51 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Bentuk Permukaan Absorber Pelat Terhadap Produktivitas dan Efisiensi Solar Still

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    Based on previous research, research on the development of solar distillation models is needed. Development of absorbent plates (absorber) using cast concrete material with fin, wave and flat models as a comparison. The fin and wave absorber plates can expand the surface, thereby increasing the intensity of solar radiation received by the absorber. Cast concrete is a porous material that can absorb sea water and make a thin layer, making it easier for the evaporation process and can improve solar distillation performance In this study using the experimental method. Solar still research by examining the surface of a cast concrete absorber plate. The surface of the absorbent plate used is the fin, wave and flat / conventional models. Cast concrete uses stone, iron sand, PCC cement and water. The study used variations in water volume The research resulted in the surface shape of the fin model can increase the productivity of fresh water and the efficiency of solar still using a plate absorbent fin model is higher than the wave and flat models. A smaller volume of sea water can increase productivity higher than a larger volume of sea water


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    Teknologi solar still tipe pasif merupakan teknologi yang sesuai untuk di terapkan di Indonesia. Berbagai faktor yang mempengaruhi kinerja basinsolar still yaitu; kondisi iklim, desain dan kondisi operasional. Usaha untuk mengembangkan kondisi operasional, diantaranya dengan membuat lapisan tipis air. Untuk membuat lapisan tipis dapat menggunakan material porous media sebagai media alir massa. Salah satu inovasi untuk meningkatkan penyerapan energi radiasi matahari adalah dengan menggunakan pelat penyerap berbentuk sirip. Pelat penyerap berbentuk sirip dapat menerima radiasi matahari lebih luas dan dapat berfungsi sebagai media alir massa, panas dan evaporasi. Selain itu, pelat penyerap sirip menggunakan material porous media dapat memperluas bidang kontak panas pada pori-pori material. Luasan bidang kontak tersebut dapat mempercepat laju perpindahan panas dan laju evaporasi. Dengan demikian tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh pelat penyerap porous media model sirip terhadap laju evaporasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen. Menguji pelat penyerap sirip porous media menggunakan material pasir dengan ukuran 0.125 mm dan 0.250 mm dengan variasi tegangan. Dari hasil penelitian di peroleh PB 0.125 memiliki temperatur permukaan, temperatur air dan laju evaporasi tertinggi di bandingkan material dan ukuran yang lain

    Implementasi Pompa Hidram di Desa Ngadireso Kabupaten Malang

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    Ngadireso Village, Poncokusumo District, has a water source from Umbulan Spring with a discharge of 1 m3/minute located in Ngadireso Hamlet, Ngadireso Village. The water needs of the residents of Ngadireso Village depend on the Umbulan water source. The location of residents' homes is above the source so that to pump water using an electric pump with electricity costs of ± Rp. 11,000,000, - every month. There were already 3 hydraulic pumps available before to help reduce the cost of electric pumps, but 2 ramp pumps were damaged so it was necessary to hold a hydraulic pump update. Ramp pumps are used to drain water to the main reservoir. With this hydraulic pump, the monthly contribution of residents for electricity pump payments decreases by 2 million every month, so monthly contributions also decrease.ABSTRAKDesa Ngadireso Kec. Poncokusumo memiliki sumber air dari mata air Umbulan dengan debit air sebesar 1 m3/menit yang berada di Dusun Ngadireso Desa Ngadireso. Sumber air Umbulan adalah satu-satunya sumber untuk memenuhi kebutuhan air warga desa.  Lokasi rumah warga berada di atas sumber sehingga untuk manaikkan air menggunakan pompa listrik dengan pembiayaan sebesar Rp. 11.000.000,- setiap bulannya. Sudah tersedia tiga pompa hidram sebelumnya untuk membantu mengurangi biaya pompa listrik, namun terdapat kerusakan pada dua pompa hidram sehingga perlu diadakan pembaruan pompa hidram. Pompa hidram  digunakan untuk memompa air dari sumber umbulan ke tandon utama. Dengan adanya pompa hidram ini maka iuran bulanan warga untuk pembayaran pompa listrik menurun sebesar 2 juta setiap bulan, sehingga iuran bulanan juga ikut menurun


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    Based on the previous research, it’s needed a research on the development of solar distillation model. The development of a concrete absorbed plate with fin has been conducted and resulted on improving productivity and efficiency of solar still. The development is continued by making a model using the glass covered model with roof shape and V. Experimental method is used in this work. Absorbent plate from concrete with fins models and some gravel are used in this solar still research. The concrete composition is determined by two parts of iron sand and one part of PCC cement. The cover glass design is determined by roof model, V model and conventional model (flat model). Water volume is designed as varied variables. The results show that V model can increase the productivity of freshwater and efficiency of the solar still compared with roof model and conventional model under different water volume. The absorber plate temperature, water temperature and cover glass temperature satisfy the solar radiation pattern. Keywords: solar distillation, cover glass shape, water volum

    The Effect of Water Salinity and Radiation Intensity to the Temperature Distribution and Evaporation Rate inside Porous Media

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    In the coastal areas, there are found many cases of clean water crisis; the most reasonable solution is to use the solar still from salty seawater. Sea salt concentration levels vary widely in each region depending on ecological conditions and materials carried by the river. This study aims to analyze the effect of salinity and radiation intensity towards the evaporation rate. Several parameters, such as the difference in the mass of the specimen, surface temperature, and evaporation rate were observed. The evaporation rate data shows that concrete with ferrous sand aggregate (particle size of 0.125 mm) has the highest value in which the thermal conductivity value of this specimen is of the highest value as well. Higher salt addition and radiation cause the temperature value that each specimen generated to become higher. Therefore, the FS125, which is concrete with 0.125 mm ferrous sand aggregate, has the best capability of porous media in the absorbent plate of solar still application