17 research outputs found
Isolasi Dan Identifikasi Mikroba Pendegradasi Senyawa Persisten Organic Poluttans Pada Tanah Andosol Magelang
-The development of the agricultural sector has resulted in the increase of the environmental pollution by chemicals, such as; persistent organochlorine contaminants, can undergo bioaccumulation in nature. Ramadhani and Oginawati (2009) stated that organochlorine compounds classified as Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) are chemical compounds that are persistent in the environment, can undergo bioaccumulation in the food chain, and has the risk of being the cause of many negative impacts on human health and the environment. In the agricultural area, there are microorganisms in the soil that act as decomposers of organic materials or use organic materials as food. This research was conducted at the Microbiology Laboratory of the Research Center for Biology LIPI Cibinong February 2012 to August 2012. Isolation and characterization of microbes degrading Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) performed at the Laboratory of Microbiology Research Center for Biology LIPI Cibinong by using three stages, (1) Isolation and identification of POPs degrading microbes, (2) test the growth characteristics of the isolates in the different types of POPs. The purpose of the study is to select the bacteria in the soil that could potentially degrade the insecticide residues that have the characteristics of POPs ( dieldrin , DDT , aldrin , heptaklor ) . The results of bacterial isolation study shows that there are five (5) types of bacteria which are able to degrade POPs ( dieldrin , DDT , aldrin , heptachlor ). Those bacteria are Achoromobacter sp, Catenococcus thiocycli, Heliothrix oregonensis, Bacillus cereus ,Bacillus subtilis
Pengkayaan Mikroba Dapat Mempercepat Degradasi Residu POPs
Persisten organic pollutants (POPs) adalah senyawa organik yang tahan terhadap fotolitik, degradasi biologis maupun kimia. Senyawa POPs ada 12, yaitu aldrin, hexachlorobenzene, chlordane, mirex, dieldrin, toxaphene, DDT, dioxin, endrin, furans, heptachlor dan PCBs. Pestisida adalah salah satu bahan kimia yang berpotensi menimbulkan dampak negatif di lingkungan pertanian. Residu pestisida di lingkungan pertanian tanaman pangan dan sayuran merupakan permasalahan yang harus dicari solusi pemecahannya. Ameliorasi merupakan suatu teknologi untuk menurunkan residu pestisida di lingkungan pertanian. Arang aktif merupakan salah satu bahan amelioran potensial yang dapat menurunkan residu pestisida. Kegiatan penelitian dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Residu Bahan Agrokimia di Laladon Bogor (Balingtan), Laboratorium mikrobiologi LIPI Cibinong (analisis mikrobiologi tanah) dan Laboratorium Balingtan (Analisis karakterisasi tanah). Penelitian berlangsung selama 10 bulan, mulai bulan Pebruari hingga Nopember 2010. Teknik pengkayaan arang aktif dengan bakteri pendegradasi adalah dilakukan setelah perlakuan pelapisan urea dengan arang aktif dengan cara menyemprotkan suspensi bakteri ke permukaan arang aktif. Tujuan penelitian adalah mendapatkan teknologi pelapisan pupuk urea dengan arang aktif yang diperkaya dengan bakteri pendegradasi residu insektisida organoklorin yang bersifat POPs. Kelimpahan mikroba tanah di lahan sayuran Ds. Sukomakmur Kec. Kajoran didominasi Citrobacter, sp., Bacillus, sp., Azospirrilum, sp masing-masing dengan populasi 9,6 x 109;3,8 x 109;3,7 x 109 SPK/g tanah. Selain itu ditemukan Azotobacter, sp., dan Sphaerotillus natans, Psudomonas, SP, dan BPF. Hasil uji laboratorium telah diperoleh isolat mikroba konsorsia yang mampu mendegradasi pestisida POPs >50% setelah 20 hari yaitu sebesar 94,56-100% pada konsentrasi 5 ppm, 91,14-99,66% pada konsentrasi POPs 10 ppm, 91,06-99,55% pada konsentrasi 20%
Urea Coating with Activated Carbon Enriched by Microbial Indigenous Can Reduce Endrin Concentration
