71 research outputs found

    Could maggot therapy be taught in primary schools?

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    Assessing cost-effectiveness in the management of multiple sclerosis

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    Multiple sclerosis (MS) is one of the most common causes of neurological disability in young and middle-aged adults, with current prevalence rates estimated to be 30 per 100,000 populations. Women are approximately twice as susceptible as males, but males are more likely to have progressive disease. The onset of the disease normally occurs between 20 and 40 years of age, with a peak incidence during the late twenties and early thirties, resulting in many years of disability for a large proportion of patients, many of whom require wheelchairs and some nursing home or hospital care. The aim of this study is to update a previous review which considered the cost-effectiveness of disease-modifying drugs (DMDs), such as interferons and glatiramer acetate, with more up to date therapies, such as mitaxantrone hydrochloride and natalizumab in the treatment of MS. The development and availability of new agents has been accompanied by an increased optimism that treatment regimens for MS would be more effective; that the number, severity and duration of relapses would diminish; that disease progression would be delayed; and that disability accumulation would be reduced. However, doubts have been expressed about the effectiveness of these treatments, which has only served to compound the problems associated with endeavors to estimate the relative cost-effectiveness of such interventions

    Managing chronic oedema in community settings

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    Evaluating the cost of managing patients with cellulitis in Wales, UK: A 20-year population-scale study

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    This study aimed to estimate costs associated with managing patients with cellulitis from the UK National Health Service (NHS) perspective. The analysis was undertaken through the Secure Anonymised Information Linkage Databank, which brings together population-scale, individual-level anonymised linked data from a wide range of sources, including 80% of primary care general practices within Wales (population coverage ~3.2 million). The data covered a 20-year period from 1999 to 2019. All patients linked to the relevant codes were tracked through primary care settings, recording the number of general practice visits (number of days with an event recorded) and number of in-patient stays. Resources were valued in monetary terms (£ sterling), with costs determined from national published sources of unit costs. These resources were then extrapolated out to reflect UK NHS costs. This is the first attempt to estimate the financial burden of cellulitis using routine data sources on a national scale. The estimated direct annual costs to the Welsh NHS (£28 554 338) are considerable. In-Patient events and length of stay costs are the main cost drivers, with annual Welsh NHS estimates of £19 664 126 with primary care events costing £8 890 212. Initiatives to support patients and healthcare professionals in identifying early signs/risks of cellulitis, improve the accuracy of initial diagnosis, prevent cellulitis recurrence, and improve evidence-based treatment pathways would result in major financial savings, to both the Welsh and UK NHS. In light of these findings, Wales has developed the innovative National Lymphoedema cellulitis Improvement Programme to address these burdens; providing a proactive model of cellulitis care

    Medicines prescribed for asthma, discontinuation and perinatal outcomes, including breastfeeding: A population cohort analysis

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    ObjectivesTo explore associations between exposures to medicines prescribed for asthma and their discontinuation in pregnancy and preterm birth [MethodsDesign. A population-based cohort study. Setting. The Secure Anonymised Information Linkage [SAIL] databank in Wales, linking maternal primary care data with infant outcomes. Population. 107,573, 105,331, and 38,725 infants born 2000-2010 with information on premature birth, SGA and breastfeeding respectively, after exclusions. Exposures. maternal prescriptions for asthma medicines or their discontinuation in pregnancy. Methods. Odds ratios for adverse pregnancy outcomes were calculated for the exposed versus the unexposed population, adjusted for smoking, parity, age and socio-economic status.ResultsPrescriptions for asthma, whether continued or discontinued during pregnancy, were associated with birth atConclusionsPrescription of asthma medicines before or during pregnancy was associated with higher prevalence of adverse perinatal outcomes, particularly if prescriptions were discontinued during pregnancy. Women discontinuing medicines during pregnancy could be identified from prescription records. The impact of targeting close monitoring and breastfeeding support warrants exploration

    Antidepressant prescriptions, discontinuation, depression and perinatal outcomes, including breastfeeding: A population cohort analysis

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    ObjectivesTo explore associations between exposure to antidepressants, their discontinuation, depression [medicated or unmediated] and preterm birth [MethodsDesign: A population-based cohort study. Setting: The Secure Anonymised Information Linkage [SAIL] databank in Wales, linking maternal primary care data with infant outcomes. Participants: 107,573, 105,331, and 38,725 infants born 2000-2010 with information on prematurity, SGA and breastfeeding respectively, after exclusions. Exposures: Maternal antidepressant prescriptions in trimesters 2 or 3, discontinuation after trimester 1, recorded diagnosis of depression [medicated or unmediated] in pregnancy. Methods: Odds ratios for adverse pregnancy outcomes were calculated, adjusted for smoking, parity, socio-economic status, and depression.ResultsExclusive formula feeding at 6-8 weeks was associated with prescriptions in trimesters 2 or 3 for any antidepressants (adjusted odds ratio [aOR] 0.81, 95% confidence intervals 0.67-0.98), SSRIs [aOR 0.77, 0.62-0.95], particularly higher doses [aOR 0.45, 0.23-0.86], discontinuation of antidepressants or SSRIs after trimester 1 (aOR 0.70, 0.57-0.83 and 0.66, 0.51-0.87), diagnosis of depression aOR 0.76 [0.70-0.82), particularly if medicated (aOR 0.70, 0.58-0.85), rather than unmedicated (aOR 0.87, 0.82-0.92). Preterm birth at ImplicationsExposure to antidepressants or depression increased risks of exclusive formula feeding at 6-8 weeks, and prescription of antidepressants was associated with SGA <3rd centile. Prescription of antidepressants offers a useful marker to target additional support and additional care before and during pregnancy and lactation
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