149 research outputs found
Cumulative Non-Decoupling Effects of Kaluza-Klein Neutrinos in Electroweak Processes
In Kaluza-Klein theories of low-scale quantum gravity, gravitons and
isosinglet neutrinos may propagate in a higher-dimensional space with large
compact dimensions, whereas all particles of the Standard Model are confined on
a (1+3)-dimensional subspace. After compactification of the extra dimensions,
the resulting Yukawa couplings of the Kaluza-Klein neutrinos to the lepton
doublets become naturally very suppressed by a higher-dimensional volume
factor, in agreement with phenomenological observations. We show that one-loop
effects induced by Kaluza-Klein neutrinos, albeit tiny individually, act
cumulatively in electroweak processes, giving rise to a non-decoupling
behaviour for large values of the higher-dimensional Yukawa couplings. Owing to
the non-decoupling effects of Kaluza-Klein neutrinos, we can derive stronger
constraints on the parameters of the theory that originate from the
non-observation of flavour-violating and universality-breaking phenomena, which
involve the W and Z bosons, and the e, and leptons.Comment: 31 pages, LaTeX, to appear in Physical Review
Laboratory Limits on Theories with Sterile Neutrinos in the Bulk
We discuss the phenomenological consequences of theories which describe
sterile neutrinos in large extra dimensions, in the so-called bulk. We briefly
outline how the cumulative non-decoupling effect due to the tower of
Kaluza-Klein singlet neutrinos may equivalently be described by a
higher-dimensional effective theory with original order-unity Yukawa couplings.
Based on this cumulative phenomenon, we obtain strong constraints on the
fundamental quantum gravity scale and/or on the higher-dimensional Yukawa
couplings.Comment: 4 pages, to appear in Proc. of the DPF2000 (August 9-12, 2000), Ohio
State University, Columbus, Ohio, US
Three Neutrino Oscillations in Uniform Matter
Following similar approaches in the past, the Schrodinger equation for three
neutrino propagation in matter of constant density is solved analytically by
two successive diagonalizations of 2x2 matrices. The final result for the
oscillation probabilities is obtained directly in the conventional parametric
form as in the vacuum but with explicit simple modification of two mixing
angles ( and ) and mass eigenvalues.Comment: presented by Ara Ioannisian at ICHEP2018, Seoul (Conference:
A Standard Model explanation for the MiniBooNE anomaly
We present the results of a new analysis of the data of the MiniBooNE
experiment taking into account the additional background of photons. MiniBooNE
normalises the rate of photon production to the measured production
rate. We study neutral current (NC) neutrino-induced /photon production
() on carbon nucleus (A=12). Our
conclusion is based on experimental data for photon-nucleus interactions from
the A2 collaboration at the Mainz MAMI accelerator. We work in the
approximation that decays of the intermediate states (non-resonant N,
resonance, higher resonances) unaffected by its production channel, via photon
or Z boson. production scales as A, the surface area of the
nucleus. Meanwhile the photons incoherently created in intermediate states
decays will leave the nucleus, and that cross section will be proportional to
the atomic number of the nucleus. We also took into account the coherent
emission of photons. We show that the new photon background can explain part of
the MiniBooNE low-energy excess, thus significantly lowering the number of
unexplained MiniBooNE electron-like events from to .Comment: Contribution to the proceedings of the 40th ICHEP2020, Prague, Czech
Republic (Virtual Conference), 6 page
Axion-photon conversion caused by dielectric interfaces: quantum field calculation
Axion-photon conversion at dielectric interfaces, immersed in a
near-homogeneous magnetic field, is the basis for the dielectric haloscope
method to search for axion dark matter. In analogy to transition radiation,
this process is possible because the photon wave function is modified by the
dielectric layers ("Garibian wave function") and is no longer an eigenstate of
momentum. A conventional first-order perturbative calculation of the transition
probability between a quantized axion state and these distorted photon states
provides the microwave production rate. It agrees with previous results based
on solving the classical Maxwell equations for the combined system of axions
and electromagnetic fields. We argue that in general the average photon
production rate is given by our result, independently of the detailed quantum
state of the axion field. Moreover, our result provides a new perspective on
axion-photon conversion in dielectric haloscopes because the rate is based on
an overlap integral between unperturbed axion and photon wave functions, in
analogy to the usual treatment of microwave-cavity haloscopes.Comment: 15 pages, 2 figures; v2: minor changes to match published versio
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