25,922 research outputs found
Enhancement of Quantum Tunneling for Excited States in Ferromagnetic Particles
A formula suitable for a quantitative evaluation of the tunneling effect in a
ferromagnetic particle is derived with the help of the instanton method. The
tunneling between n-th degenerate states of neighboring wells is dominated by a
periodic pseudoparticle configuration. The low-lying level-splitting previously
obtained with the LSZ method in field theory in which the tunneling is viewed
as the transition of n bosons induced by the usual (vacuum) instanton is
recovered. The observation made with our new result is that the tunneling
effect increases at excited states. The results should be useful in analyzing
results of experimental tests of macroscopic quantum coherence in ferromagnetic
particles.Comment: 18 pages, LaTex, 1 figur
EPR spectrum via entangled states for an Exchange-Coupled Dimer of Single-Molecule Magnets
Multi-high-frequency electron paramagnetic resonance(EPR) spectrum for a
supermolecular dimer of single-molecule magnets recently reported
[S. Hill, R. S. Edwards, N. Aliaga-Alcalde and G. Christou(HEAC), Science 302,
1015 (2003)] is studied in terms of the perturbation method in which the
high-order corrections to the level splittings of degenerate states are
included. It is shown that the corresponding eigenvectors are composed of
entangled states of two molecules. The EPR-peak positions are calculated in
terms of the eigenstates at various frequencies.
From the best fit of theoretical level splittings with the measured values we
obtain the anisotropy constant and exchange coupling which are in agreement
with the corresponding values of experimental observation. Our study confirms
the prediction of HEAC that the two units within the dimer are coupled
quantum mechanically by the antiferromagnetic exchange interaction and the
supermolecular dimer behaviors in analogy with artificially fabricated quantum
dots.Comment: 16 pages,2 figures, 2 table
Controllable Persistent Atom Current of Bose-Einstein Condensates in an Optical Lattice Ring
In this paper the macroscopic quantum states of Bose-Einstein condensates in
optical lattices is studied by solving the periodic Gross-Pitaevskii equation
in one-dimensional geometry. It is shown that an exact solution seen to be a
travelling wave of excited macroscopic quantum states resultes in a persistent
atom current which can be controlled by adjusting of the barrier height of the
optical periodic potential. A critical condition to generate the travelling
wave is demonstrated and we moreover propose a practical experiment to realize
the persistent atom current in a toroidal atom waveguide.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figure
Quantum Phase Interference for Quantum Tunneling in Spin Systems
The point-particle-like Hamiltonian of a biaxial spin particle with external
magnetic field along the hard axis is obtained in terms of the potential field
description of spin systems with exact spin-coordinate correspondence. The
Zeeman energy term turns out to be an effective gauge potential which leads to
a nonintegrable pha se of the Euclidean Feynman propagator.
The phase interference between clockwise and anticlockwise under barrier
propagations is recognized explicitly as the Aharonov-Bohm effect. An
additional phase which is significant for quantum phase interference is
discovered with the quantum theory of spin systems besides the known phase
obtained with the semiclassical treatment of spin. We also show the energ y
dependence of the effect and obtain the tunneling splitting at excited states
with the help of periodic instantons.Comment: 19 pages, no figure, to appear in PR
Winding number transitions at finite temperature in the Abelian-Higgs model
Following our earlier investigations we examine the quantum-classical winding
number transition in the Abelian-Higgs system. It is demonstrated that the
sphaleron transition in this system is of the smooth second order type in the
full range of parameter space. Comparison of the action of classical vortices
with that of the sphaleron supports our finding.Comment: final version, to appear in J. Phys.
Nonvacuum pseudoparticles, quantum tunneling and metastability
It is shown that nonvacuum pseudoparticles can account for quantum tunneling
and metastability. In particular the saddle-point nature of the pseudoparticles
is demonstrated, and the evaluation of path-integrals in their neighbourhood.
Finally the relation between instantons and bounces is used to derive a result
conjectured by Bogomolny and Fateyev.Comment: Latex, 16 pages, no figure
Spin-polarized quantum transport through a T-shape quantum dot-array: a model of spin splitter
We in this paper study theoretically the spin-polarized quantum transport
through a T-shape quantum dot-array by means of transfer-matrix method along
with the Green^{,}s function technique. Multi-magnetic fields are used to
produce the spin-polarized transmission probabilities and therefore the spin
currents, which are shown to be tunable in a wide range by adjusting the
energy, and the direction-angle of magnetic fields as well. Particularly the
opposite- spin- polarization currents separately flowing out to two electrodes
can be generated and thus the system acts as a spin splitter.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figure
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