84 research outputs found
Consumers' attitude and intention towards organic food purchase: An extension of theory of planned behavior in gender perspective
The objective of this research was to study the variables affecting the consumer attitude to buy organic food that in turn affects the purchasing intention. Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) was used to explain this. The study variables include health consciousness, environmental consciousness, organic food price, attitude, subjective norm, intentions to purchase organic food and gender. Survey method was used, with the sample containing 200 respondents intending to purchase organic food in Surakarta City, Indonesia. The analysis method employed was structural equation model (SEM). The results of research showed that health consciousness and environmental consciousness were the determinants of an individual's positive attitude to buy organic food. The effect of gender difference on attitude, intention, and behavior of purchasing organic food confirmed the previous studies descriptively stating that gender affects the organic food purchasing behavior. The implication of study is that in the future, the marketers should expose the usefulness of organic food for health and environmental maintenance to make the target consumer more motivated to buy organic food. In addition, market segmenting should be carried out based on gender
Niat Konsumen dalam pembelian makanan organik
The objective of research is to determine the organic food purchasing intention model, with the variables studied
consisting of awareness of health, awareness of environment, organic food availability, attitude, subjective
norm, and organic food purchasing intention, as well age and consumption pattern variables. The research
method used was survey technique with 200 respondents as the consumer sample who intend to purchase food
organic in order to be consistent with the analysis method used, structural equation model (SEM).
The result of study shows that the awareness of health and awareness of environment are the determinant of
someone’s positive attitude creator to organic food. The finding about the moderating role of age group and
consumption pattern variables on the relationship between attitude and behavior of organic food purchasing
intention affects the organic food purchasing intention. The implication of study is that the marketers in the future
should convince the consumers that the organic food product is safe for health and environmental friendly, as
well as there should be market segmentation based on the age group and consumers consumption pattern.
Keywords: intention, attitude, organic food
This research aim to know performance of market and competitivenessof commodity tobacco
as impact alteration of climate in Grobogan Sub-Province. Research is performed with survey
method, which is performed to tobacco farmer andmarketer of tobacco. Location was determined
by sampling stage from district level and countryside at area sentra production tobacco that is
Tanggungharjo District, Tegowanu, Purwodadi and Toroh, at each of district is taken by random2
countryside and is taken by respondent farmer 30 at each of countryside at simple random
sampling, so that the total respondent 120 farmer.Respondent marketer is taken snowball method
(snow-ball sampling).Analyse performed by at (1) production and tobacco agribussnes, ( 2)
performed of tobacco market;( 3) competitiveness tobacco commodity. Result of study ( 1) There is
difference of quality and amount yield tobacco as impact alteration of climate impacting to by the
price of tobacco, ( 2)tobacco agribussnes still be efficient to be performed although already
happened difference of price which is caused by alteration of climate (3 ) performed of tobacco
market and marketing of tobacco there is 5 marketing channel and channel marketing of 1 most
efficient is compared to other channel with farmer'sshareequal to 38,65%; ( 4) Agribussnes
competitiveness and industri tobacco still high.Suggestion of study is still being be required study
continuation about market and marketing of tobacco and competitiveness as impact alteration of
climate so that can become power the price of tobacco and prosperity of farmer at the same time
strengthens position of tobacco commodity which will by strengthen from economic social aspect of
farmer and development of agriculture of Grobogan Sub-Province
ofthis papers will study influence foreign aid and export (migas and non migas)
to growth of chartered investment counsel Indonesia at time linefrom the year 2000.1 up to 2008.4,
with VAR analytical method( Vector Autoregressions). Result ofstudy shows that VAR methoddo not
of accuracy ofparameter estimated, but aim to see relation between variable only. Based on
analysis of impulse response is
found by that influence variable export to growth ofstronger national
income is compared to by influenceforeign aid variable. Basedon analysis of variant decomposition
seen the influencing growth is growth variable it
self foreign aid variable and exports variable, even
with different trend, where variable contribution growth go on declines,foreign aidvariable fluktuatif
