16 research outputs found

    Bone histomorphometry as a diagnostic tool. A review article

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    INTRODUCTION:Various diagnostic modalities are used in the study of bone structure and metabolism. These include radiological examinations, laboratory and biochemical testing, histological and histomorphometric assessments, immunohistochemistry, and some non-invasive techniques. Bone histomorphometry is regarded as the gold standard in the diagnostics of bone-related conditions. It is a reliable method for detailed quantitative assessment of bone microarchitecture and physiology. It allows observation of cell types and their activity and provides essential information on bone healing, modeling, and remodeling.    AIM:The present review aims to summarize the applications and limitations of bone histomorphometry and define its role in the diagnostics, monitoring, and treatment of various bone-related conditions. MATERIALS AND METHODS:An electronic search using Google Scholar, PubMed, Scopus, and ScienceDirect was conducted up to July 2022. The article is based on the existing scientific database and includes 198 studies. It summarizes the current knowledge on bone histomorphometry, highlights its advantages and limitations, and gives some recommendations for further research.RESULTS: Bone histomorphometry is a key diagnostic tool in the field of bone research. It is used for the detection and monitoring of metabolic bone diseases, for establishing the safety of the pharmaceutical agents that affect bone metabolism, and for the effects of different biomaterials, used for guided bone regeneration and implant treatment.CONCLUSION:Bone histomorphometry is applied in various scientific fields. Although some innovative non-invasive techniques have been suggested, the method remains a significant component in the study of bone structure and physiology

    Characteristics of autologous platelet rich plasma concentrates obtained by the buffy coat technique using different protocols

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    IntroductionIn the last decade, platelet-rich concentrates, including the so-called platelet-rich plasma (PRP), have been gaining extreme popularity and are widely used in variety of clinical fields of medicine—dermatology, orthopedics, traumatology, plastic and reconstructive surgery, maxillofacial surgery, and others.AimThe aim of the article was to analyze the quantitative characteristics of the blood components in autologous platelet-rich plasma concentrates obtained by the buffy coat technique using different protocols.Materials and MethodsThirty participants (avg. age 42.8) were included in the present study. Venous blood (35 mL) was drawn from each participant—3 mL were separated for control group to determine average blood cell level. Four protocols for PRP obtaining (4 x 8 mL) were performed by using vacutainer tube with separating gel and monovette (S-Monovette) without a separating gel. The concentration factor (%) for each protocol was calculated relative to the average baseline blood values of the control group.ResultsProtocol I showed increase in platelet concentrations by 91.55% and the leukocyte level was 107% higher compared to the control group. The second protocol (separating gel) demonstrated increase in platelet count by 337.06% and in leukocytes by 82.37%. The third protocol, based on double centrifugation, showed 352.08% increase in platelets and 40.54% decrease in white blood cell compared to controls. The fourth protocol demonstrated 389.84% increase in platelet level and 74.36% decrease in leukocyte number.ConclusionThe use of separating gels into various techniques for obtaining PRP facilitates blood cell aspiration and makes the procedure faster and safer in ambulatory practice

    Modern possibilities in the treatment of inflammation caused by Staphylococcus aureus biofilm with bioactive glass S53P4

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    Treatment of implant related infections after surgicalor dentalproceduresare challengingcomplicationsandmay have devastating results for patients.The ability of microorganisms to adhere and form biofilm on implant surface is one of the main reasons for treatment failure in infections. When used in human body implants provide a suitable surfacefor cell attachment and bacterial colonization. One of the most common bacteriathat is isolated in hospital-acquired infections is Staphylococcus aureus, methicillin-resistant subtype. When a biofilm is formed, bacteria acquire an arsenal of properties that allow them to survive in an adverse environment, increasing their resistance to antimicrobial agents. Recently, as treatment modalities bioactive glass is used in the treatment of infections with multiresistant bacteria types. Its mechanism of action is to stimulate osteogenesis by releasing biologically active ions and at the same time it has antibacterial functionon a number of antibiotic-resistant bacteria due to increasementin osmotic pressure and environmental pH without affecting host tissues. These properties make bioactive glass extremelly suitablefor the treatment of infectionin boneswith destruction and bone loss. The aim of the present study is to review the outcomesreported in the literature on the antimicrobial effectiveness of bioactive glass S53P4 on Staphyloccocus aureus(MRSA)

