402,544 research outputs found
Spin Alignment of Heavy Meson Revisited
Using heavy quark effective theory a factorized form for inclusive production
rate of a heavy meson can be obtained, in which the nonperturbative effect
related to the heavy meson can be characterized by matrix elements defined in
the heavy quark effective theory. Using this factorization, predictions for the
full spin density matrix of a spin-1 and spin-2 meson can be obtained and they
are characterized only by one coefficient representing the nonperturbative
effect. Predictions for spin-1 heavy meson are compared with experiment
performed at colliders in the energy range from GeV to
GeV, a complete agreement is found for - and -meson.
There are distinct differences from the existing approach and they are
discussed.Comment: 6 pages, Talk given at 3rd Circum-Pan-Pacific Symposium on "High
Energy Spin Physics", Beijing, China, 8-13, 200
A QCD-Analysis for Radiative Decays of into
We perform a QCD analysis for the radiative decay of a heavy
quarkonium into the tensor meson . We make an attempt to separate
the nonperturbative effect related to the quarkonium and that related to the
tensor meson, the former is represented by NRQCD matrix elements, while the
later is parameterized by distribution amplitudes of gluons in the tensor meson
at twist-2 level and at twist-3 level. We find that at twist-2 level the
helicity of the tensor meson can be 0 and 2 and the amplitude with
is suppressed. At twist-3 level the tensor meson can have . A comparison with experiment is made, an agreement of our results with
experiment can be found. We also briefly discuss the radiative decay into
and obtain a prediction for .Comment: Corrections of two type-errors and a numerical error in the published
version in Nucl.Phys. B605 (2001) 625, conclusions remain the sam
Measuring an entropy in heavy ion collisions
We propose to use the coincidence method of Ma to measure an entropy of the
system created in heavy ion collisions. Moreover we estimate, in a simple
model, the values of parameters for which the thermodynamical behaviour sets
in.Comment: LATTICE98(hightemp), 3 pages, LaTeX with two eps figure
Global U(1) Invariance and Mass Scales in Supersymmetry
In a supersymmetric theory with global U(1) invariance, the spontaneous
breaking of the latter without the breaking of supersymmetry is revisited in
the case of the most general superpotential of 3 singlet superfields. The
interesting possibility of having 2 hierarchical mass scales is pointed out,
together with its consequences as applied to the axionic solution of the strong
CP problem.Comment: 9 pages, including 1 figur
Characteristics of WAP traffic
This paper considers the characteristics of Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) traffic. We start by constructing a WAP traffic model by analysing the behaviour of users accessing public WAP sites via a monitoring system. A wide range of different traffic scenarios were considered, but most of these scenarios resolve to one of two basic types. The paper then uses this traffic model to consider the effects of large quantities of WAP traffic on the core network. One traffic characteristic which is of particular interest in network dimensioning is the degree of self-similarity, so the paper looks at the characteristics of aggregated traffic with WAP, Web and packet speech components to estimate its self-similarity. The results indicate that, while WAP traffic alone does not exhibit a significant degree of self-similarity, a combined load from various traffic sources retains almost the same degree of self-similarity as the most self-similar individual source
Ignore These At Your Peril: Ten principles for trust design
Online trust has been discussed for more than 10 years, yet little practical guidance has emerged that has proven to be applicable across contexts or useful in the long run. 'Trustworthy UI design guidelines' created in the late 90ies to address the then big question of online trust: how to get shoppers online, are now happily employed by people preparing phishing scams. In this paper we summarize, in practical terms, a conceptual framework for online trust we've established in 2005. Because of its abstract nature it is still useful as a lens through which to view the current big questions of the online trust debate - large focused on usable security and phishing attacks. We then deduct practical 10 rules for providing effective trust support to help practitioners and researchers of usable security
High--Resolution 3D Simulations of Relativistic Jets
We have performed high-resolution 3D simulations of relativistic jets with
beam flow Lorentz factors up to 7, a spatial resolution of 8 cells per beam
radius, and for up to 75 normalized time units to study the morphology and
dynamics of 3D relativistic jets. Our simulations show that the coherent fast
backflows found in axisymmetric models are not present in 3D models. We further
find that when the jet is exposed to non-axisymmetric perturbations, (i) it
does not display the strong perturbations found for 3D classical hydrodynamic
and MHD jets (at least during the period of time covered by our simulations),
and (ii) it does propagate according to the 1D estimate. Small 3D effects in
the relativistic beam give rise to a lumpy distribution of apparent speeds like
that observed in M87. The beam is surrounded by a boundary layer of high
specific internal energy. The properties of this layer are briefly discussed.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figures. Accepted to be publish in the ApJ Letters.
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