Endrin residues are still remain in the land field these compounds are no longer used by farmers and have been banned by the government. This residue can stay in the soil longer and persistant. Microbial enrichment is expected to accelerate the degradation of pesticide residues. Microbes stretcher are Bacillus substillis, Heliothrix oregonensis, Catenococcus thiocycli, and Achoromobacter sp obtained from the preliminary research results from soil isolation of idegenus in LIPI Cibinong Microbiology Laboratory. Soil for the planting medium obtained from the village of Karawang, Regency Cilamaya Wetan, Cilamaya District. The experiment was conducted in the field by using lysimeter at the Experiment Jakenan station from July 2013 to December 2013. The objective of the research is to obtain technology of activated carbon-coated urea and biochar which enriched microbial indegenus. The experiment was used randomized block design (RAK) with 3 replications. Plant used are rice. Insecticide residue analysis was carried out in the laboratory in Bogor Balingtan using gas chromatography (GC), with the SNI method 06-6991.1-2004. The purpose of this study knowing the capabilities of urea coating with activated carbon enrichment microbia in reducing the concentration of residues endrin. Results of research urea coated activated carbon from coconut shell are enriched with microbes on paddy field can lower pesticide residues of endrin respectively to 33.6%. This is presumably due to the role of microbes degrading effective as activated carbon as the preferred home. Enrichmentwith microbial indegenuscan improve theeffectivenessof ureacoating biochar andureacoatingactivated carbon coconut shell todecrease concentration endrin
Bioremediasi untuk Menurunkan Kadar Insektisida Klordan di Lahan Sawah
Bioremediation is one of the effective ways to remediate pesticide-contaminated land, in order to reduce environmental pollution problems. Bacillus substillis, Heliothrix oregonensis, Catenococcus thiocycli,and Achoromobacter sp are soil microbes which are capable of lowering the levels of chlordanein the fields. These microbes derived from preliminary research results indigenous soil insulation in the Laboratory of Microbiology LIPI Cibinong. This research is aimed to determine the decrease levels of chlordane in paddy fields cultivated with rice Ciherang variety using bioremediation treatment. The soil used for the planting medium is taken from Cilamaya village, District CilamayaWetan, Karawang. This research is conducted at Jakenan Research Station from January to December 2013. This research uses activated carbon coated urea and biochar enriched by indigenous microbes with a dose 250 kg/ha. This research is designed by using complete randomized block design which is repeated three times with for 40 ml microbial concorcia populations 109 in 1 kg of urea coated by biochar or activated carbon. The microplot size 1 x 1 m with spacing of 20 x 20 cm. Insecticide residue analyzes carried out in Balingtan Laboratory in Bogor by gas chromatography, using the SNI 06-6991.1-2004method. The result shows biochar coconutshell-coated urea enriched with microbes in rice farming can reduce pesticide residues chlordane amountedto 27.10
Sebaran Residu Insektisida Parathion pada Lahan Pertanian Bawang Merah di Kecamatan Wanasari Kabupaten Brebes
Indratin I, Budihardjo MA, Helmi M. 2020. Distribution of parathion insecticide residue in shallot agriculture land in wanasari sub-district, Brebes regency. In: Herlinda S et al. (Eds.), Prosiding Seminar Nasional Lahan Suboptimal ke-8 Tahun 2020, Palembang  20 Oktober 2020. pp. xx. Palembang: Penerbit & Percetakan Universitas Sriwijaya (UNSRI).The use of pesticides in agricultural land tends to be excessive because farmers think that pesticides can increase yields. It can also pollute the environment. Many farmers often use organophosphate insecticides as the efforts in controlling the pests of shallot plant organisms, one of which is Parathion. The use of Parathion has been banned by the Indonesian government since 2015 for agriculture. This research aims to determine the distribution of Parathion residue in the lower red agricultural land in Wanasari sub-district, Brebes Regency. The research was carried out in March - July 2020 in Wanasari sub-district. Soil samples were taken to the Integrated Laboratory of the Indonesian Agricultural Environment Research Institute to be analyzed the residual content of Parathion by using the QueCheRS method. The mapping of the residue distribution method used ArcGIS 10.4 with the Spline interpolation method. The results of laboratory analysis identified the residual content of Parathion between <LoD : 0.0025 mg kg-1 to 0.0956 mg kg-1. The residual content of the Parathion which was identified to exceed the LoD value was spread over 17 soil sampling points, all identified below the MRLs  value. The identified land area in the very low category was 806.08 ha and identified as low was 1,563.81 ha. The distribution of parathion residues in shallot agricultural land in Wanasari sub-district was identified in the very low and low categories, this needs to be watched out for because it is possible for the farmers to still use parathion type insecticides in shallot cultivation
