84 research outputs found
An Empirical Analysis of Cash Flow and Investment Fluctuations Using Firm-Level Panel Data
Since the pioneering work of Gurley and Shaw (1955), the attempt has been done to justify money as a primary focal point of macroeconomic theorizing. However, other researchers argue that variables such as financial development and indicators are also important to be linked with macroeconomic performance. Here, if money can be thought as means of production and consumer goods as the ultimate end toward which production is directed, and then capital also occupies a position that is both logically and temporarily intermediate between original means and ultimate ends. This temporarily intermediate status of capital is not in serious dispute, but its significance for macroeconomic theorizing is rarely recognized. The firms’ decision to acquire funds through debt and equity financings affects the capital structure, and, in the firm’s balance sheet, the impact of capital appears to influence the inventory investment. Hence, the significance of capital structure –induced inventory distortions in the context of firm-level is the basis for our article. The sample for our analysis is compiled from the balance sheets of listed syaria firms in the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange for the period 1995-2000
Rise of social media in the digital age: Whatsapp a threat to effective communication
Social media platforms have revolutionised the way individuals interact, communicate, and share information. These platforms
"have been taken up around the globe at an unprecedented speed, revealing the extraordinary nature of the social media
phenomenon" as traditional media's power declines. With their ease of accessibility and user-friendly interfaces, these social media
platforms facilitate instant communication, information sharing, and networking opportunities. Little attention has been paid to the rise of social media in the digital age as a threat to effective communication. Therefore, the overarching problem to be addressed in this research is to examine how the rise of social media in the digital age poses a significant threat to effective communication. Technological determinism theory formed the basis for the study and focus group discussion was used for data gathering, with thirty (30) participants selected purposively from each department in the eight faculties to serve the purpose of this study. Also, eight (8) focus group interviews were conducted at Redeemer's University. Findings revealed that WhatsApp is a good primary mode of communication and using WhatsApp daily often gives room for both personal and professional communication. Further findings shows that WhatsApp is integral to daily interactions, allowing respondents to connect with friends from different parts of the world effortlessly. Hence, this study concluded that WhatsApp undoubtedly offers unparalleled convenience and connectivity in the digital age, yet its widespread usage raises pertinent concerns regarding effective communicatio
This study aims to examine the making process, social meaning, and function of Ie Bu Peudah and its conservations. The method used in this study is a qualitative method in which the researcher himself is the key instrument. Data collection techniques is conducted through observation, interviews, and documentation. The results obtained from this study concludes that the Woet Ie Bu Peudah tradition has existed since the days of the Aceh Darussalam sultanate and still survives to the present day. The process of making this traditional food is complex, starting from collecting and drying the ingredients to being ground to mash. Meanwhile, Ie Bu Peuda's cooking process takes approximately two hours. The meaning of this tradition among the people of Gampong Limpok, among others, is as a liaison for friendship and also serves as the main menu for breaking the fast. While the efforts made to preserve it include the Gampong Limpok administrations allocating particular funds for this tradition that comes from the APBG, but several things that become obstacles to the continuity of this tradition include, the ingredients for making it that are starting to be difficult to find and its presence only at special moments. certain onl
Simeulue, located in the Indian Ocean, has attracted a lot of people’s attention after the tsunami hit the region in 2004. The low number of casualties in Simeulue compared to other affected made the island a spotlight for further research. Some people argue that some forms of oral traditions exist among the people of Simeulue have played a role in saving many lives from the impact of the disaster. Nandong is a popular oral tradition in Simeulue. This oral tradition is important and considered as local wisdom because it contains norms and values inherited by the Simeulue community from generation to generation. This article aims to explore the substance and existence of this local wisdom in the Simeulue community. This study was conducted using qualitative methods. Our research data were collected during fieldwork through interviews, participant-observation and archival reviews. This research found that nandong is a distinctive oral tradition that is different from other oral traditions exist in Simeulue such as buai, nanga-nanga, tokok-tokok and nafi-nafi. This study argues that nandong is the most influential oral tradition among the Simeulue community. Unfortunately, the future existence of nandong in Simeulue is at risk of extinction since not many people, especially the young generation, in Simeulue today eager learn the rich and profound teachings contained in nandong
