14,883 research outputs found
Trapping radioactive ^{82}Rb in an optical dipole trap and evidence of spontaneous spin polarization
Optical trapping of selected species of radioactive atoms has great potential
in precision measurements for testing fundamental physics such as EDM, PNC and
parity violating beta-decay asymmetry correlation coefficients. We report
trapping of 10^4 radioactive ^{82}Rb atoms (t_{1/2}=75 s) with a trap lifetime
of ~55 seconds in an optical dipole trap. Transfer efficiency from the
magneto-optical trap was ~14%. We further report the evidence of spontaneous
spin polarization of the atoms in optical dipole trap loading. This advancement
is an important step towards a new generation of precision J-beta correlations
measurements with polarized ^{82}Rb atoms.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure
Quarks, Gluons and Frustrated Antiferromagnets
The Contractor Renormalization Group method (CORE) is used to establish the
equivalence of various Hamiltonian free fermion theories and a class of
generalized frustrated antiferromagnets. In particular, after a detailed
discussion of a simple example, it is argued that a generalized frustrated
SU(3) antiferromagnet whose single-site states have the quantum numbers of
mesons and baryons is equivalent to a theory of free massless quarks.
Furthermore, it is argued that for slight modification of the couplings which
define the frustrated antiferromagnet Hamiltonian, the theory becomes a theory
of quarks interacting with color gauge-fields.Comment: 21 pages, Late
Laser cooling of new atomic and molecular species with ultrafast pulses
We propose a new laser cooling method for atomic species whose level
structure makes traditional laser cooling difficult. For instance, laser
cooling of hydrogen requires single-frequency vacuum-ultraviolet light, while
multielectron atoms need single-frequency light at many widely separated
frequencies. These restrictions can be eased by laser cooling on two-photon
transitions with ultrafast pulse trains. Laser cooling of hydrogen,
antihydrogen, and many other species appears feasible, and extension of the
technique to molecules may be possible.Comment: revision of quant-ph/0306099, submitted to PR
All-optical generation and photoassociative probing of sodium Bose-Einstein condensates
We demonsatrate an all optical technique to evaporatively produce sodium
Bose-Einstein condensates (BEC). We use a crossed-dipole trap formed from light
near 1060 nm, and a simple ramp of the intensity to force evaporation. In
addition, we introduce photoassociation as diagnostic of the trap loading
process, and show that it can be used to detect the onset of Bose-Einstein
condensation. Finally, we demonstrate the straightforward production of
multiple traps with condensates using this technique, and that some control
over the spinor state of the BEC is achieved by positioning the trap as well.Comment: 8 pages, 10 figure
Sub-Natural-Linewidth Quantum Interference Features Observed in Photoassociation of a Thermal Gas
By driving photoassociation transitions we form electronically excited
molecules (Na) from ultra-cold (50-300 K) Na atoms. Using a second
laser to drive transitions from the excited state to a level in the molecular
ground state, we are able to split the photoassociation line and observe
features with a width smaller than the natural linewidth of the excited
molecular state. The quantum interference which gives rise to this effect is
analogous to that which leads to electromagnetically induced transparency in
three level atomic systems, but here one of the ground states is a
pair of free atoms while the other is a bound molecule. The linewidth is
limited primarily by the finite temperature of the atoms.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure
The Maslov Gerbe
Let Lag(E) be the grassmannian of lagrangian subspaces of a complex
symplectic vector space E. We construct a Maslov class which generates the
second integral cohomology of Lag(E), and we show that its mod 2 reduction is
the characteristic class of a flat gerbe with structure group Z_2. We explain
the relation of this gerbe to the well-known flat Maslov line bundle with
structure group Z_4 over the real lagrangian grassmannian, whose characteristic
class is the mod 4 reduction of the real Maslov class.Comment: 8 page
Thermionic research program, volume I Final report
Design, fabrication, calibration, instrumentation, and operation of test converter to generate parameters in thermionic converter operatio
Spontaneous soliton formation and modulational instability in Bose-Einstein condensates
The dynamics of an elongated attractive Bose-Einstein condensate in an
axisymmetric harmonic trap is studied. It is shown that density fringes caused
by self-interference of the condensate order parameter seed modulational
instability. The latter has novel features in contradistinction to the usual
homogeneous case known from nonlinear fiber optics. Several open questions in
the interpretation of the recent creation of the first matter-wave bright
soliton train [Strecker {\it et al.} Nature {\bf 417} 150 (2002)] are
addressed. It is shown that primary transverse collapse, followed by secondary
collapse induced by soliton--soliton interactions, produce bursts of hot atoms
at different time scales.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures. Phys. Rev. Lett. in pres
Vibrational energy transfer in ultracold molecule - molecule collisions
We present a rigorous study of vibrational relaxation in p-H2 + p-H2
collisions at cold and ultracold temperatures and identify an efficient
mechanism of ro-vibrational energy transfer. If the colliding molecules are in
different rotational and vibrational levels, the internal energy may be
transferred between the molecules through an extremely state-selective process
involving simultaneous conservation of internal energy and total rotational
angular momentum. The same transition in collisions of distinguishable
molecules corresponds to the rotational energy transfer from one vibrational
state of the colliding molecules to another.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure
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