2,501 research outputs found
Correlations in the impenetrable electron gas
We consider non-relativistic electrons in one dimension with infinitely
strong repulsive delta function interaction. We calculate the long-time,
large-distance asymptotics of field-field correlators in the gas phase. The gas
phase at low temperatures is characterized by the ideal gas law. We calculate
the exponential decay, the power law corrections and the constant factor of the
asymptotics. Our results are valid at any temperature. They simplify at low
temperatures, where they are easily recognized as products of free fermionic
correlation functions with corrections arising due to the interaction.Comment: 17 pages, Late
Correlation functions for a strongly correlated boson system
The correlation functions for a strongly correlated exactly solvable
one-dimensional boson system on a finite chain as well as in the thermodynamic
limit are calculated explicitly. This system which we call the phase model is
the strong coupling limit of the integrable q-boson hopping model. The results
are presented as determinants.Comment: 27 pages LaTe
Asymptotics of the partition function of a random matrix model
We prove a number of results concerning the large asymptotics of the free
energy of a random matrix model with a polynomial potential . Our
approach is based on a deformation of to , and on the use of the underlying integrable structures of the matrix
model. The main results include (1) the existence of a full asymptotic
expansion in powers of of the recurrence coefficients of the related
orthogonal polynomials, for a one-cut regular ; (2) the existence of a full
asymptotic expansion in powers of of the free energy, for a , which
admits a one-cut regular deformation ; (3) the analyticity of the
coefficients of the asymptotic expansions of the recurrence coefficients and
the free energy, with respect to the coefficients of ; (4) the one-sided
analyticity of the recurrent coefficients and the free energy for a one-cut
singular ; (5) the double scaling asymptotics of the free energy for a
singular quartic polynomial .Comment: 43 pages, 3 figure
Hankel determinant and orthogonal polynomials for the Gaussian weight with a jump
We obtain asymptotics in n for the n-dimensional Hankel determinant whose
symbol is the Gaussian multiplied by a step-like function. We use
Riemann-Hilbert analysis of the related system of orthogonal polynomials to
obtain our results.Comment: 34 pages, 7 figure
Semiclassical asymptotics of orthogonal polynomials, Riemann-Hilbert problem, and universality in the matrix model
We derive semiclassical asymptotics for the orthogonal polynomials P_n(z) on
the line with respect to the exponential weight \exp(-NV(z)), where V(z) is a
double-well quartic polynomial, in the limit when n, N \to \infty. We assume
that \epsilon \le (n/N) \le \lambda_{cr} - \epsilon for some \epsilon > 0,
where \lambda_{cr} is the critical value which separates orthogonal polynomials
with two cuts from the ones with one cut. Simultaneously we derive
semiclassical asymptotics for the recursive coefficients of the orthogonal
polynomials, and we show that these coefficients form a cycle of period two
which drifts slowly with the change of the ratio n/N. The proof of the
semiclassical asymptotics is based on the methods of the theory of integrable
systems and on the analysis of the appropriate matrix Riemann-Hilbert problem.
As an application of the semiclassical asymptotics of the orthogonal
polynomials, we prove the universality of the local distribution of eigenvalues
in the matrix model with the double-well quartic interaction in the presence of
two cuts.Comment: 82 pages, published versio
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