Residu insektisida dalam tanah diperkirakan dapat berpindah ke dalam produk pertanianbersamaan dengan penyerapan unsur hara dari dalam tanah. Untuk menurunkan residuinsektisida di dalam tanah dapat dilakukan dengan remediasi. Penelitian telah dilakukan diDesa Plandi, Kecamatan/Kabupaten Jombang pada MK.I tahun 2015. Sebanyak 4 perlakuan,yaitu: (1) Urea biochar tempurung kerlapa+mikroba (UBTKM) rekomendasi KATAM, (2)Urea biochar tongkol jagung+mikroba (UBTJM) rekomendasi KATAM, (3) KATAM (300kg/ha urea dan 75 kg/haSP36), dan (4) Cara petani (350 kg/ha urea + 350 kg/ha phonska +350 kg/haZA). Hasl penelitian menunjukkan bahwa remediasi dieldrin menggunakanUAATKM dapat menurunkan residu dalam tanah sebesar 100%, sedangkan UAATJM danUBTJM dapat menurunkan residu dalam contoh beras sebesar 100%
Pelapisan Urea Dengan Arang Aktif Yang Diperkaya Mikroba Indegenus Dapat Menurunkan Konsentrasi Endrin
Endrin residues are still remain in the land field these compounds are no longer used by farmers and have been banned by the government. This residue can stay in the soil longer and persistant. Microbial enrichment is expected to accelerate the degradation of pesticide residues. Microbes stretcher are Bacillus substillis, Heliothrix oregonensis, Catenococcus thiocycli, and Achoromobacter sp obtained from the preliminary research results from soil isolation of idegenus in LIPI Cibinong Microbiology Laboratory. Soil for the planting medium obtained from the village of Karawang, Regency Cilamaya Wetan, Cilamaya District. The experiment was conducted in the field by using lysimeter at the Experiment Jakenan station from July 2013 to December 2013. The objective of the was to obtain technology of activated carbon-coated urea and biochar which enriched microbial indegenus. The experiment was used randomized block design (RCBD) with 3 replications. Plant used are rice. Insecticide residue analysis was carried out in the laboratory in Bogor Balingtan using gas wchromatography (GC), with the SNI method 06-6991.1-2004. The purpose of this study knowing the capabilities of urea coating with activated carbon enrichment microbia in reducing the concentration of residues endrin. The objective were urrea coated activated carbon from coconut shell were enriched with microbes on paddy field can lower pesticide residues of endrin until 33.65%. This carbon as the preferred home. Enrichmentwith microbial indegenuscan improve theeffectivenessof ureacoating biochar andureacoatingactivated carbon coconut shell todecrease concentration of endrin
Penelitian ini membahas tentang Struktur Kepribadian Tokoh
dalam novel Mata dan Nyala Api Purbakarya Okky Madasari dan
Pemanfaatannya Sebagai Media Video Pembelajaran Novel di SMA
serta relevansinya terhadap pembelajaran sastra pada siswa di SMA.
Tujuan yang ingin dicapai adalah untuk mendeskripsikan dan
menganalisis struktur kepribadian tokoh berdasarkan teori Sigmund
Freud yang terkandung dalam novel Mata dan Nyala Api Purba yang
dapat diterapkan dalam proses pembelajaran sastra di SMA Melalui
novel tersebut. Dalam penelitian ini menggunakan deskriptif naratif.
Subjek penelitian ini adalah novel Mata dan Nyala Api Purbakarya
Okky Madasari.
Berdasarkan tujuan tersebut maka metode pada penelitian ini
adalah metode kualitatif deskriptif. Penelitian kualitatif biasanya
mencakup informasi mengenai kejadian pokok yang ditemukan dalam
penelitian, peserta penelitian, dan lokasi penelitian. Penelitian
kualitatif merupakan penelitian bersifat deskriptif menggunakan
analisis.Penelitian deskriptif sendiri untuk mengumpulkan suatu
informasi secara terperinci mengenai mengidentifikasi masalah atau
memeriksa kondisi, membuat suatu perbandingan atau evaluasi yang
Berdasarkan hasil analisis tersebut, penelitian yang telah
diuraikan pada bagian-bagian sebelumnya, diperoleh hasil 30 data
bahwa kepribadian Sigmund Freud yang ada pada novel tersebut yaitu
terdapat 9 kutipan id, 9 kutipan ego, dan 12 kutipan superego. Novel
Mata dan Nyala Api Purba dapat digunakan sebagai pembelajaran
sastra pada kelas XI di SMA. Yaitu menghasilkan produk
pembelajaran berupa video