8,334 research outputs found

    Gap Symmetry and Thermal Conductivity in Nodal Superconductors

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    Here we consider the universal heat conduction and the angular dependent thermal conductivity in the vortex state for a few nodal superconductors. We present the thermal conductivity as a function of impurity concentration and the angular dependent thermal conductivity in a few nodal superconductors. This provides further insight in the gap symmetry of superconductivity in Sr2_2RuO4_4 and UPd2_2Al3_3.Comment: 2 pages, proceedings of SCES '0

    Supergravity Minimal Inflation and its Spectral Index Revisited

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    Natural supergravity models of new inflation are reconsidered as minimal inflationary models within slow-roll approximation. Their running spectral index is derived in a revised form with recent observational results and future refinements in mind. This will possibly determine essential model parameters with respect to Planck-suppressed operators.Comment: 7 pages, late

    R-Invariant Dilaton Fixing

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    We consider dilaton stabilization with R invariance, which insures a vanishing cosmological constant at the scale of stabilization. We construct a few models which accommodate weak gauge couplings with large or small gauge groups. Matter condensation plays a central role in the dilaton stabilization.Comment: 8 pages, references adde

    Realization of Minimal Supergravity

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    Minimal supergravity mediation of supersymmetry breaking has attracted much attention due to its simplicity, which leads to its predictive power. We consider how Nature possibly realizes minimal supergravity through inflationary selection of the theory. Minimality is impressively consistent with the present observational bounds and it might be tested with the aid of low-energy soft parameters obtained in future experiments.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figure

    Supersymmetry-Breaking Models of Inflation

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    We consider dynamical models of supersymmetry breaking which naturally incorporate cosmological inflation. The inflaton plays an inevitable role in dynamical SUSY breaking and the hierarchical scales of inflation and SUSY breaking are simultaneously realized through a single dynamics.Comment: 4 pages, late

    Strongly Coupled Messenger Gauge Theory

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    We consider gauge-mediated models of supersymmetry (SUSY) breaking with strongly coupled nonabelian messenger gauge theory. After integrating out the SUSY-breaking and messenger sectors, we directly see that the effective Kahler potential transmits the SUSY breaking to the standard model sector.Comment: 7 pages, late
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