    Therapeutic challenges in quadruple negative breast cancer

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    Recently, breast cancer (BC) continuously ranks first in the incidence rate of malignant neoplasms in womenworldwide. Quadruple negative BC (QNBC) is a recently identified subtype of triple negative BC (TNBC) presenting with negative androgen receptor expression. QNBC characterization and treatment is fraught with many challenges.There is cumulative evidence suggestingthat QNBC ishighly proliferative and immunogenic, rendering it anideal candidate for cytotoxic chemotherapy and immunotherapy. Several chemotherapeutic agents such as imatinib, cabozantinib, dasatinib, lucitanib,sunitinib, docetaxel, doxorubicin, and cyclophosphamidein QNBCpatients are highlighted. Some subtypes and related pathway proteins are preferentially expressed in QNBC and may act as effective therapeutic targets such as acyl-CoA synthetase4, S-phase kinase associated protein 2, immune checkpoint inhibitors, kinesin family member C1,and epidermal growth factor receptor. Several recent investigations comparing the therapeutic approach to QNBC and TNBC are briefly reviewed. Further more intensive and problem-oriented research in this topic of rising socio-medical importance is needed

    Quantitative dermatoglyphic study of the finger ridge count in breast carcinoma patients from Northeastеrn Bulgaria

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    The present study aimed to assess the relationship between the results from a quantitative dermatoglyphic analysis of the finger ridge count and the predisposition for developing breast cancer.The fingerprints of 82 breast carcinoma female patients diagnosed by histological and mammographic investigations were obtained and compared to 60 female controls from Northeastеrn Bulgaria. The fingerprints were obtained by classical ink method. The finger ridge count was determined by the method of Cummins and Midlo.The total finger ridge count (TFRC) showed statistically significant difference between the patients and the controls on the first and second finger of the right hand and on the second and third finger of the left hand. Due to statistically significant differences of TFRC on some of the fingers, we discovered differences in the descending formulas in the two observed groups. Descending formulas on the fingers of the breast carcinoma patients compared with the controls on the left hand were respectively 2>4>1>5>3 vs 2>1>4>5>3, and on the right hand 1>2>4>3>5 vs 4>1>3>2>5, respectively. Statistical significance was examined by SPSS 18.0 software.Our data indicated that a dermatoglyphic analysis could be utilized as a fast inexpensive supportive screening tool for the early diagnostics of breast cancer

    Prognostic markers in quadruple negative breast cancer

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    Quadruple-negative breast cancer (QNBC) presents with negative expression of estrogen, progesterone, and androgen receptors and of human epidermal growth factor receptor 2. This BC subtype has the worst prognosis. In QNBC, there is a greater paucity of prognostic biomarkers than in androgen receptors-positive triple negative BC (TNBC). Absent androgen receptor expression confers a more aggressive QNBC course and correlates with the expression of cancer stem cell phenotype, COX-2, and basal markers such as CK5 and nestin. Basal-like phenotype is significantly associated with adverse prognostic markers including high KI-67, COX-2 expression, and cancer stem cell phenotype. Engrailed-1 expression is associated with unfavorable overall survival in QNBC patients. Non-coding ribonucleic acids play a significant role in BC tumourigenesis by virtue of their oncogenic and tumour-suppressive properties. The identification of QNBC-specific circulating microribonucleic acids may improve tumour detection and prognosis. There is an obvious necessity to intensify the problem-oriented interdisciplinary research on the hot topic of prognostic biomarkers of QNBC

    The Effect of Cholesterol in SOPC Lipid Bilayers at Low Temperatures

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    We study the behavior of lipid bilayers composed of SOPC (1-stearoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine) with different concentrations of cholesterol, ranging from 10 mol% to 50 mol% at 273 K. To this end, we carry out extensive atomistic molecular dynamic simulations with the aid of the Slipid force field aiming at computing basic bilayer parameters, as well as thermodynamic properties and structural characteristics. The obtained results are compared to available relevant experimental data and the outcome of atomistic simulations performed on bilayers composed of analogous phospholipids. Our results show a good quantitative, as well as qualitative, agreement with the main trends associated with the concentration increase in cholesterol. Moreover, it comes out that a change in the behavior of the bilayer is brought about at a concentration of about 30 mol% cholesterol. At this very concentration, some of the bilayer properties are found to exhibit a saturation and a significant long-range ordering of the lipid molecules in the membrane shows up

