2,670 research outputs found
Collective oscillations in spatially modulated exciton-polariton condensate arrays
We study collective dynamics of interacting centers of exciton-polariton
condensation in presence of spatial inhomogeneity, as modeled by diatomic
active oscillator lattices. The mode formalism is developed and employed to
derive existence and stability criteria of plane wave solutions. It is
demonstrated that wave number mode with the binary elementary cell on a
diatomic lattice possesses superior existence and stability properties.
Decreasing net on-site losses (balance of dissipation and pumping) or
conservative nonlinearity favors multistability of modes, while increasing
frequency mismatch between adjacent oscillators detriments it. On the other
hand, spatial inhomogeneity may recover stability of modes at high
nonlinearities. Entering the region where all single-mode solutions are
unstable we discover subsequent transitions between localized quasiperiodic,
chaotic and global chaotic dynamics in the mode space, as nonlinearity
increases. Importantly, the last transition evokes the loss of synchronization.
These effects may determine lasing dynamics of interacting exciton-polariton
condensation centers.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure
Macroscopic quantum tunneling in "small" Josephson junctions in magnetic field
We study the phenomenon of macroscopic quantum tunneling (MQT) in small
Josephson junctions (JJ) with an externally applied magnetic field. The latter
results in the appearance of the Fraunhofer type modulation of the current
density along the barrier. The problem of MQT for a point-like JJ is reduced to
the motion of the quantum particle in the washboard potential. In the case of a
finite size JJ under consideration, this problem corresponds to a MQT in
potential which itself, besides the phase, depends on space variables. Finally,
the general expression for the crossover temperature T_0 between thermally
activated and macroscopic quantum tunneling regimes and the escaping time
tau_esc have been calculated
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