Religious Radicalism and Islamic Universities in Aceh: Between Campus, Environment and Family
This paper discusses how Islam is understood, taught, and practiced at the State Islamic Religious Higher Education Institution (PTKIN) in Aceh, whether the contextual approach and tolerance towards difference approach are used, whether there is any indication of the development of religious radicalism, how PTKIN in Aceh positions itself towards this problem, and also, how the environment and family play their roles on this issue. This qualitative study collected data by means of observation, in-depth interview, documentation, and focus group discussion. The data were then analyzed in the following steps:  data reduction, data display, verification, and conclusion drawing. The PTKIN selected as research sites consisted of Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Zawiyah Cot Kala Langsa, and Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Negeri Gajah Putih Takengon. In general, the findings revealed that PTKIN in Aceh has been relatively free from religious radicalism. The teaching of Islamic studies at PTKIN in Aceh still adheres to the Qur’an, Hadith and authoritative references from various sources and time periods, from classical to contemporary books, and from moderate to contextual approaches that respect differences in understanding. The small potential and threat of religious radicalism at PTKIN in Aceh, in addition to the academic system built within PTKIN itself, are influenced by the socio-cultural and political environment in Aceh which is quite accommodating to the aspirations of Islamic law. Islam in Aceh today is relatively compatible with the state because the state has given the Acehnese peoplethe right to exercise Islamic law, not only in the private sphere, but also in the public sphere. However, there is one potential threat that needs to be aware of, which is the way to commute between home and campus; and, this particular space needs to be bridged properly so that students will not be recruited by exclusive Islamic groups without the knowledge of the campus and their families
Penentuan Bonus Karyawan dengan Menggunakan Metode Analytic Network Process di PT. Global Harvest Precision Engineering
Penelitian ini bertujuan merancang sistem pendukung keputusan dalam menentukan karyawan penerima bonus pada PT. Global Harvest Precision Engineering yang beralamat di lot 21 citra buana III Batam Centre Kepulauan Riau. Dikarenakan tidak adanya sistem pendukung keputusan yang membantu dalam menentukan karyawan penerima bonus, sehingga dibutuhkannya perancangan sistem pendukung keputusan. Data pada sistem pendukung keputusan penetuan bonus karyawan ini diperoleh dari data karyawan dari bulan januari sampai dengan Juni 2019, yang terdiri dari nama, tempat tanggal lahir, alamat dan jenis kelamin beserta data absen perbulan. Model sistem yang digunakan Data Flow Diagram (DFD). Sistem pendukung keputusan dirancang berbasis web mobile dengan menggunakan bahasa pemograman Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP) dan database MySQL. Teknik Penelitian kuantitatif, dengan mengumpulkan data-data hasil perhitungan. Penelitian menghasilkan aplikasi sistem pendukung keputusan berbasis web mobile dalam menentukan karyawan penerima bonus. Pengujian dalam aplikasi menggunakan blackbox.
Determination of Employee Bonuses Using the Analytic Network Process Method at PT. Global Harvest Precision Engineering
Abstract: This study aims to design a decision support system in determining employee bonus recipients at PT. Global Harvest Precision Engineering which is located at lot 21 Citra Buana III Batam Center Riau Islands. Due to the absence of a decision support system that helps in determining the bonus employee, a decision support system design is needed. Data on the decision support system for determining employee bonuses is obtained from employee data from January to June 2019, which consists of name, place of birth date, address and gender along with monthly absence data. The system model used is Data Flow Diagrams (DFD). Decision support system is designed based on mobile web using the Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP) programming language and MySQL database. Quantitative research techniques, by collecting data from calculations. The research resulted in the application of a web-based mobile decision support system in determining employee bonus recipients. In-app testing uses a blackbox.
