15,081 research outputs found


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    ASEAN Matters: Epicentrum of Growth is the leadership theme chosen by Indonesia during its chairmanship of ASEAN 2023. This theme means that Indonesia wants to make ASEAN remain relevant as a regional organization that is a promoter of regional peace and prosperity and Indonesia wants to make ASEAN a region with centrality. world economic growth with good stability and an impact on the regional economy. In order to realize the theme of ASEAN Matters: Epicentrum of Growth, the energy transition can be carried out considering the increasingly real environmental crisis and global conditions that will always change. Through Indonesia's chairmanship in ASEAN 2023, Indonesia has the opportunity to achieve the renewable energy mix target of 23% in 2025 in accordance with the National Energy General Plan to achieve Net Zero Emissions in Indonesia by 2060. This research uses the concept of national interests and environmental politics which is aimed at looking at interests. Indonesian national in ASEAN Matters: Epicentrum of Growth. The type of research used is descriptive qualitative in explaining in detail the government's efforts to carry out the energy transition obtained from literature studies. This research finds the Indonesian government's efforts to realize its interests through the energy transition by taking advantage of its position in ASEAN 2023 in carrying out early retirement of PLTUs and building New Renewable Energy projects in the electricity sector

    Inside-Out: Perception of Key Finance Professionals about Theory and Practice of Islamic Banking

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    Islamic banking has shown tremendous growth in the first decade of 21st century. By the end of 2008, global volume of assets under Islamic banking reached US$951 billion. In Pakistan, Islamic banking has displayed a tremendous annual average growth of 76% during the last seven years and accounts for 6% of the market share (SBP-2010). However, keeping in view the religious ideologies of the significant majority of Pakistanis, Islamic banking industry has expanded at less than its expected potential. This study documents the perception of key players in finance industry about Islamic banking, to highlight the underlying issues directly responsible for slower-than-potential-expansion of this industry. Findings suggest, although theoretically, that the industry perceives Islamic banking correctly, however professionals do not feel content with its practice

    Sustainable Cotton Production Through Skill Development among Farmers: Evidence from Khairpur District of Sindh, Pakistan.

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    This study on farmers’ training in environment-friendly production practices for cotton crop was conducted in the Khairpur District of Sindh province. Data used in this study comprises baseline and post- IPM Farmer Field School (FFS) impact surveys conducted during 2001 and 2003 respectively. The programme impacts were estimated on gross margins and changes in farmers’ attitude towards environment and biodiversity. The effect of training on social recognition of farmers, their experimentation abilities, and decision-making skills were also examined. Beside single difference comparisons of change in production practices between trained and non-trained farmers, the difference in difference (DD) method was also used for comparisons among FFS farmers, exposed farmers, and unexposed farmers from controlled villages. The stochastic production frontier model incorporating inefficiency effects is also estimated to analyse the impact of farmers’ training (through FFS) on productivity and efficiency at cotton farms in the area under study. The results show that better cotton yield and reduction in the cost of pesticides and fertiliser inputs enabled FFS farmers to fetch significantly higher gross margins (US391/ha)thannonFFS(US 391/ha) than non-FFS (US 151/ha) and Control farms (US$ 25/ha). The total application of pesticide chemicals was largely reduced (44 percent) on FFS farms. The cost of inefficiency at FFS farms was lower (23.71 percent) as compared to those on non-FFS farms (30.50 percent), which implies that FFS farmers were able to maintain a higher level of technical efficiency. It is concluded that the FFS approach is not only cost efficient but also improves farm-level technical efficiency. Information generated through Agro-ecosystem analysis on pest and predator dynamics helps farmers to understand pest-predator interaction to allow nature to work with fewer or most appropriate interventions. A wellplanned technical back-up support mechanism is recommended to be evolved through integrating the research system into farmer-led experimentation. The programme achievements show that the FFS approach in Pakistan has furthered from only crop management to systems management and community


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    Pengawasan sediaan farmasi obat pada dasarnya dilakukan oleh pemerintah dalam hal ini Badan Pengawas Obat (BPOM). Pengawasan sediaan farmasi obat dari BPOM sangat penting untuk menjamin kualitas, mutu, khasiat, dan keamanan dari obat tersebut. Sementara itu, negara memiliki tanggung jawab konstitusional untuk menjaga hak asasi manusia serta menjamin keamanan dan keselamatan rakyatnya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengupayakan terciptanya pengawasan sediaan farmasi obat dari hulu hingga hilir dan penerapan tanggung jawab oleh negara secara komprehensif dan berkeadilan. Ada pun rumusan masalah yang diajukan dalam penelitian ini yakni 1) bagaimana pengaturan pengawasan produksi sediaan farmasi obat agar dilindungi, memberikan keamanan, utamakan khasiat, dan bermanfaat secara optimal pada masyarakat dan 2) bagaimana tanggung jawab negara terhadap kelalaian pengawasan produksi sediaan farmasi obat. Penelitian ini mengadopsi metode penelitian yuridis normatif, yang menjelaskan secara sistematis sebuah peraturan yang mengatur kategori hukum tertentu dan memecahkan suatu isu hukum yang dihadapi, dengan mengidentifikasi permasalahan yang terjadi. Sementara, temuan dalam penelitian ini dari hasil analisis yang dilakukan terkait kelalaian pengawasan sediaan farmasi obat, tanggung jawab negara terhadap kasus Gagal Ginjal Akut Progresif Atipikal (GGAPA) yang terjadi yang ternyata masih ditemukan celah hukum sehingga bisa dilanggar oleh industri farmasi. Selain itu, masih ditemukan kurang kuatnya pengawasan sediaan farmasi obat, hingga kurang kuatnya pengawasan di daerah. Sehingga muncul kasus GGAPA yang sebabkan ratusan anak keracunan hingga meninggal dunia. Oleh karena itu tanggung jawab negara dalam pengawasan sediaan farmasi obat perlu diperkuat baik dari sisi regulasi yang lebih komprehensif, kedudukan BPOM, serta diperlukan penunjang sarana dan prasarana sediaan farmasi obat

    Generalisations of Integral Inequalities of Hermite-Hadamard type through Convexity

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    In this paper, we establish various inequalities for some differentiable mappings that are linked with the illustrious Hermite-Hadamard integral inequality for mappings whose derivatives are ss-(α,m)(\alpha,m)-convex.The generalised integral inequalities contribute some better estimates than some already presented. The inequalities are then applied to numerical integration and some special means.Comment: 11 Page

    Power Sector Development in Pakistan and Economic Policy Issues

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    A study of power sector development in Pakistan is like other essential infrastructure and basic social overhead facilities. The provision of electricity is a pre condition for the advancement of other services to accelerate economic development. Of the total consumption, households is 41 percent, agriculture 15 percent; industry 27 percent; others 12 percent includes railway traction.