8 research outputs found

    Desain Pengembangan Green Architecture di Kawasan Dago dengan Pendekatan Arsitektur Tradisional Sunda

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    This PKM is come from global warming which to be seriously concern issue around the world. Solution for it has been encourage with carbon emissions reduction program. Another way to support the program is movement of green architecture. This movement emerged as an awareness to create a building with friendly to earth. This movement are to be trending topic around the world. In Indonesia, particularly in Bandung, many developer and owner choose Dago area to build green architecture. Dago is located at North of Bandung and surrounding of hill topography. Dago also has beautiful view which made a reason to place green architecture on there. But, Dago has a special regulation because it\u27s water conservasion area. So, developed house with green architecture term are interesting to research. Green architecture not only impact to living of humanities but also contribute to preservation of environment. This research are to finding green technology on architecture in Dago. Methods are used in this research is check list system trhrough an interview and observation. Rating did based on GBCI rating tools with appropriate to green building theory and government regulation in North of Bandung, so made the output of research is appropriate with green architecture theory. Minus point on rating component can be complete with Sundanese architecture, because Sundanese architecture has natural characteristics such as water, bamboo, and stone

    Korelasi antara Kecepatan Gelombang Geser dan NSPT di Area Pulau Nuklir, Tapak RDE Serpong

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    Karakteristik gerakan tanah akibat gempabumi dipengaruhi oleh variasi nilai kecepatan gelombang geser (Vs). Ketersediaan nilai Vs suatu daerah belum tentu lengkap dan siap, hal ini disebabkan oleh penyelidikan langsung guna memperoleh nilai Vs memerlukan waktu relatif lama dan biaya yang tidak sedikit. Selain itu juga dipengaruhi oleh tingkat keterjangkauan suatu daerah pengujian. Berbeda halnya dengan data jumlah pukulan (N) dari uji Standard Penetration Test (NSPT) yang lebih banyak tersedia. Dewasa ini telah banyak dilakukan penelitian persamaan korelasi nilai Vs dari data NSPT, meskipun demikian tingkat keandalan antara satu dengan lainnya tidaklah sama. Studi ini bertujuan mengembangkan korelasi yang reliabel antara Vs dan NSPT untuk kategori semua jenis tanah. Metode yang digunakan adalah dengan mengumpulkan dan menganalisis data hasil pengujian geofisika dan geoteknik kemudian melakukan analisis regresi non-linear. Dari hasil perhitungan diperoleh korelasi Vs = 98,759NSPT0,3101 untuk kategori semua jenis tanah di area pulau nuklir Tapak RDE, Serpong. Korelasi ini mampu memprediksi Vs dengan cukup baik dan cepat, tanpa harus melakukan pengukuran yang memerlukan biaya lebih banyak dan waktu lebih lama

    Physical and Mechanical Properties of Particleboard Made from Jatropha (Jatropha curcas) Fruit Hulls Reinforced with Wood Particle

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    The objective of this research was to evaluate the properties of particleboard made from mixtures of jatropha fruit hulls (JFH) and wood particle in several mixture ratios. JFH, and mangium wood (Acacia mangium Wild) particle were untreated and treated with 1% acetic acid solution for 24 h. Urea formaldehyde (UF) resin with 10% resin content (SC: 63%) was used as binder. The ratio of JFH and wood particles were set at 100:0, 70:30, 60:40, 50:50, and 0:100. The target density of particleboard was set at 0.70 g cm-3. The temperature and pressure of hot pressing were set at 130 ºC and 2.544 N mm-2 for 10 minutes. The physical and mechanical properties of particleboard were evaluated according to JIS A 5908-2003 standard. The result indicated that addition of untreated mangium wood particle onto JFH particles improved mechanical properties of board especially modulus of elasticity (MOE) and modulus of rupture (MOR) parameters. However, the internal bond (IB) parameter was found to decrease with addition of wood particle. The higher amount of wood particle added resulted in the better the MOR and MOE parameters. Addition of acetic acid treated mangium wood particle onto JFH particleboard resulted in lower physical and mechanical properties.Key words: Jatropha curcas, fruit hulls, particleboard, wood particl

    Sediment Thickness Estimation in Serpong Experimental Power Reactor Site Using HVSR Method

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    A study about sediment thickness mapping was conducted in Serpong Experimental Power Reactor Site. This reactor is planned to be built in a high seismic activity area. Sediment thickness is one of many factors that could affect the site response. A high sediment deposit could amplify and prolong the earthquake waves. This condition could make the reactor building more vulnerable to seismic hazard. The sediment thickness was estimated using the microtremor HVSR method. The parameter used for sediment thickness calculation was obtained from the borehole and cross-hole seismic survey and was tested to ensure that the chosen parameter and the method were accurate. The deviation found in the borehole data was also calculated to determine the accuracy level of the calculation. The current planned location for the reactor is in a relatively low sediment deposit area with 8.8 m of thickness, however there is an area, west of the current location that might be a better location for the reactor based on the result of this study

    Pengujian Aplikasi Sistem Informasi Akademik Berbasis Website Menggunakan Teknik Equivalence Partitioning dan Metode Black Box

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    This academic information system still has shortcomings in the data validation process, which will cause the data stored in the database not to match the desired data. Then it is proposed to test using the Black Box method with Equivalence Partitioning Techniques as a whole regarding the use, benefits, and results obtained from using the software. Black-box testing is a very important testing technique because it can identify errors in functions, interfaces, sample data, and access to external data sources. in implementation there are sometimes problems with testers who are not sure whether the software actually passes the test. in this implementation, the software that will be tested using black box testing is a website-based academic information system. Equivalence Partitioning Techniques discusses testing in the validation aspect of input data in terms of valid classes. From this research, it can be concluded that testing the level of accuracy of academic issues system software can provide the right solution for the school