Keywords: Analytic Network Process, Decision Support System, Mobile Web
Artikel ini berjudul “Dari Warisan Budaya Tak Benda Menuju Warisan Budaya Nasional”. Fokus kajiannya adalah upaya pemerintah kabupaten di Aceh dalam rangka menjadikan warisan budaya tak benda (WBTB) di daerahnya menjadi warisan budaya nasional (Warbudnas). Tujuan kajian ini adalah: pertama, untuk membetahui kebijakan yang telah dibuat oleh Pemerintah Daerah dalam upaya pencatatan WBTB menjadi Warbudnas; kedua, mengetahui kendala-kendala yang dihadapi Pemerintah Daerah di Aceh dalam mewujudkan WBTB menjadi Warbudnas; dan ketiga, mengetahui pandangan masyarakat terhadap upaya menjadikan WBTB menjadi Warbudnas. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Data penelitian dikumpulkan melalui 4 (empat) metode, yakni observasi, wawancara, diskusi kelompok terpumpun (FGD), dan telaah dokumen. Penelitian dilakukan di 2 (dua) kabupaten, yaitu Kabupaten Bener Meriah dan Kabupaten Pidie Jaya. Penetapan lokasi penelitian didasarkan pada fakta bahwa sampai saat penelitian dilakukan, kedua kebaupaten tersebut belum memiliki satu pun WBTB daerahnya yang telah menjadi Warbudnas. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kesimpulan sebagai berikut: pertama, Pemerintah Kabupaten/Kota masih belum melakukan inventarisir yang jelas tentang potensi WBTB yang ada di daerah masing-masing. Kedua, Pemerintah Kabupaten/Kota tidak sepenuhnya memahami metode pencatatan dan pengajuan WBTB sehingga tidak ada orang atau lembaga yang ditunjuk seca khusus mengurusnya. Ketiga, dalam perspektif masyarakat, terdapat miskomunikasi antara Pemerintah Provinsi dengan Pemerintah Kabupaten/Kota tentang pihak yang bertanggung jawab dalam pengurusan WBTB. Pihak provinsi dalam hal ini Dinas Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata beranggapan bahwa pihak kabupaten/kota yang menyiapkan segalanya, seperti kajian akademik, pembuatan video, dan dokumen pendukung lain terhadap jenis karya budaya yang akan diusulkan, sementara dinas di provinsi hanya membantu administrasi saja. Sebaliknya, pihak kabupaten-kota merasa provinsi-lah yang menyiapkan segalanya karena merekalah yang seharusnya melakukan penelitian dan pencatatan.Kata Kunci: Warisan Budaya Tak Benda, Warisan Budaya Nasional, dan Pemerintah Daerah
Melawat di Simeulue (Studi Kasus di Desa Lambaya Kec. Simeulue Tengah dengan Desa Sanggiran Kec. Simeulue Barat Kabupaten Simeulue)
This study aims to find out the history of visiting Simeulue, the visiting procession the Lambaya Village with Sanggiran Village, the role of the community in preserving visiting traditions and the benefits of visiting the people of Lambaya Village with Sanggiran Village. This study uses a descriptive qualitative research method with data collection techniques in the form of interviews, observation, and documentation. The results of the study indicate that visiting procession is a visit activity carried out by a group of individuals, organizations or communities by way of deliberations with citizens, communicating, and preparing all the necessities and interests of visiting activities. This visit is led by the highest person in the village or someone who is trusted as the leader of the activity group. The role and benefits of the community to preserve the tradition of visiting is that the community continues to maintain, apply, maintain and develop traditions and cultural values so that visiting can strengthen harmony in daily life. In addition, by visiting them they can get new experiences, find out weaknesses, lack of organization, keep them away from enmity, get new families and most importantly get knowledge that they have not yet gotten
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