291 research outputs found
Absorption and J/psi Suppression in Heavy Ion Collisions
We discuss the J/psi suppression in the framework of multiple collision
models. From the analysis of the Pb-Pb NA50 data we conclude that the strength
of the absorption has increased, but we find no clear evidence for the
formation of the quark-gluon plasma.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure
Evolution of particle density in high-energy pp collisions
We study the evolution of the particle density, dn/d\eta at fixed \eta with
the beam rapidity Y in the framework of string percolation model. Our main
results are: (i) The width of the "plateau" increases proportionally to Y, (ii)
limiting fragmentation is violated, and (iii) the particle density, reduces to
a step function.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, to appear in Nuclear Physics A. Minor changes are
Particle rapidity density and collective phenomena in heavy ion collisions
We analyse recent results on charged particle pseudo-rapidity densities from
RHIC in the framework of the Dual String Model, in particular when including
string fusion. The model, in a simple way, agrees with all the existing data
and is consistent with the presence of the percolation transition to the
Quark-Gluon Plasma already at the CERN-SPS. It leads to strict saturation of
the particle (pseudo-)rapidity density, normalised to the number of participant
nucleons, as that number increases. A comparison with recent WA98 data is
presented.Comment: 6 pages, 3 ps figures, Latex2e with amsmath. To appear in the
Proceedings of the XXX International Symposium on Multiparticle Dynamics
(Lake Balaton, October 2000
The black disk and the dip in the differential elastic cross section at asymptotic energy
We test the validity of the black disk limit in elastic scattering by
studying the evolution of the dip in the scaling variable
, where is the transverse momentum squared at
the dip and the total cross section. As
and , may consistently be approaching the black
disc value,
GeV mb.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figure
Energy conservation and scaling violations in particle production
We use a simple Colour Glass Condensate/String Percolation Model argument to
show the existence, due to energy conservation, of bounds to the violation of
Feynman scaling and limiting fragmentation.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure. Final versio
Cumulative particle production as a rare event
The generalization of the Glauber formula for cumulative production events is
derived. On its basis the multiplicity distribution in such events is related
to the one in the minimum bias events. As compared to the rare events of type
, the formula involves a shift in the arguments determined by the
multiplicity from a collision with a cluster of several nucleons.Comment: 11 pages, LaTe
Percolation approach to phase transitions in high energy nuclear collisions
We study continuum percolation in nuclear collisions for the realistic case
in which the nuclear matter distribution is not uniform over the collision
volume, and show that the percolation threshold is increased compared to the
standard, uniform situation. In terms of quark-gluon plasma formation this
means that the phase transition threshold is pushed to higher energies.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures (PS), LaTeX2e using fontenc, amsmath, epsfi
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