242 research outputs found
The orbit of the close spectroscopic binary epsilon Lupi and the intrinsic variability of its early B-type components
We subjected 106 new high-resolution spectra of the double-lined
spectroscopic close binary epsilon Lupi, obtained in a time-span of 17 days
from two different observatories, to a detailed study of orbital and intrinsic
variations. We derived accurate values of the orbital parameters. We refined
the sidereal orbital period to 4.55970 days and the eccentricity to e=0.277. By
adding old radial velocities, we discovered the presence of apsidal motion with
a period of the rotation of apses of about 430 years. Such a value agrees with
theoretical expectations. Additional data is needed to confirm and refine this
value. Our dataset did not allow us to derive the orbit of the third body,
which is known to orbit the close system in approximately 64 years. We present
the secondary of epsilon Lupi as a new beta Cephei variable, while the primary
is a beta Cephei suspect. A first detailed analysis of line-profile variations
of both primary and secondary led to detection of one pulsation frequency near
10.36 c/d in the variability of the secondary, while no clear periodicity was
found in the primary, although low-amplitude periodicities are still suspected.
The limited accuracy and extent of our dataset did not allow any further
analysis, such as mode-identification.Comment: 13+3 pages, 20 figures. Astronomy and Astrophysics, accepte
Interpretation of the variability of the <i>β</i> Cephei star <i>λ</i> Scorpii. I. The multiple character
We derive accurate values of the orbital parameters of the close binary β Cephei star λ Scorpii. Moreover, we present the first determination of the properties of the triple system to which λ Scorpii belongs. Our analysis is based on a time series of 815 high-resolution spectra, covering a timespan of 14 years. We find a close orbit of 5d.9525days (e=0.26) and a wide orbit of approximately 1082d days (e=0.23). The orbital parameters of the triple star and a spectrum synthesis lead us to conclude that the system is composed of two early-type B stars and a low-mass pre-main-sequence star rather than containing an ultra-massive white dwarf as claimed before. Our proposed configuration is compatible with population synthesis. The radial velocity variations of the primary allow us to confirm the presence of at least one pulsation mode with frequency 4.679410 c d-1 which is subject to the light-time effect in the triple system. A detailed analysis of the complex line-profile variations is described in a subsequent paper
On the H emission from the Cephei system
Be stars, which are characterised by intermittent emission in their hydrogen
lines, are known to be fast rotators. This fast rotation is a requirement for
the formation of a Keplerian disk, which in turn gives rise to the emission.
However, the pulsating, magnetic B1IV star Cephei is a very slow
rotator that still shows H emission episodes like in other Be stars,
contradicting current theories. We investigate the hypothesis that the
H emission stems from the spectroscopically unresolved companion of
Cep. Spectra of the two unresolved components have been separated in
the 6350-6850\AA range with spectro-astrometric techniques, using 11 longslit
spectra obtained with ALFOSC at the Nordic Optical Telescope, La Palma. We find
that the H emission is not related to the primary in Cep, but
is due to its 3.4 magnitudes fainter companion. This companion has been
resolved by speckle techniques, but it remains unresolved by traditional
spectroscopy. The emission extends from about 400 to +400 km s. The
companion star in its 90-year orbit is likely to be a classical Be star with a
spectral type around B6-8. By identifying its Be-star companion as the origin
of the H emission behaviour, the enigma behind the Be status of the
slow rotator Cep has been resolved.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures. Accepted by A&A Letter
The population of hot subdwarf stars studied with Gaia I. The catalogue of known hot subdwarf stars
In preparation for the upcoming all-sky data releases of the Gaia mission we
compiled a catalogue of known hot subdwarf stars and candidates drawn from the
literature and yet unpublished databases. The catalogue contains 5613 unique
sources and provides multi-band photometry from the ultraviolet to the far
infrared, ground based proper motions, classifications based on spectroscopy
and colours, published atmospheric parameters, radial velocities and light
curve variability information. Using several different techniques we removed
outliers and misclassified objects. By matching this catalogue with astrometric
and photometric data from the Gaia mission, we will develop selection criteria
to construct a homogeneous, magnitude-limited all-sky catalogue of hot subdwarf
stars based on Gaia data.Comment: 11 pages, A&A accepte
KIC7668647: a 14 day beaming sdB+WD binary with a pulsating subdwarf
The recently discovered subdwarf B (sdB) pulsator KIC7668647 is one of the 18
pulsating sdB stars detected in the Kepler field. It features a rich g-mode
frequency spectrum, with a few low-amplitude p-modes at short periods.
We use new ground-based low-resolution spectroscopy, and the near-continuous
2.88 year Kepler lightcurve, to reveal that KIC7668647 consists of a subdwarf B
star with an unseen white-dwarf companion with an orbital period of 14.2d. An
orbit with a radial-velocity amplitude of 39km/s is consistently determined
from the spectra, from the orbital Doppler beaming seen by Kepler at 163ppm,
and from measuring the orbital light-travel delay of 27 by timing of the many
pulsations seen in the Kepler lightcurve. The white dwarf has a minimum mass of
0.40 M_sun.
We use our high signal-to-noise average spectra to study the atmospheric
parameters of the sdB star, and find that nitrogen and iron have abundances
close to solar values, while helium, carbon, oxygen and silicon are
underabundant relative to the solar mixture.
We use the full Kepler Q06--Q17 lightcurve to extract 132 significant
pulsation frequencies. Period-spacing relations and multiplet splittings allow
us to identify the modal degree L for the majority of the modes. Using the
g-mode multiplet splittings we constrain the internal rotation period at the
base of the envelope to 46-48d as a first seismic result for this star. The few
p-mode splittings may point at a slightly longer rotation period further out in
the envelope of the star.
From mode-visibility considerations we derive that the inclination of the
rotation axis of the sdB in KIC7668647 must be around ~60 degrees.
Furthermore, we find strong evidence for a few multiplets indicative of
degree 3 <= L <= 8, which is another novelty in sdB-star observations made
possible by Kepler.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1206.387
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