35,084 research outputs found
PSP Performance Analysis Report
The Personal Software Process (PSP) is a structured software development process that is intended to help software engineers understand and improve their performance, by using a disciplined, data-driven procedure. The PSP was created by Watts Humphrey to apply the underlying principles of the Software Engineering Institute’s (SEI) Capability Maturity Model (CMM) to the software development practices of a single developer. It gives software engineers the process skills necessary to work on a Team Software Process (TSP) team.
PSP training includes eight assignments in two courses – PSP Fundamentals and PSP Advanced. The report includes final analysis of all the data that was gathered during the training
The Multilateral Instrument: Avoidance of Permanent Establishment Status and the Reservations on behalf of Australia and the UK
This paper considers fully probabilistic system models. Each transition is quantified with a probability—its likelihood of occurrence. Properties are expressed as automata that either accept or reject system runs. The central question is to determine the fraction of accepted system runs. We also consider probabilistic timed system models. Their properties are timed automata that accept timed runs iff all timing constraints resent in the automaton are met; otherwise it rejects. The central question is to determine the fraction of accepted timed system runs
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