ofbeginning, then decline andnegatifstill, while exports variable increase
ofbeginning, then tends to
remain to bepositivefla
purpose of this papers will study influence foreign aid and export (migas and non migas) to growth of chartered investment counsel Indonesia at time line from tear 2000.1 up to 2008.4, with VAR analitical method (Vector Autoregressions). result of this study shows that VAR method do not major od accuracy of parameter estimated, but aim to see relation between variable only. based on analysis of impulse response is found by that influence variable esport to growth of stronger national income is compared to by influence foreign aid variable. base on analysis of variant decomposition seen the influencing growth is griwth variable itself, foreign aid variable and export variable even with different trend, where variable contribution growth go on declines, foreign aid variable fluktulative of begining, then decline and negative still, while exports variable increase of begining, then tends to remain to be positive flat
A Study on Affecting Factors of White-Nest Swiftlet (Collocalia fuciphaga) Farming Performance in Haurgeulis District, Indramayu Regency
Indonesia is a major supplier of the white-nest products. The white-nest products can be originated from Java Island, including Haurgeulis District, Indramayu Regency. White-nest businesses in that area had been developed since 1950s although the productivity subsequently decline in the rate of deforestation of the concession area nowadays. These problems were henceforth set as the focus of the study, based on the inference Malcom Baldrige Criteria for Performance Excellence (MBCfPE). This study was to recognize the association white-nest business performance. Some internal factors, observed as the predictor factors of business performance, included achievement-motivation factor, strategic planning, technical aspects and technologies, guanxi (personal relationship), and leadership. Surveillance activities were undertaken by using simple random sampling with questionnaire method for collecting the primary data, processed by path analysis method. The test results shown that all of internal factor have significant effect on the performance of the white-nest business by the leadership intervening
Optimalisasi Penataan Arsip Manual Dan Digital Dalam Tata Kelola Arsip Di Dinas Kearsipan Dan Perpustakaan Jawa Timur
ABSTRAK Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui Optimalisasi Penataan Arsip Manual Dan Digital di Dinas Kearsipan dan Perpustakaan Jawa Timur dalam memberikan pelayanan dan kemudahan untuk penggunaan arsip, baik arsip manual maupun digital sehingga para pengguna tidak lagi mengalami kesulitan dalam pencarian arsip sebab arsip telah tertata dengan baik dan rapi.Metode penelitian yang digunakan jenis penelitian kualitatif.Informan dalam pihak ini adalah pihak-pihak yang menjadi pelaksana di Dinas Kearsipan dan Perpustakaan Jawa Timur.Teknik pengumpulan data yang di gunakan wawancara secara langsung dan dokumentasi.Teknik yang digunakan dalam analisis data adalah reduksi, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan.Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa : ( 1 ) pelaksanaan kebijakan sistem penataan arsip di Dinas Kearsipan Dan Perpustakaan Jawa Timur untuk memberikan manfaat bagi organisasi maupun perorangan dalam membutuhkan arsip. ( 2) faktor-faktor yang menghambat dalam penataan arsip manual dan digital dalam tata kelola arsip adalah kurangnya kesadaran manusianya dalam menyikapi pentingnya arsip itu sendiri. ( 3 ) upaya dinas kearsipan dan perpustakaan Jawa Timur dalam mengatasi setiap permasalahan yang ada.Kata Kunci: Optimalisasi, Penataan, Tata kelola Arsip di Jawa Timur
Effect of Celebrity Endorser Through Social Media on Organic Cosmetic Purchasing Intention Mediated with Attitude
A rapid information and communication technology development results in the change of community’s lifestyle in online shopping. Online marketing strategy should be taken to improve organic cosmetic purchasing intention through Instagram, one of which is to use celebrity endorser in advertisement. Considering Theory of Planned Behavior, this research employed purchase intention, attitude toward advertisement, trustworthiness, expertise, attractiveness variables. The objective of research was to find out the effect of celebrity endorser on attitude toward advertisement and organic cosmetic purchase intention through Instagram. Technique of collecting data used was Google form through social media, Instagram. This research employed Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with Maximum Likelihood estimation model. The result of analysis on 200 respondents showed that there is a positive effect of celebrity’s trustworthiness, celebrity’s expertise, celebrity’s attractiveness on Attitude toward advertisement and organic cosmetic purchase intention through Instagram. In addition, attitude toward advertisement serves as imperfect mediation of celebrity’s trustworthiness, celebrity’s expertise, celebrity’s attractiveness and purchase intention.