    Die Frauenbewegung und ihre Auswirkungen auf die 6sterreichische Gesetzgebung und das ABGB 1811

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    vorgelegt von Nikoleta Ivanova PetrovaLiteraturverzeichnis: Blatt 68-75Diplomarbeit Paris-Lodron Universit\ue4t Salzburg 2020Zusammenfassung in Deutsch und Englisc

    Quantitative and Qualitative Characteristics of Autologous Platelet Concentrates and the Biological Significance of Their Proteins // Количествени и качествени характеристики на автоложни тромбоцитни концентрати и биологичното значение на протеините в тях

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    The use of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is defined as a revolutionary, alternative method in medicine. The procedure is a biological therapy based on observations of the role of platelets in the natural process of repairing damaged tissues in the body. The growth factors "stored" in the platelets, their biological interaction, the environment and how they are activated are essential for the recovery processes. This thesis deals with current issues regarding the characteristics of various platelet-enriched plasma concentrates obtained by experimental methods. An analysis of the content of three tested proteins before and after activation of the final product was performed. The factors that influence the process of preparing the PRP are highlighted, and ideas for standardization of the procedure are proposed. An own algorithm for obtaining autologous platelet concentrates has been developed. A proposal has been made for the application of specific PRP products according to their characteristics.Използването на обогатена с тромбоцити плазма (PRP) се определя като революционен, алтернативен метод в медицината. Процедурата представлява биологична терапия и се базира на наблюденията за ролята на тромбоцитите в естествения процес на репарация на увредените тъкани в тялото. Съществено значение за възстановителните процеси имат растежните фактори „складирани“ в тромбоцитните клетки, тяхното биологично взаимодействие, средата и начинът, по който са активирани. Настоящия дисертационен труд на тема „Количествени и качествени характеристики на автоложни тромбоцитни концентрати и биологичното значение на протеините в тях“, разглежда съвременна проблематика относно характеристиката на различни обогатени с тромбоцити плазмени концентрати получени чрез експериментални методи. Извършен е анализ на съдържанието на три изследвани протеина преди и след активиране на крайния продукт. Подчертани са факторите, които оказват влияние на процеса на изготвяне на PRP, като са предложени идеи за стандартизиране на процедурата. Изготвен е собствен алгоритъм за получаване на автоложни тромбоцитни концентрати. Направено е предложение за прилагане на конкретни PRP продукти, съобразно техните характеристики

    Basic concepts of autologous platelet concentrate preparation

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    The application of PRP products has gained vast popularity in a number of clinical fields of medicine—dermatology, orthopedics, sports traumatology, aesthetic and plastic reconstructive surgery, neurosurgery, maxillofacial surgery, cardiac surgery and others. As their use in practice increases, many existing techniques for preparation become obvious. A basic difference in the methods of extraction of autologous platelet concentrates is the use of standard laboratory centrifuges and consumables or the extraction through variety of commercial systems with specific kits. There are a lot of factors that affect the quality of PRP products—type of anticoagulant, number of centrifugations (spins), time of rotation and centrifugal force and the activator that is used. Differences in these factors lead to products with variations in platelet counts and the presence or absence of leukocytes. This in turn is essential for the levels of growth factors, which are a key element in the recovery process. The main growth factors released by platelet α-granules after activation are: platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β), insulin-like growth factor (IGF), and epidermal growth factor (EGF). An important characteristic of PRP is that it represents an autologous product, which is prepared from the patient’s own blood. Therefore, the use of autologous PRP eliminates any concernsabout the risk of cross-contamination, disease transmission or immune reactions. By using different methods, it is possible to get various PRP types in regard to the content of bioactive molecules. Beside platelets as a dominant PRP element, other bioactive factors may also be involved in the immune response modulation process