4 research outputs found
Pelaksanaan Pengawasan Dinas Tata Ruang dan Bangunan Kota Pekanbaru terhadap Bangunan yang Tidak Memiliki Izin Mendirikan Bangunan di Kecamatan Tampan
Supervision of Building Permit (IMB) is an activity and effort to determine and assess the actual reality of the execution of the work or activity is in accordance with the plans and procedures or not. The problem in this research is how the implementation of supervision by the Department of Spatial Planning and Building Pekanbaru on building permits (building does not have permission), and the factors that triggered the building that does not have a license in the District of Pekanbaru City Handsome and obstacles in the implementation of supervision. The purpose of this study was to determine the extent of supervision by the Department of Spatial Planning and Building Pekanbaru to buildings that do not have the IMB.Researchers used the theoretical concept which adopted the theory of supervision by Manullang. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative data collection instrument includes interviews with employees of the Department of Spatial control section and Pekanbaru City and community building, observation and document.The results of this study indicate that supervision Spatial Planning and Building Pekanbaru to buildings that do not have a building permit (IMB) in District Charming is not good. Factors that influence the lack of supervision of building permits and building permits violated ie, lack of personnel and operational vehicles to conduct a thorough supervision, lack of socialization, lack of public awareness, community economic factors, particularly the lower middle income people are the cause of reluctance in taking care of IMB before building.Keywords: Development, Monitoring, IMB
Microstructure and Adhesion Properties Post-Annealed Metallic Coating of Fecrbmnsi on Tube and Internal Structure Coal-Fired Boiler
Iron-chrome based metallic coating is generally used to increase the life-time tube and internal structure of coal-fired boiler. The most common method used is thermal spray coating. The advantages of this method are simple in application, repair, and low cost. The post-heat treatment coating on metallic coating applied by the thermal spray method can affect to adhesion properties, the number of porosity and microstructure of coating material. The objective of this study is to analyze the influence of post-annealing on the metallic coating FeCrBMnSi applied by Twin Wire Arc-Spraying (TWAS) method on microstructure and adhesion properties which is applied on tube and internal structure of coal-fired boiler. Post-annealing was performed after coating application in vacuum furnace with variety of temperature at 500oC, 600oC and 700o and holding time about 3 hours. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy (EDS) were used to analyze the morphology of microstructure, the uniformity of the deposit layer, and the percentage of porosity. X- Ray Diffraction (XRD) was used to determine phase formation and composition phase. Then, Pull Off Test was performed for adhesion test that is referred to ASTM D4541. The results shows that increasing post-annealed temperature cause microstructure of coating more crystalline, percentage of porosity decreased from 3% As-sprayed to 1,4% at 700oC post-annealing temperature and it has an effect on the adhesion properties of coating which increase up to 25%
Dalam kehidupan kaum muda yang dinamis dan aktif, pendampingan merupakan hal penting untuk memberikan arah yang benar bagi perjalanan hidup mereka sehingga mereka tidak terjebak pada kebebasan yang tidak bertanggung jawab.
Aktifitas kaum muda, khususnya mahasiswa tidak terlepas dari tanggung jawabnya pada bidang studi, kemasyarakatan dan relasinya dengan Tuhan. Ketiga hal tersebut perlu mendapat porsi yang tepat bagi mahasiswa.
Bagi mahasiswa Katolik, untuk melaksanakan tiga hal diatas tidaklah memerlukan tempat yang dikhususkan tetapi yang diperlukan adalah wadah pembinaan sebagai pusat koordinasi bagi setiap aktifitas mereka. Dengan ini, kebutuhan akan adanya wadah pembinaan (pendampingan) dan pusat koordinasi aktifitas mahasiswa Katolik diwujudkan dalam pembangunan Wisma Mahasiswa Katolik