17 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Usaha Kerajinan Manik-manik dan Batu Alam di Banjarbaru

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    Abstract:  The Community Partnership Program aims to identify and address problems in handicraft business group that are partners in this activities. Partner in this program are group of women are engaged in the handicraft business of beads and natural stone located in Loktabat Utara, Guntung Payung, Banjarbaru, South Kalimantan. Some of the problems faced include (1) management, (2) production, (3) marketing, and (4) administration. Activities are carried out by providing socialization and motivation, increase quality and type of product, increased omsed by marketing using social media and exhibitions and improved bookkeeping system. Therefore, for this activyty, the target has been achieved.Abstrak: Program Kemitraan Masyarakat (PKM) ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi dan mengatasi persoalan-persoalan yang ada di kelompok usaha kerajinan manik-manik yang dijadikan mitra dalam kegiatan ini. Mitra dalam kegiatan ini adalah kelompok ibu-ibu yang bergerak di bidang usaha kerajinan manik-manik dan batu alam yang berlokasi di kelurahan Loktabat Utara, Guntung Payung, Banjarbaru, Kalimantan Selatan. Beberapa permasalahan yang dihadapi antara lain (1) dalam bidang managemen, (2) produksi, (3) pemasaran, dan (4) administrasi. Kegiatan dilakukan dengan memberi sosialisasi dan motivasi kepada mitra terkait bidang usaha yang mereka tekuni. Pelatihan juga dilakukan oleh tim pengabdi dan setelahnya, pendampingan terus dilakukan. Hasil yang diperoleh dari kegiatan adalah meningkatnya motivasi mitra, peningkatan kualitas dan jenis produk yang dihasilkan, paningkatan omset dengan pemasaran menggunakan media sosial dan pameran dan sistem pembukuan yang mulai diperbaiki. Oleh karena itu, dari kegiatan pengabdian ini, target kegiatan sudah tercapai

    Pemanfaatan Limbah Sagu Sebagai Bahan Pakan Ternak di Desa Pemakuan Laut, Sungai Tabuk, Kabupaten Banjar, Kalimantan Selatan

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    Sago plants can be used from leaves, fronds, and stems with the main product of sago starch from the stem. In the production process, the sago plants used are 7-8 years old. The productivity of sago palms in Pemakuan Laut village is around 200 kg starch/stem with a selling price of Rp. 3,500/kg in wet conditions and Rp. 7,500/kg of dry sago flour. Sago processing waste has not been utilized yet by the community even though the waste can still be used for other purposes such as animal feed, hardboard, fuel, plant growth media, and fertilizer. Sago waste is a problem in the Pemaku Laut village environment because the waste has accumulated while the location for disposing of it is limited. Therefore, in this community service activity training was carried out in making animal feed (poultry) using sago dregs. The method used is fermentation. From the activities carried out, it was known that all the participants had started to utilize sago dregs, but the preliminary process had not been carried out, the dregs were directly given to livestock. In this training, sago dregs processing is carried out using the fermentation process. From the training, it can be seen that the community already knows the process of processing the dregs before giving it livestock to increase its nutritional value


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    One of the problems of traditional wood industry in Banjarbaru, South Kalimantan is wood drying process. Drying process that safe, fast, and effective is looking for to improve the quality of the product. The aim of this program is to train the wood traditional businessman to dry the wood using green house kiln dry. This kiln using sun radiation to dry the wood. Good position and design of kiln and the right process of drying are the key of the successfully of wood drying. The time of drying process and wood defects during drying process can be reduced. Using green house kiln dry, the time of drying can be reduced from 2 moths to be 1 month and the defects do not appear clearly

    Pelatihan Budidaya Sayur dengan Metode Hidroponik di Desa Guntung Payung, Banjarbaru

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    Guntung Payung land condition majority is peat that makes low productivity of vegetables, difficult land preparation, and much consume of fertilizer. In the other hand, partner location in this program is an urban area that near international airport, caused the change in land function from the farming area to be residence area. That condition caused the traditional farming area is not enough. The low education level and skills of community inhibit to learn and try new technology for increasing income level. The training of the hydroponic system to the community in this program can solve the problem that happens in this partner community. With knowledge of hydroponic technology, it is expected that the partner’s income will increase and this group of hydroponic farmers can supply the vegetables need in Banjarbaru area

    Analisis Kimia dari Serat Kayu Bangkal (Nauclea officinalis) sebagai Alternatif Bahan Baku Pulp Kertas (Chemical Analysis of Bangkal (Nauclea Officinalis) Wood Fibers as Raw Material Alternative of Pulp & Paper)

