A- denote the areas of event and Cauchy horizon respectively
Cell seeding chamber for bone graft substitutes
There is an increasing demand for bone graft substitutes that are used as osteoconductive scaffolds in the treatment of bone defects and fractures. Achieving optimal bone regeneration requires initial cell seeding of the scaffolds prior to implantation. The cell seeding chamber is a closed assembly. It works like a sandglass. The position of the scaffold is between two reservoirs containing the fluid (e. g. blood). The fluid at the upper reservoir flows through the scaffold driven by gravity. Fluid is collected at the lower reservoir. If the upper reservoir is empty the whole assembly turned and the process starts again. A new compact cell seeding chamber for initial cell seeding has been developed that can be used in the operating theater
Nonlinear charge transport mechanism in periodic and disordered DNA
We study a model for polaron-like charge transport mechanism along DNA
molecules with emphasis on the impact of parametrical and structural disorder.
Our model Hamiltonian takes into account the coupling of the charge carrier to
two different kind of modes representing fluctuating twist motions of the base
pairs and H-bond distortions within the double helix structure of
DNA. Localized stationary states are constructed with the help of a
nonlinear map approach for a periodic double helix and in the presence of
intrinsic static parametrical and/or structural disorder reflecting the impact
of ambient solvent coordinates. It is demonstrated that charge transport is
mediated by moving polarons respectively breather compounds carrying not only
the charge but causing also local temporal deformations of the helix structure
through the traveling torsion and bond breather components illustrating the
interplay of structure and function in biomolecules.Comment: 23 pages, 13 figure
Charge transport in a nonlinear, three--dimensional DNA model with disorder
We study the transport of charge due to polarons in a model of DNA which
takes in account its 3D structure and the coupling of the electron wave
function with the H--bond distortions and the twist motions of the base pairs.
Perturbations of the ground states lead to moving polarons which travel long
distances. The influence of parametric and structural disorder, due to the
impact of the ambient, is considered, showing that the moving polarons survive
to a certain degree of disorder. Comparison of the linear and tail analysis and
the numerical results makes possible to obtain further information on the
moving polaron properties.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures. Proceedings of the conference on "Localization
and energy transfer in nonlinear systems", June 17-21, 2002, San Lorenzo de
El Escorial, Madrid, Spain. To be publishe
Convergence Rates of Gaussian ODE Filters
A recently-introduced class of probabilistic (uncertainty-aware) solvers for
ordinary differential equations (ODEs) applies Gaussian (Kalman) filtering to
initial value problems. These methods model the true solution and its first
derivatives \emph{a priori} as a Gauss--Markov process ,
which is then iteratively conditioned on information about . This
article establishes worst-case local convergence rates of order for a
wide range of versions of this Gaussian ODE filter, as well as global
convergence rates of order in the case of and an integrated Brownian
motion prior, and analyses how inaccurate information on coming from
approximate evaluations of affects these rates. Moreover, we show that, in
the globally convergent case, the posterior credible intervals are well
calibrated in the sense that they globally contract at the same rate as the
truncation error. We illustrate these theoretical results by numerical
experiments which might indicate their generalizability to .Comment: 26 pages, 5 figure
Modeling the thermal evolution of enzyme-created bubbles in DNA
The formation of bubbles in nucleic acids (NAs) are fundamental in many
biological processes such as DNA replication, recombination, telomeres
formation, nucleotide excision repair, as well as RNA transcription and
splicing. These precesses are carried out by assembled complexes with enzymes
that separate selected regions of NAs. Within the frame of a nonlinear dynamics
approach we model the structure of the DNA duplex by a nonlinear network of
coupled oscillators. We show that in fact from certain local structural
distortions there originate oscillating localized patterns, that is radial and
torsional breathers, which are associated with localized H-bond deformations,
being reminiscent of the replication bubble. We further study the temperature
dependence of these oscillating bubbles. To this aim the underlying nonlinear
oscillator network of the DNA duplex is brought in contact with a heat bath
using the Nos-Hoover-method. Special attention is paid to the
stability of the oscillating bubbles under the imposed thermal perturbations.
It is demonstrated that the radial and torsional breathers, sustain the impact
of thermal perturbations even at temperatures as high as room temperature.
Generally, for nonzero temperature the H-bond breathers move coherently along
the double chain whereas at T=0 standing radial and torsional breathers result.Comment: 19 pages, 7 figure
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