443 research outputs found

    Crossed Andreev reflection as a probe for the pairing symmetry of Ferromagnetic Superconductors

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    The coexistence of superconductivity and ferromagnetism has brought about the phenomena of ferromagnetic superconductors. The theory needed to understand the compatibility of such antagonistic phenomena cannot be built until the pairing symmetry of such superconductors is correctly identified. The proper and unambiguous identification of the pairing symmetry of such superconductors is the subject of this paper. This work shows that crossed Andreev reflection can be a very effective tool in order to identify the pairing symmetry of these superconductors.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure, 1 table. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. B(Rapid Communication

    Similarity of Fermi Surface in the Hidden Order State and in the Antiferromagnetic State of URu2Si2

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    Shubnikov-de Haas measurements of high quality URu2Si2 single crystals reveal two previously unobserved Fermi surface branches in the so-called hidden order phase. Therefore about 55% of the enhanced mass is now detected. Under pressure in the antiferromagnetic state, the Shubnikov-de Haas frequencies for magnetic fields applied along the crystalline c axis show little change compared with the zero pressure data. This implies a similar Fermi surface in both the hidden order and antiferromagnetic states, which strongly suggests that the lattice doubling in the antiferromagnetic phase due to the ordering vector QAF = (0 0 1) already occurs in the hidden order. These measurements provide a good test for existing or future theories of the hidden order parameter.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    On the destruction of the hidden order in URu2_2Si2_2 by a strong magnetic field

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    We present a study of transport properties of the heavy fermion URu2_2Si2_2 in pulsed magnetic field. The large Nernst response of the hidden order state is found to be suppressed when the magnetic field exceeds 35 T. The combination of resistivity, Hall and Nernst data outlines the reconstruction of the Fermi surface in the temperature-field phase diagram. The zero-field ground state is a compensated heavy-electron semi-metal, which is destroyed by magnetic field through a cascade of field-induced transitions. Above 40 T, URu2_2Si2_2 appears to be a polarized heavy fermions metal with a large density of carriers whose effective mass rapidly decreases with increasing magnetic polarization.Comment: published versio

    Thermoelectric response near a quantum critical point of beta-YbAlB4 and YbRh2Si2: A comparative study

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    The thermoelectric coefficients have been measured on the Yb-based heavy fermion compounds beta-YbAlB4 and YbRh2Si2 down to a very low temperature. We observe a striking difference in the behavior of the Seebeck coefficient, S in the vicinity of the Quantum Critical Point (QCP) in the two systems. As the critical field is approached, S/T enhances in beta-YbAlB4 but is drastically reduced in YbRh2Si2. While in the former system, the ratio of thermopower-to-specific heat remains constant, it drastically drops near the QCP in YbRh2Si2. In both systems, on the other hand, the Nernst coefficient shows a diverging behavior near the QCP. The results provide a new window to the way various energy scales of the system behave and eventually vanish near a QCP
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