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    South Kalimantan has considerable natural forests and many types of timber that have not yet been optimally utilized, such as Bangkal tree (Nauclea officinalis). The purpose of this research was to analyze chemical components, dimensional fibers characteristic, and suitability of Bangkal wood as a raw material of pulp and paper. The results obtained from this study revealed that the chemical content of Bangkal wood consisted of 3.00% extractive, 30.00% lignin, 16% hemicellulose, and 50.50% cellulose. The anatomy of Bangkal wood were 1.40 mm in fiber length 1.40 mm, 1.20 μm in fiber diameter, 5.00 μm in lumen diameter, and 3.25 μm in cell wall thickness. Derived fiber values comprised Runkel Ratio (0.43), Power Weaving (66.00), Muhsteph Ratio (99.80%), Coefficient of Rigidity (0.20), and Flexibility Ratio (0.71). Based on the chemical components and quality of Bangkal wood fiber, that wood could be used as a raw material of pulp and paper.</p

    Characterization of microcrystalline cellulose from fast-growing species Artocarpus elasticus

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    Microcrystalline cellulose is an important derivative of cellulosic material obtained from wood and non-wood sources, and is used for pharmaceutical, food, cosmetics, and other industries. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of various hydrochloric acid concentrations on the characteristics of cellulose microcrystals isolated from terap wood (Artocarpus elasticus). The microcrystalline cellulose was hydrolyzed using hydrochloric acid, at concentrations of 1.5 N, 2.5 N, and 3.5 N for 15 minutes, and within a temperature range of 100-105o C. Thesamples were then analyzed for changes in color and functional groups with Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), while crystallinity index was evaluated through X-Ray Diffraction Analysis (X-RDF). The FTIR results showed similarity with commercial products, while X-Ray Diffraction confirms the highest crystallinity index in the 2.5 N of cellulose I (69.395 %) and cellulose II (82.73 %)

    Analisis Kimia dari Serat Kayu Bangkal (Nauclea officinalis) sebagai Alternatif Bahan Baku Pulp Kertas (Chemical Analysis of Bangkal (Nauclea Officinalis) Wood Fibers as Raw Material Alternative of Pulp & Paper)

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    South Kalimantan has considerable natural forests and many types of timber that have not yet been optimally utilized, such as Bangkal tree (Nauclea officinalis). The purpose of this research was to analyze chemical components, dimensional fibers characteristic, and suitability of Bangkal wood as a raw material of pulp and paper. The results obtained from this study revealed that the chemical content of Bangkal wood consisted of 3.00% extractive, 30.00% lignin, 16% hemicellulose, and 50.50% cellulose. The anatomy of Bangkal wood were 1.40 mm in fiber length 1.40 mm, 1.20 μm in fiber diameter, 5.00 μm in lumen diameter, and 3.25 μm in cell wall thickness. Derived fiber values comprised Runkel Ratio (0.43), Power Weaving (66.00), Muhsteph Ratio (99.80%), Coefficient of Rigidity (0.20), and Flexibility Ratio (0.71). Based on the chemical components and quality of Bangkal wood fiber, that wood could be used as a raw material of pulp and paper

    Sosialisasi Manfaat Sekat Kanal di Lahan Eks Pengembangan Lahan Gambut di Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah

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    Abstract:  The aims of this community service program is to socialize the canal blocking development program in Dadahup Sub District, Kapuas, Central Kalimantan. The program aims to restore the peat ecosystem to support food estate program. The method used by the community service team was to gather representatives of community member from seven villages in Dadahup sub district to discuss about canal blocking program. The socialization was carried out by the service community team using focus group discussion method with community in Dadahup sub-district. From that activity, the community welcome the plan and to be actively involved in canal blocking development activities in Central Kalimantan.Abstrak Program pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk mensosialisasikan rencana program pembangunan sekat kanal yang dilaksanakan di kecamatan Dadahup, Kabupaten Kapuas, Kalimantan Tengah untuk memulihkan ekosistem gambut untuk mendukung program food estate untuk ketahanan pangan nasional. Metode yang dilakukan oleh tim pengabdi adalah dengan mengumpulkan perwakilan warga masyarakat dari tujuh desa di kecamatan tersebut untuk berdiskusi dengan tim pengabdi terkait rencana yang akan diprogramkan, yaitu pembangunan sekat kanal di wilayah mereka. Sosialisasi dilakukan oleh tim pengabdi dengan metode focus group discussion (FGD) dengan masyarakat di kecamatan Dadahup. Dari diskusi terlihat masyarakat menyambut baik rencana tersebut dan ingin terlibat aktif dalam kegiatan pembangunan sekat kanal di Kalimantan Tengah

    Pengembangan Budidaya Lebah Kelulut Di Desa Batu Tanam, Sambung Makmur, Kabupaten Banjar, Kalimantan Selatan

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    The aim of this community service in Batu Tanam village was to develop stingless beekeeping that was started in 2016 to be the village main program. The program was the socialization of the potential of stingless beekeeping, planting of the several types of flowers in the activity location, and the additional number of bee boxes managed by villagers. From this activity, the community has recognized the potential of stingless beekeeping and Batu Tanam village will make this program be the main program in village innovation activities