Keywords: Celebrity endorser; Trustworthiness; Attractiveness; Expertise; Theory of Planned Behavior; Attitude Toward Advertisement; Purchasing Intention; Organic Cosmetic; Social Medi
Peluang usaha coffee shop meluas dari daerah perkotaan sampai pedesaan. Meningkatnya jumlah coffee shop menimbulkan persaingan pemasaran, hal ini didukung dengan adanya perkembangan teknologi menuju pasar persaingan. Terdapat hambatan dalam pemasaran di Kopi Lawe Kota Surakarta yang menjadi ancaman bagi perusahaan, sehingga perlu analisis kondisi lingkungan internal dan eksternal sehingga dapat menghasilkan alternatif strategi yang dapat digunakan Kopi Lawe Surakarta dalam melakukan kegiatan pemasaran. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah (1) mengetahui kondisi umum pemasaran produk Kopi Lawe Surakarta, (2) mengidentifikasi faktor internal pemasaran produk Kopi Lawe Surakarta, (3) mengidentifikasi faktor eksternal pemasaran produk Kopi Lawe di Kota Surakarta, (4) merumuskan alternatif strategi yang diterapkan dalam pemasaran produk Kopi Lawe Surakarta, dan (5) merumuskan prioritas strategi untuk pemasaran produk Kopi Lawe Surakarta. Metode dasar yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan mixed method serta metode penentuan lokasi secara purposive. Key informan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini dipilih secara purposive dan snowball. Analisis yang digunakan yaitu (1) Matriks IFE dan EFE (2) Matriks Grand Strategy dan Matriks SWOT (3) Matriks QSPM. Hasil penelitian terdapat 4 alternatif strategi dari matriks SWOT. Prioritas strategi untuk pemasaran produk Kopi Lawe Surakarta adalah menjaga kualitas produk dan tenaga kerja dengan nilai STAS 6,172
Evaluasi Bantuan Langsung Tunai Dana Desa (BLT-DD) di Sedatigede Sidoarjo
Penelitian ini bertujuan pertama, untuk mengetahui bagaimana evaluasi penerimaan dana bantuan langsung tunai (BLT) untuk peningkatan kesejahteraan masyarakat kurang mampu di Desa Sedatigede Sidoarjo. Kedua untuk mengetahui bagaimana dampak dana bantuan langsung tunai untuk peningkatan kesejahteraan masyarakat kurang mampu di Desa Sedatigede Sidoarjo. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif, sumber data yang digunakan dalah sumber data primer yang diperoleh dari hasil wawancara dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa evaluasi penerimaan dana bantuan langsung tunai untuk peningkatan kesejahteraan masyarakat kurag mampu di Desa Sedatigede Sidoarjo adalah hal yang sangat penting untuk dilakukan karena dengan mengavaluasi penerima dana bantuan langsung tunai dapat melancarkan setiap bulannya, agar penyaluran dana juga dapat berjalan dengan baik tanpa adanya hambatan. Dampak dana bantuan langsung tunai untuk peningkatan kesahteraan masyarakat kurang mampu di Desa Sedatigede Sidoarjo belum memiliki dampak pada masyarakat karena dana tersebut tidak dicairkan disetiap bulannya dan dana bantuan langsung tunai terbilang sedikit untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat kurang mampu pada Desa Sedatugede Sidoarjo
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